Zavad's Birthday's '01 - '02

Zavad's 4th Birthday

My mom found this in Martha Stewarts' Magazine. But it was all white with flowers on it....definately for a girl.

So, we "Boyerized" it.

My son only eats strawberry cake so, out with the white. And instead of flowers we used bugs and wild animals.

It turned out really nice.

Zavad's 5th Birthday

This year's theme was Batman.

We had the cake made at Krogers. It was really good.

It was so good that now we go buy them even when there's no b-day's and such occurring.

Zavad's First Fish
Summer 2002

He caught more than anyone else.....

6 good sized Brim.

He even ate the fish....

which shocked us all.

You go, Baby!