ShOuT OuT's!

Hey everyone, We'd just like to say thank you to a few people who have been helping us out with this whole band ordeal!

Candice Thanks: Well, first, I'd like to thank my daddy for everything he's ever done for me and my band. I would not be the person i am today without him. I'd like to thank my mom for keeping me in shape! Yasha, Scary Dan, and Noggin, for being there, and sounding so fuckin good! ALL of my buds, in no perticular order, paul/dominique/jasmine/sabrina/mimi/matt hethrington/sasha/adam D/anus/thomas/matt/ steez/jonathan/maygen/lyndsie/jesiJB/quim/coreyP/ gay-han/marlena/and anyone else i forgot!!! Yo, a special shout out to my 3 kick ass cousins, NAN, DJ and NOEL!!! Lates!!

Yasha Thanks: This list could go on for ever, but mad shoutz to my family first for putting the dis-in functunal: my momma (Margie "K"), my dadda (Johnny Angel), my sister, my brother in law, and most of all my grandmother Alina R.I.P July 31, 1999-->she helped me grow and become who I am today with her love and support and still is with me. Nuff' with them.. spank you to Candice and the rest of Loser Denial, u helped a dream start. My Midland Crew, mostly tha' boyz for also helping me all these years. Everyone infilliated with the McCann's (the Oakwood crew).My peeps and the rest of the people from the bloor west village. here's a short list of people: jasmine/mimi/aidan/emily/ananda/jessiejb/jordanaslett/peterhungle/mark/jake/jesshishon/adamsas/lindaandtherestofthemccannfamily/moniquefromsaveferris/willfx/katemitchell/thejakabowskitwins/alexwallen yeh..the rest of u know who u are.. dont get mad, its like 2am. lates..xo Yasha

Daniel Thanks: (soon to be edited)

Adrian Thanks: (soon to be edited)