Understanding Goddesses


1: A Female God 2: A woman whose great charm or beauty arouses adoration.AOL Dictionary definition 1998 version 4.0

So... who qualifies as a "Goddess"? If you are a female then you probably qualify.

If you are male you are probably married to one if not married, cheer up....you were given life to by one and there are men out there who are raising Goddesses.

I am a Goddess.


As a female I can list as my "Life Credentials" a Daughter, a Sister, an Aunt, A Mother, a Lover to many and a "Wife" (so to speak) to a few lucky gentelmen....and not to mention a friend to all.

I see what is happening to my fellow Goddesses and I am saddened.

I see mothers raising their children alone, holding down meaningless jobs just to make ends meet, and many without ANY TYPE of support from the men who was OH SO WILLING to put them on the road to child rearing in the first place....

C'mon fellas it does take 2 or haven't you figured that out yet?

I see fathers leaving their children fatherless because the responsability was too great and then the money to help out is too much so they don't pay their child supports either... not caring where their childs next meal comes from.

But will expect their ex's to be nice to them when the next visiting day arrives....provided they visit at all.

I hear women making excuses about why "Daddy" forgot to come see me X-mas or why he didn't call me like he promised.

I had a discussion with a "MAN" about women being on the front line in combat...how in this world of "equality" I can't do that.

Why?....I asked.

As it was explained to me, the reason being women are a distraction for the men.

Basically (not in his own words-beating around that bush again) men can't handle women that close because the men have trouble keeping their hormones in check.

If it scratches like a dog and licks itself like a dog...then it must be a dog....

Or a man.

Am I right ladies?

Man....a creature who has survived all these years with much help from "the weaker sex"


Man...a creature with SUCH a precious and fragile ego....they believe if it's bigger it's got to be better....

Get Real...

It all goes back to penis size.

(and by the way...to the guys- it's the quality not the quantity, no use being John Holmes' size if you don't know how to use it)


It's not all about sex and anatomy it's about everything...

Governments, Bombs, Armies and let's face it ladies..

They rule the world....

BUT time has CLEARLY shown...

They suck at it.

As a planet we are more screwed up than ever.....they have no one to blame but each other.

A bunch of chimps in the wild are more intellegent.

Wake up ladies!

Let's get together and take it back...

Put the whole thing in the hands of the ones who actually give life and let's face it...do all the hard stuff anyway....



Give me some feedback ladies I want to hear from you.......make your voice heard.

W.R.A.T.A. ---->
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Email: gaylefriend@cs.com