Little Jimmy Urine and Steve Righ? Over-Indulge A.P."

(AP)I hear superstars all over the world love your band. (RIGH?)All these big names like us as their pets,they throw us in these slots, and when it comes time to wipe our asses, they can't be found with the toilet paper. Every once in a while, we get a leaf or something. Hey, what's this story for

(AP)Our feature on "The 100 bands you need to know if you call yourself a music fan." (RIGH?)So what are we tryin' to do here?

(AP)I don't know, regale me with witty repartee. (LJU)Okay. The main reason we do this stuff is that we're bored.

(AP)Mindless do provoke extreme reactions... (LJU)I don't care if audiences throw stuff at us, or if they like us; it doesn't matter. But you better do something or I'm gonna come out in the crowd, smack you around and MAKE you do something.

(AP)Your fans are quite rabid. Either that, or they eat dishwashing degtergent. (RIGH?)We have a little network going on the internet. Pretty soon I'm going to ask them to kill in my name (LJU)Dude, Harriet Tubman ain't got nothin' on our underground.

(AP)What about people who think you're just a joke band? (RIGH?)The people who get us don't seeus as a joke. Sometimes...nah, I'm not going to get into it.

(RIGH?)'Cause then you'll think I'm smart and you'll ruin everything.

(AP)At least you're not faking anger. (RIGH?)We're angry, but instead of bitching... (LJU)We got over ourselves. You're gonna die tomorrow, so get stupid. I can go to Tower Records and get specific: "I come from a divorced family but I was never sexually abused." Then the clerk will say, "Okay, you want THIS new-metal band..."

(AP)So are Mindless the Next Big Thing? (RIGH?)No. We are the tunnel. You gotta get through us before you get to something REALLY good.

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