Gaylefriend's Tattoo Pix I

These pictures were taken by a good friend of mine....One of the last nice guys left on earth...Thank You, Mike, Sweetie.

July 3, 2001










My Dream Catcher Tattoo........

The original concept of this tattoo was done by myself and my "sister" Marie. My tattoo artist came up with the white buffalo...nice touch...was excellent idea. In each of the corners inside the ring there are initials. There is a K, J, S, C, K . They stand for Kathleen, James, Steve, Caroline, and neices and nephews. Their initials are arranged in the shield according to their ages...oldest (Kathleen) is on the top. The color scheme is "family colors".... used in all the native dress and jewelry and etc. to represent my family. This tattoo has sentimental value to was inked out of respect and love. And I am proud to wear it for the rest of my life. It's over 5 yrs old and still looks great! You can still see the white in my buffalo. It was done by a guy named Joe Byron Myers from Crossville, TN. He does OUTSTANDING work...well worth the $ and the drive. You won't be sorry.
My Dream Catcher Tattoo........

Is a cover up.....

It has T.W.Y. underneath (one of my ex's initials- was bad idea when I was 17).

The sun/moon was picked from a standard flash and was put together with my name.

The swirls were my tattoo artist's suggestion. (nice touch)

This one is also about 5 yrs old.....and still looks choice.

This tattoo was also done by Joe Byron Myers.

Good work Joe.