-Brad: Hey, we got James and we got Steve from Mindless Self Indulgence on the phone. How you guys doing?
James: I'm doing good man.
-Brad: Right on. Well let me tell ya' what we are gonna do here….we broadcast in real audio (also webradio) and we annouced the interview over a few internet sites….hopefully people will start calling up….but other than that we are gonna sit here and chat until we get some calls….we are gonna talk about some of the music….ah, where you guys are headed, and everything else. Sound cool?
James: Cool! Did you set that up so that you played Soulfly, then Rammstien, then it's us, then say that we are on tour with them.
-Brad: You better believe it.
James: You crazy boy.
-Brad: You better believe it man.
James: Ah, look at you.
-Brad: I'm hookin' you up. I don't know if Dave Ciancio has talked to you guys or not, but I'm the guy that wrote a review for you guys and put it on the webpage.
Steve: Oh yeah!
-Brad: Your number two here on the loud rock charts.
James: Who knocked us down!
-Brad: Static-X man.
James: Oh….that will do it.
-Brad: Static-x is the bomb.
James: Anything beginning with an "S" man.
-Brad: haha….and "S" ending with an "X", it all kinda fits in ya' know. You know, all I got here is that you guys have a special brand of industrial/jungle/kitty punk.
James: uh-huh
-Brad: We have been playing the tunes, and played "Bring the Pain" just a little while ago.
James: Cool.
-Brad: Do you guys have anything to say about anything….I mean I really don't have much to go on…you guys are hard to find information on.
James: Uh….I don't know. I mean all I would really do, being the upright citizen that I am, I would plug all my stuff.
-Brad: Well that's good. That is what we are here for.
James: Go buy the album "Tight". It's in stores now.
-Brad: So is it nationally distributed?
James: Well it better be.
-Brad: It was just released on the 20th. I heard from some people that went to the CD release party at the Union Square for Virgin over there that it was a pretty killer show. People were pretty surprised.
James: Who said it was killer?
-Brad: Dave Ciancio.
James: Oh.
-Brad: Yeah, he said it was pretty unusual, but it was cool. I think you guys are gonna work out well with Rammstien.
James: Yeah, it should be fun.
-Brad: You should have a good time. Anyways, we are gonna play a song here real quick, and I made some clean edits Steve, I don't know if Jimmy told you or not. We are gonna play some "Daddy" for everybody out there. Do you have anything to say about "Daddy"?
James: Listen to it and hate it. Every bit of it as much as I do.
-Brad: You don't like it?
James: I don't like anything I do really.
Steve: Niether do I.
-Brad: That brings up an interesting point. It kind of conflicts but your music is all kinda conflicting anyways. I got a definition of self indulgence…."an indulgence of ones appetite, desires, or inclinations. The opposite of self restraint and self denial."
James: It's true.
-Brad: Alright….well, listen up….here is some "Daddy". If anyone wants to call up and talk to these guys, they will be the next big thing, and they are doing the west leg of the Rammstien/Soulfly tour this summer, the number is 243-6226, and if your listening on the web the area code is 406. Here is "Daddy".
-Brad: That is "Daddy" off of Mindless Self Indulgence debut album "Tight" on Uppity Cracker Records. Isn't that correct?
Steve: That's correct.
-Brad: Uppity Cracker….what kind of name is that by the way.
James: Well, it was either that or Kill Whitey.
-Brad: haha….I think uppity cracker works a little better.
James: You know, it's what we are all about. We know we are all just a bunch of uppity crackers.
-Brad: Right on. Hey, I recommend anybody out there calling up and talking to these people. I got Jimmy and Steve from Mindless Self Indulgence. To get the positions right here we got Jimmy on vocals and Steve on gee-tar.
Steve: Yes……it's deffinitely GEE-tar.
James: Yes! Haha
-Brad: So, how long have you guys been together now?
James: Oh, about a year.
-Brad: Really? Wow.
James: We all knew each other from way back, but you know, we all hate musicians and just can't stand any of them.
-Brad: I'm a musician too man so ah….screw you.
Steve: haha….There ya go.
-Brad: And the boat you rode in on.
James: haha….and the "E" chord that wrote!
-Brad: Yeah….there you go.
James: Yeah, I mean I can't stand the whole musician scene type of thing. So I didn't really want to, you know I programed a bunch of songs and I wanted to do them live so I figured I would just do it with my friends, and found the friends that I knew could play certain instruments good or okay.
