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© I Promise You: BSB FANfiction & other stories

Chapter 7: True Confessions

Beep! Beep! Honked the car behind him. The image of Kelley in his arms faded away as he looked up to see the green light. If only his vision of her were true. "Why am I so stupid." said Nick pounding on the stearing wheel. He sped down the street with the hope to reach Kelley and to discuss his feelings and the events that have occured after the past few nights.

On The Dream Bus
Monique and Holly sat in the entertainment room drinking coffee while Ashley and Erik played the Playstation 2. Melissa rubbed her boyfriend's shoulders to release the stress of losing to his band mate. Dan wandered over to the bathroom and kicked an empty beer can out of the way. He let out a belch and shut the door. "Where's Jamie and Allison?" asked Monique.

"They went to meet Izabel at the airport." said Kelley walking in the room.

"Wow, I haven't seen her a minute. It will be nice to have the whole group of us back together again."

"Jamie's hott!" said Erik not taking his eyes of the screen.

"Who's hott?" asked Dan rubbing his eyes.

"Jamie." repeated Erik.

"Yeah, she is hott, but she doesn't even compare to someone elses beauty." Dan looked at Kelley. Ever since their kiss, he had not been able to stop thinking about her.

Out of breath, Jacob ran on the bus. "Holy shit! You guys gotta check this out." The group followed him out the door and a few buses down.

"Chris Kirkpatrick, you have the right to remain silent..." stated the cop. The officer cuffed him and threw him in the back of the cruiser. "Ok folks there is nothing to see here. He climbed into his car and drove away.

"Yo J!" said Jacob running over to the curly blonde singer of NSYNC. "What happened?"

"Chris knocked up a fourteen year old. It was at a party last month. She said she was eighteen. She was fine. I woulda hit dat shit too. But you know I'm ballin Brit now so, you know."

"Yo man dats rough." Jacob scratched his goatee. "How did Po find out?"

"The bitch probably wants money or some shit. Besides she fucken liked it. I fucked her mom last night. But you keep that shit on the DL."

"Ya man, no doubt."

"I gotts to go. I needs to call our managment so this shit doesn't get to the press. We'll be fucked. Yo I'll chill with y'all later. I'm out." Justin got back on his bus while the group went to the 407 bus to chill.

"Aw man!" complained Erik. "You don't have PS2."

"Fucking cry about it." said Jacob sitting next to Monique and Kelley. "Dayum Monique you smell good."

"Thanks Jacob." She looked over to Kelley and mouthed "He's so fine!"

At The Same Time
"Allison I was wondering if sometime. No! Hey Allison. You know Allison. Your eyes are like silver pools of moonlight. That's gay! Since I'm free tonight. That the hell. Hey, how you doing? Oh wow I did not just say that." Kevin stared into the bathroom mirror. It was beginning to seem hopeless. "I can't even think of a way to ask her. I..."

"Who are you talking to?" laughed Kevin's dream girl.

"Um I was just think out loud about a song I'm working on."

"Oh really. Tell me I wanna hear it."

Kevin thought for a moment and looked in her eyes. " goes a little something like this. How would you like to have dinner with me?" He stopped and waited for a reaction.

She blushed. "Well it's a very lovely start." she smiled at him. "And yes Kevin, I will have dinner with you." She kissed him on the cheek and grabbed her jacket that Janelle borrowed and walked out the door.

"Yes!" screamed Kevin. "I have a date with Allison. Yeah yeah yeah. I have a date with a beautitful girl! Yeah yeah yeah!" sang the Backstreet Boy. "I am so..."

"Retarded!" laughed Nick. "Someone ODed on crack this morning." Nick grabbed a beer out of the frig.

"It's a little early for alcohol don't yea think."

Nick pounded the bottle of Cider Jack and put the empty bottle on the counter. "No." he said reaching for another one.

Kevin took it away. "Ok Nick, why don't find the real problem. You don't need to crawl into the bottle and escape your problems. You have to face them."

"Okay Frauline Maria. Can we go sing the hills are alive."

"Fine Nick, be an asshole. Don't forget that I'm your friend and only want to help."

"Okay, I'm sorry." Nick hopped up onto the counter. "It's Kelley." Nick told Kevin the adventure of seeing Kelley with Dan then the night and morning with Willa. "As you can see, I'm having a shitty time right now. So please excuse me for being rude."

"Nick, call Kelley and invite her over to talk to you."

"Can't you do it?"

"No! Nick, how can you have a potential relationship with this girl if you can't even call her by yourself. Here. Now call her."

Nick took the phone and walked into the entertainment room. He dialed her cell phone. After a deep breath he pressed send. "Hello?"

"Hi Kel it's me...Nick"

"I know.

"Can we talk?"

"We are right now."

"No, not on the phone. Will you come over. We need to have this conversation in person. Please Kelley."

"Yeah I'll be right over. Bye." She hung up.

About ten minutes later, Kelley came aboard the BSB bus. She found Nick sitting in the room where they had their last fight. The last time they spoke. She sat across from him on the floor. "Kelley the reason I had you come over was to tell you my decision."

"Well I thought you made it quite clear the other day."

"Kelley, please let me finish. Kelley Willa is here. She called me, I had forgotten that she was suppose to visit me because all I thought about was you. I lied to you Kelley. I said that I didn't care about you which is not true. Kelley you are all I think about."

"Then why did you say that to me." she said almost in tears."

"Because I'm a fucking moron. It was to hard to explain to you at the time. I had to fuck up before I knew what I lost. But I picked her up from the airport and we went back to her hotel. She said how she loves me and wanted to marry me."

"Nick, why are you telling me this." A single tear ran down her cheek. He whipped it off.

"I'm telling you this because I told her that I didn't love her or want to marry her. I ended the relationship with her and left. I went to find you." Nick looked at the ground. "When I found you Kelley...I saw and someone making out. Kelley I have never felt pain like that. So I figured that you didn't want to be with me for what I had done which is understandable. I didn't want to hurt you at all Kelley. I had to lie to myself that I didn't feel for you. So I went back to Willa's hotel. We.."

"I know, I don't need a picture."

"But it was so empty. Even though I said I loved her, I was saying it to you Kelley. I was thinking off you. And then this morning I said 'mmm Kelley' when she was playing with my hair and she kicked me out. We are through. Kelley I know that there is nothing that I can say or do to make up for the pain I've caused you. I just want you to know that you are the one that I want to be with. I love you Kelley and I choose us." Nick took her hands. "I choose you Kelley but, I have to except the fact that I hurt you. I don't expect you to forgive me. I just want you to know how I feel and that I'm sorry."

Kelley looked up at Nick who also had a tear coming down his face. "Nick, since the first moment I saw you I knew that I loved you. But since then I stopped loving the Backstreet Boy in you. I just fell in love with the Nick in you. When you said those things to me, my heart broke in two. Everything that I had felt turned upside down. I learned to deal with the fact that you had a girlfriend."

"And now?"

"Nick, I know what you did was wrong. But I know that you would never try to hurt me. I know that you just wanted to fix things. I forgive you."

"Kelley, you have no idea how awful I feel knowing what pain I caused you." He stood up. He took her hand and pulled her up. "I lost you once. I never want to lose you again."

"I don't want to lose you either. I love you so much." Kelley hugged him and they cried together. They kissed. "I choose us Nick. I choose us!"


[ Chapter 8 ]