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© I Promise You: BSB FANfiction & Other Stories
Backstreet to Main Street

On the tour bus, Howie and AJ are playing a friendly game of Uno while the rest of the bunch are watching 'Lassie Comes Home'.

Howie: Oh darn AJ! You won again. How the heck am I ever going to beat you at this game?

Brian: Hey Howie, watch your mouth. (angerly)

Howie: I'm sorry. Forgive me.

AJ: Let us go and watch the entertaining video with our chums.

Nick: Keep it down, I'm trying to watch!

The guys finish the movie and eat a healthy snack make up of tofu and peanut oil sauce and listen to Hanson cd's for the rest of the night. Howie curls up with Mr. Binki, his pale orange teddy and drools on his pillow. The next morning the guys wake up and are in Time Square.

Kevin: Hey, I just met four pretty ladies with funny names and they are so nice. They invited all of us to a party at their house and they said something mean. They wanted me to meet their cats with my friend and eat her cat later. I found that father disturbing. What do you guys think?

Brian: Fellas' I think we should proceed with caution.

Nick: We can go to that remarkable event after the concert at JJ Joney.

The boys had a wonderful concert. They cang their best. Right now they are walking to the 'party'.

AJ: Whatwas going on tonight?

Brian: Yeah, all those girls were like screaming our names.

Kevin: I know I was frightened by it all.

Nick: Well at least it's all over for tonight.

AJ: Now we won't have to worry about girls doing that tonight at the party.

Brian: We can just chill and be ourselves.

Howie: I'm so excited! It sounds so fun!

They walk up the long staircase and down the moonlit hallway. Howie notices something on the ground. He picks it up and reads it aloud.

Howie: Laaaaaateeeexxx cooooonnnnndddoooommmm. Boy I'd like ot live in one of those!

They knock on the door.

Ginger Snap: It's opened.

They walk into the room and discover that there are no other guys in the room besides them but they just figure that they were here early. A beautiful brunette named Candy Delight, walks over to Brian and puts her hands on his waist.

Candy Delight: Would you like something to drink?

Brian: Yes, a tall glass of milk would be nice. Oh and do you have any hershey's syrup to go with it?!

Candy: Ummm...ok. I'll be right back.

Ginger: Hey there sexy! (rubbing Nick's chest)

Nick: Excuse me! But why are you touching me in the impure mannor! I'm waiting till I find the right someone!

Jenny McCarthey: Hey what's your name?

Kevin: Kevin Richardson.

Jenny: That's a sexy name. Do you want to go and eat my pussy inthe other room?

Kevin: I think that is cruel and inhumane! How can you ask me to eat a poor defenceless kitty?!

Candy: Here. All we have is malt liquor.

Brian: What?! Are you crazy! Do you know if I drink this, someone will try to take advantage of me and maybe even you-know ummm ummm!

Jenny lites up a cigarette and AJ jas a fit.

AJ: (histarically) Did yo uknow that smoking causes lung cancer, empahazmia, and may complicate pregnancy! Put that out you are poisoning my lungs. Watch me die tomorrow of second hand smoke! Golly gee wiz!

Carmen Elektra comes over and stratals him and stars kissing his neck.

AJ: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! What are you doing?! Get away! Stop! Ewwwww!

Camen: What is wrong with you?! Relax baby, I'll take care of everything.

Ginger: Does anyone want to see one of my movies?

Kevin: You're an actress?!

Candy: Something like that. Roll the tape.

Then the movie went on and all you could see were two people rolling around in the sheets and you could hear heavy breathing.

Howie: What's wrong with that poor girl? It seems that she can't sleep because she is having an asthma attack.

Brian: No silly. (in a whisper) That's sexual intercourse.

AJ: hey is that what you four want from us?

Hookers: Duh!

BSB: Yikes! Let's get outta here!

They ran out of the apartment and all the way to the tour bus and discover that their bus driver was heavily into his 'recreational lad' magazine. They went right to bed and had sweet dream of the girls of theirs.


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