-Brad: I don't know if you guys would consider this a compliment or not considering you personalities, but I was talking to the music director here and we were reviewing the album together on our way to judge a battle of the bands in a town called Butte, and we were driving along listening to the CD, clearing it for lyrics and everything, and commenting on it. First listen he was like these "guys are cool", second listen he was like "these guys are all over the place", third listen he was like "dude, these guys suck".
James: haha….he got the right thing! He knows what I'm talking about! He figured out the puzzle, it's all a scam.
-Brad: I personally like it. But that is just me. I have really bad taste in music.
Steve: haha
-Brad: Really bad taste…I mean Static-x is number one on my chart. That's horrible. Ah…but like I said you guys are in fairly good company…in the past I have interviewed artists like Human Waste Project, Incubus, Fear Factory. This is kind of like a mini little rockline everybody.
James: Oh my!
-Brad: We are gonna play some more music here off of the album "Tight" by Mindless Self Indulgence.
James: Whatcha playin' now, whatcha playin' now!!!
-Brad: "Diabolical."
James: Oh.
-Brad: What do you think?
James: Sure.
-Brad: Oh.by the way guys..never mind, I'll tell ya on the break.
James: haha
-Brad: Here is some "Diabolical".
-Brad: "Diabolical" right there by Mindless Self Indulgence off their album "Tight". That was cool.
Steve: You like that one?
-Brad: I do actually. I was just wondering how the listeners felt about that sudden burst of volume at the end though.
Steve: Well, you know, it's supposed to break your speakers.
-Brad: So, do you guys have any little analogies about the music scene, or experiences you guys of had? Funny little stories?
James: Ah, nothin' really incredible. I mean there…we don't really fit into a scene so it's kinda hard to you know, we just play the silly shows and some people don't like it.
-Brad: How did you guys land the Rammstien tour?
James: Again you know, it was like one of those weird things. It's like you say "hey I need an agent" he he goes "You know what, maybe I can get you a tour" and you go "Okay, you get us a good tour and maybe you can be our agent. Something with fire". He was like "You could open for Satan or Rammstien" and I was like "well, you know….whatever".
-Brad: Living in Montana I don't get to see a lot of shows because I have to travel for hours, but from what I have heard and seen your stage show will work out nicely with Rammstien. Oh, we got a call. You wanna take it?
James: Do I wanna take it? Yeah!
-Brad: Okay…hold on.
James: Mom? Is that you? Mom?
-Brad: Your on the air with Mindless Self Indulgence. What can we do for you?
-Caller: Yeah, I wanted to ask them a couple of questions.
-Brad: 'Kay. Go ahead and keep it clean.
Steve: Go for it.
-Caller: All right. Um…..1, you guys seem to sing with a lot of energy…and I was curious when you're recording, is it something you just turn on and off….
James: You mean the energy?
-Caller: Yeah, like the way you guys are playing it sounds like your movin' pretty fast and everything.
Steve: It's all about speed man, and going crazy.
-Caller: Right, but is that something you guys can turn on and off.
Steve: Yeah, pretty much.
-Caller: Really?
James: Violent mood swings.
Steve: Yeah, haha…violent mood swings.
-Caller: haha…alright, and my other question was what other bands, if any, inspire you guys?
James: Ah, that's a good question my friend.
Steve: None and all.
James: Yes, exactually. I don't like anyone in particular, I just like litte bits of everything.
-Caller: Really?
ames: I'm really like ADD and like….I like that, I like that guy too, I like that guys video, I like that one chord in that one song, I like the way that guy plays guitar, whatever.
-Brad: Well that explains the music everybody.
James: Yeah. So it's never anything specific and the fact that I don't like a lot of stuff, probably makes it interesting and hectic.
-Brad: Hey caller, whats your name by the way.
Caller: Garrett.
-Brad: Thanks for calling Garrett.
Caller: You bet, you guys have fun.
James: Thanks
-Brad: Thank you.
Steve: Later bud.
-Brad: That brings up an interesting issue though. When you guys are recording, was that the first time you have actually been in a studio? Did you do it live, programmed down, how did you do the whole recording process?
James: Well, the recording I will just write everything, program it all out, and when the song is done the way I want it and I have all the kids come in and lay down the live stuff.
Steve: We did it all together, yeah. We played it live as a band with the sample track, you know what I mean? Programming stuff aside, everything else was done all together in the same room which is prolly why there is a lot of bleeding on it.
-Brad: Just so everybody knows this is Jimmy doing lead vocals and Steve doing Gee-tar of Mindless Self Indulgence. There are also two other members by the way….Kitty and Vanessa.
