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World Trade Center 2001 (Part 3)

The World Trade Center North Tower 'Amec', and the South Tower 'Bolvis'; falls, on 9/11 terrorists attacks. The planes that hit the World Trade center could have also been military remote control guided jet planes; and the planes that were supposed to be used only had 20% of passengers, compared to other planes that that flew that day, that had 70% passengers on board. A drone might have been used to hit the Pentagon building? The events of 911 could have been a false flag conspiracy; because, 2.3 trillion dollars were missing from the Pentagon budget, where the World Trade Centers were hit. The twin towers fell at the same speed of gravity; so, explosives were probably also used. The World Trade Centers 4. 5, and 6 were ablazed from the flames of two hit world trade center buildings; the World Trade Center building 7 falls without being hit. American made Amtrax spores were sent to news medias and to two senators a week after 911.

9/11 False Flag Conspiracy - Finally Solved (Names, Connections,

Documentary of Proof That The 911.Attacks were Orchestrated

Just Found RARE WTC 911 Conspiracy Documentary

9/11 Attacks - Facts & Summary -

9/11 False Flag (Trailer) -

Casualties of the September 11 attacks - Wikipedia

9/11 Death Statistics -

9/11 Truth: What Happened to Building 7

[Must Watch] 9/11 Full The Painful Deception Truth & lies behind 9/11

Conclusive Evidence the 9/11 Planes were NOT REAL - Documentary u dont wanna miss
PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4 | PART 5 | PART 6 | PART 7

The Calm Before The Storm, Just Days Before 9/11 - NYC Pre 9/11

World Trade Center 2001 (Part 4)