week by week news in the life of Jan and Mel

(Written; 25th July 2000) Afew days ago me and melisa decided to go on our usual bike ride but we didnn't expect it to be any different to our usual rides but we were wrong. Just as me and mel wass riding towards sutton and unexpected lampost came towards mel and her bike, unfortunatly mel's bike freaked out and trying to avoid the post she came towards me and my bike, my bike wasn't happy about this and almost rode into a gate. But before mel knew it she went flying up in the air and fell on the floor, but out of embarrassment she jumped straight back. fortunatly i managed to stay on. but mel decided not to trust her bike and walked to our bench. And now the poor lass is covered in bruises and scratches.

(27th july 2000) during the day nothing really happened, but saw dave (my b/f) but at about 8:30pm that's when the real fun started. Me and Mel went out for our usual thursday night out but how did i know this time would be different, First we went into Sharkies as we usually do, then suddenly out of the blue came a nick carter lookalike, well that wasn't a bad sight. but after we went to the toilets we came back and grrrr our seats had gone, but i must say i fell in love with this mans flares. After that we thought oh we'll go into planet earth and so we did, but the bar man was real tight and wouldn't serve us even though he did every other time but i think he had PMT. ( so i'll let him off) well our next stop was Venue, but just as we got there at about 9:30 Mark arrived and decided to come in Venue aswell even though he only said hello. Well we thought we'd get our favouriite drink (vodka ice) now you'd give us the bottle but oh no the bar man leon cantwell ( i'm sure he recognised us ) and gave us a glass of vodka with 2 bits of ice in, how dopey is that!! we couldn't drink it at all. so we crossed venue off our list and headed for good ol' macky D's. I'm sure everyone was out to get us cos two strrrrrrrrange people came uopto us and nicked mel's chips and they thhought they were in leeds!! oh dear so we made a quick exit and headed towards room. ( atleast that;'ll be safe well so i thought. We were stood outside waiting to go on and the kid we saw in sharkies was stood outside and kept making moves on mel as you can imagine she wasn't too impressed. so karrie's sister came to mel's rescue, well so we thought untill we got in. We got our drinks but we were too scared to get them so luckily Steve got them for us. And we did our fave thing and headed straight for the dance floor, we were the only two on at the time but who cares we certainly didn't. Well we went upto the bar to get another and who was stood there but that kid grrrrrr mel wasn't impressed so we pretended to be lezzies that soon got rid of him but not for long, well not till after he got off with almost every lass on the dance floor, and all me and mel could do was sit on the floor in stitches. But oh no!! he had spotted us and came towards Mel again grr the perv but he soon buggered off when we grabbed each others arms. But about a few minutes later we got up and mel got me to hold her drink!! you can imagine what happened next. She had tracked him down and gave him what he deserved, he never bothered her again!! Thankfully mark came along and started talking to us with Andy, and Mel and Andy soon found their tongues down each others throats so me and Mark went for our usual little walks and chat, After awhile i thought it was safe to go back and this lass was still at it, so we carried on dancing ( me and mark) Untill Mike decided to join us. oh dear i managed to get away from him by saying i liked Mark and it looked pretty strange when mark grabbed my hand and we walked off.(but it was all innocent) but we went to sit on the stairs as my feet were gonna drop off. So Mark got us both a drink and we sat done and i felt bit guilty so i tried giving mark the drink back untill someone walked past and it flew out of my hand. After about 30 mins talking we went back to Mel only to find her getting off with steven, and about 5 mins later it was Paul ( she says it was a favour yeah right!!) Well i got Mel to come to the toilets with me and i just go and drop my perfume down the toilet don't i!!! well everyone kept going in there afterwards. anyway we got back and soon after it was shauns turn in Mels mouth. so me and Mark walked off once again and i needed the toilet once again so gave Mark my drink, and on the way back downstairs this man stopped and gave me a piggy back down the rest, i didn;t know him but i offered to take him back up but i would of dropped him..heheh, anyway the night wore on and it was bout to come to an end, but Mel still managed to fit one more lad in another Andy ( i'm sure she has a thing for Andy's!!, anyway it came to an end but not till the cash machine swollowed mels card and ended up walking home cos a sertain some ( who i won't mention) decided to take our money!!. anyway we got back to mine and had a nice goss about the night and fell into a peaceful sleep, i must say that was the best night i've had in awhile and Mel to from what i could see

(july 29th 2000) Well today wasn't as good as thursday night but we had a laugh. We went in town to get the tickets for tomorrow if you don't what for then ure daft!! PARTY ON THE PIER ofcourse!! well it should be a good day if it doesn't rain or thunders *shivers*. Well enough well today, had to ring Mel to get her arse out of bed, him morning person ermm i think not! j/k love. well it wasn't all fun and glorie well it was mel's bad time in town and mine when we got home, well mel thought it would be good to jump on to the metal chair things intown forgetting about her knee. And before she knew it, it was bleeding and came through her trousers. she refused to stand up for ages which i jus couldn't resist but to laugh. I think Chris and his mate were wondering what was going on, but oh well. When she finally got up she made me walk in front oof her the whole time.It was areal nice day so we got some drink's and mel got a sarnie (after we got our ticket s ofcourse).Unfortunatly our little mates weren't there :o(. Ohwell after abit we decided to go home well after mel saw Steve and Daryl, (yup that Steve).Well it was soo sunny that mel came to mine to do some poem writing but as soon as we got to mine it got cloudy!! But we still went out, After abit we realized that the grey cloud was only over my house grrrr the weather doesn't like me very much. oh well here's the poem we wrote:

Andy Andy your so fine,
One day i hope you'll be mine.
At first i was so shy,
but you jus caught my eye.
But not too soon,
we went to room.
First i saw ure back,
Then you showed me your 6 pac.
You thought it was better then Steven's,
but i thought it was even.
Then you asked me for a kiss,
and i couldn't give that a miss!!
Mark told me you had a girlfriend,
but you told me it was at an end.
Please tell if it's true,
So i can say whether or not i still love you.

So what do u think?? it was mel's poem but we both wrote it.Anyway we came in to go on here and blah blah, We got bit bored and had a greeeat idea to go to shops but oh no what goes and happens the top of my belly piercing decides to go its on way, (it always did try to esacpe) so i was left topless (not in clothes sense) Mel had this idea on putting blue tack on it ermm yeah that worked for 5 secs!!.So mel was kind enough to lend me one of hers so we got up to go to her house and what goes and happens!! the bottom part decides to take off aswell,, grr, after about a few mins of me and mel freaking out it went back in.I wasn't gonna let go of that again. so we went to hers and jus as we stepped in to the door it started raining oh well least we got there in time. And then i came home and now i'm on here :)

(Written: 1st January 2002) Well a huge gap between the diary dates i know.. Well i kinda lost the password so i couldn't update it for donks and one things been happening after another.. anyway its back on the roll again. Anyway a few fotos taken from our nights out before i went to new market not brilliant but well hehehe.. well heres the first.. one of me and mel trying to attempt to take a picture of us two ( don't try it !))

our lovely big heads *cough*

Well anyway heres a pic or both me and mel on the way for out nite out... thrilling i know!!

me in the car mel in car.....

Well u;ll have to excuse the o so big pix. :S

Well the next pix are of me and mel having a drink in sharkies.......

me in sharkiesmel and wonderbra :P