James: We had Vanessa but she is gone, we have Kitty…here, say hello Kitty.
Kitty: Hello.
-Brad: Hi Kitty how ya' doing.
Kitty: Pretty good.
-Brad: Cool...well do you have anything to say to the folks in Montana other than get off that horse?
Kitty: haha...okay.
-Brad: ah..I guess not. You play drums right?
Kitty: haha...what?
-Brad: Kitty plays drums right?
Kitty: what?
-Brad: You're the drummer? Me drum...boom boom?
Kitty: Yes...haha
-Brad: We are gonna play some "Molly". Do you have particular song that you like off of the album "Tight"?
Kitty: I like "Diabolical", I like uh….I don't know if I can say it on the air.
-Brad: The all night one?
Kitty: Yeah..."Kitty all Night".
-Brad: "Kitty all Night" is what we usually say.
Kitty: haha...I'm giving you back to Urine.
-Brad: You back man?
James: I'm back!
-Brad: We are gonna play another song called "Molly".
James: Okay.
-Brad: People can call us up down here, the number is 243-6226, area code 406. Here is "Molly" from Mindless Self Indulgence for all you freaks out there. They are going on tour with Rammstien this summer.
James: I like fire.
-Brad: "Molly" right there by Mindless Self Indulgence off the debut album "Tight".
Steve: Gosh darn it those guys write quick songs don't they.
-Brad: hey, we were just talking about personal favorites of songs, "Molly" you really like a lot. Do you guys have any particular song writing process that you use?
James: Ah…whatever comes up I guess. You know I would say that the only thing that is consistant is that everything is sacraficeable. If I come up with something and I come up with like a cool chord and a cool verse and I also write this amazing bridge I can scratch the whole rest of the song and start over with the bridge. Just keep doing that until you know I get something that I like. Keep it short and don't bore them.
-Brad: They are actually pretty short and that is a question I had. You guys do have quite a bit of material other than what is on the album don't you?
Steve: Yes we do.
James: We have quite a bit of material and we are mixing another record right now.
-Brad: Oh really?
James: Yeah.
-Brad: Well send one my way guys.
James: I will when it's done.
-Brad: We are still taking calls down here…the number is 243-6226 and the area code is 406. We don't have much time left with these guys….gonna play one maybe two more songs and talk a little bit more and call it quits.
James: So in about 15 seconds…..
-Brad: haha…we are gonna play "Grab the Mic" next.
James: Ooooo.
-Brad: I think is was Steve...you were talking about "Grab the Mic"?
Steve: Oh yeah, oh yeah, all the time. Yeah, I like that song.
-Brad: Hey why don't you give out your web address for these guys real quick.
James: Sure….it's www cause they all start with that unless your on another planet cause then it's sopmetimes XXX but it's www.mindlessselfindulgence
-Brad: That's pretty simple. Do you have anything to say about "Grab the Mic" before I kick in.
Steve: Naw...just go by the record cause your missing the intro.
-Brad: Alright you freaks out there that is "Grab the Mic" by Mindless Self Indulgence off their debut album "Tight". In case you are just tuning in these guys are doing the west leg of the Rammstien/Soulfly tour this summer. Kudos to you guys. Not much time left so we are gonna play another song.
James: If we keep talking we will be able to play the entire album.
-Brad: We are almost through it now…there are a few tracks I want to play like "Kitty all Night" but it's not happenin'. Right now we are gonna play Tornado. You guys have any words of wisdom before I play "Tornado"?
James: Yeah, knock the dust off your teeth, it will help you keep a clear chi and noone will sue you.
-Brad: "Tornado" by Mindless Self Indulgence. That's the niceity nice for radio edit isn't it? The clean and fresh scented for radio edit.
Steve: You can use it under your arms.
James: Hang it in your car.
-Brad: It's better than Irish Spring.
James: Uh-huh.
-Brad: Hey, I want to thank you guys for calling us up and doing this. I wish you guys the best of luck if we don't talk again.
Steve: Okay
-Brad: and if you guys are home sometime on a Friday night, I doubt you will be.
Steve: We are home right now.
-Brad: You guys should check out the radio show on Real Audio sometime. Your hear some of your stuff on the radio.
James: Sure. E-mail me the address if I don't have it already.
-Brad: Sure….www.kbga.org/4hours/. Thank you so much for calling up Jimmy and Steve.
James: No problem.
Steve: Thank you Brad.
James: You cut it up man.
-Brad: Thanks guys. Thank Kitty as well.