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© I Promise You: BSB FANfiction & other stories

Chapter 4: Until Tomorrow

Kelley quickly walked by the make out session and headed towards the door. Nick looked up and ran after her. Her reached her right as she was on the last step on the bus. Her touched her left arm. "Kelley." Nick paused. He knew that he just broke his boyfriend code of laws by acting out his affection to someone other then Willa. "can we talk?" He looked her in the eyes. She looked at him back. "No one is on my bus, we can talk there."

"Yeah. We do need to talk." Nick and Kelley stepped off the 407 bus and walked to the Backstreet bus. When they got there, they sat down in their entertainment room, which was far cooler then 407's. "Nick.." she began to say but he interupted her.

He inched closer to her on the red leather sofa. "I have a girlfriend.." Now she interupted him.

"No shit." She looked at him. "Nick I wanna be with you. I like you a lot." Her hand touched his face around his mouth. "but I cannot allow myself to fall for you more everyday when you have a girlfriend." She stood up and leaned up against the wall. Nick knew that she was waiting for some kind of answer. He sat there and nothing came out. "And I won't just be someone to make out with when Willa isn't around." she said with a pissy tone. "If you think that you are just going to treat me like a party favor you are mistaken. God Nick, If you don't like me then tell me. Don't make me fall for you and then just pull the 'I have a girlfriend' card!"

Nick knew that he was falling hard for Kelley. He was sure that he didn't love Willa at all anymore. It was occuring to him that he never did. Right now Nick had to make choice. He knew what he had to do. He looked away from Kelley. "You're right Kelley. I was just using you." He lied. The truth was too confusing. "I just wanted to get in your pants. Come on Kelley, did you believe that me, a Backstreet Boy would commit to you?" Nick knew that he was going to hurt her.

Kelley had tears in his eyes. That was not the answer she was expecting from him. For the past three weeks, Nick was with her. They were almost attached at the hip. Nick is the only guy that made her feel this way. Hearing those words we like ripping her heart out and putting it in a blender and pressing frape. "Well at least you were honest with me." She started walking away.

"Kelley, I'm sorry if I hurt you." Nick said standing up. "I didn't plan on..."

"hurting me?" she finished his sentence. "Well you did. I should have been smarter then to let myself feel for you. I was so stupid to think that you would ever care about me." She turned around. "I think that it's best if we don't see each other for a few days." She didnt turn around. "Bye." She ran off the Backstreet bus and went to bathroom at the Reunion Arena.

"I didn't plan on falling for you too." he whispered to himself.

At The Same Time
"Are you serious?" asked Jamie.

"I swear he does that." replied AJ. "Please do not tell him that you know. He'll kick me ass. Well, he'll try." he said with a laugh.

"Oh wow, I have to go, he is on right now."



"Oh hun, are you still hooked on him?" asked Monique. "I do not want you to get hurt. I mean ya, he's gorgeous but there are tons of gorgeous guys on this tour."

"I know but I love 98 degrees. I'll catch you later. Bye guys." Jamie left.

"Anways.."said AJ putting his amrs around Monique's waist. "So you think that are gorgeous guys on this tour, like who? Me?"

"Yes, I said that."

"Listen." he said turning her around to face him. "I was wondering If you were not busy tonight after the show if you wanted to go out with me."

Monique looked into AJ's sexy brown eyes. "Yes." She didn't want to leave. But she had to go and round up the girl's minus Jamie for a group meeting. "Stop by at 9pm?" she said.

"Ok I will." AJ kissed Monique on the forehead and hugged her before she went to go meet with the girls. Alone AJ sat on the vacant floor of the dance room. Hey looked up when he spotted a person walk by the doorway. "Nick?" he asked. The body walked over to the door.

"Yeah." Nick said standing in the doorway.

"Dude, guess who has a date tonight with the lovely Monique of 407. Me!"

"Obviously. It's so clear that she is into you."

"Yeah I know, so how are things with you and your female and I don't mean Willa."

"I fucked up." said Nick. "I fucked things up real bad." Nick joined AJ on the floor. "I kissed her. I wanted to talk to her about it by telling her my feelings so that she knew I wasnt using her." Nick played with his shoe lace. "She got angry with me. The truth was to hard to explain to her. I am with Willa."

"Dude, you don't even love Willa."

"I know! I lied to Kelley, I couldn't hurt her anymore by showing her that I care and then pulling away at any sign of admiting feelings. I lied to her AJ. I told her that I didn't care about her and that I was just using her. How could I have been so fucken moronic! I screwed up so bad. What am I going to do?" Nick looked at AJ for an answer. "She is all I ever think about. Kelley is who I want to be with not Willa. I have to tell Kelley the truth. I lied to her and she probably won't believe me even if I say 'hello'."

"Nick, what you need to do is talk to your girlfriend and end your retarded relationship. Once and for all. Nick she drains the life out of you. Kelley makes you feel things that Willa couldn't even read about. Tell Willa its over and that you do not love her. Do it man."

AJ's cell phone rang. "Monique? Oh...well actually he is sitting right here next to me. Yeah sure hold on. It's for you."


"Hey baby!" said Willa. "I cannot wait until tomorrow. I have been counting down the days till I get to see you."


"Oh Nick, don't be silly. I know you didn't forget that I'm coming to visit you tomorrow. It was one of your best ideas. Well almost one. Like that one time when we were making love at my summer cottege and you did that thing with your tounge." she stared giggling. "yeah well it was almost as good. Well Nicky I have to go and pack. I'll see you tomorrow. I love you."

"I love you too." said Nick. "Bye." He handed the phone back to AJ.

"Dayum, you are just lying to all the ladies today. What did she say?"

"That she is coming to visit me. I totally forgot. Shit!"

"Now is your chance to tell Willa and Kelley the truth."

[ Chapter 5 ]