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The New, New York World Trade Center 2012

The new World Trade Center in New York City, is almost finished being built; and it should be done by next year in 2013. The new World Trade Center is going to be 1,368 feet tall; the same size that the original World Trade Center skyscraper was, and 119 feet higher than the Empire State Building, is. There is going a 408 foot high giant spire antenna on the top of World Trade Center; so, it is going to be 1,776 feet tall, altogether. The new World Trade center building is now up to 105 floors.

The New, New York World Trade Center is already the tallest skyscraper in New York.

World Trade Center -

New World Trade Center reaches 100 floors -

World Trade Center Becomes New York’s Tallest Skyscraper, Again -

New York City -

World Trade Center's $10 million antenna -

One World Trade Center: Construction Progress -

2 World Trade Center -

We Will Never Forget: Incredible Pics Show World Trade Center -

Memorial & Museum -

September 11, 2001 World Trade Center - videos

The 2013 World Trade Center Spire has been Installed