This was my first Jim Cuddy Band show, and I loved it!
Before the show I met up with SaraR, Darlene, Waterbottle, and Dayna. We found Dianne after the show. Dianne was sitting in the front row of seats, and the rest of us found a spot centred, on the grass, but we all ended up in the front row, right against the fence for the encore.
The show started right on time at 8:30 and didn`t end til a bit after 10. I know us discussion board peeps enjoyed it, and I think my parents and b/f Matt enjoyed it also. I caught Matt singing to quite a few songs, and he even pulled me up to dance to New Year`s Eve. And he really got into it when Jim played Trust Yourself (matt`s fav).
The band was in a great mood too. Anne was bouncing and playing like crazy on her violin. She did an awesome solo for Five Days. Jim was really interactive with the crowd and Colin. He commented on the garbage strike in TO, Colin being from Hamilton and that he was hoping to find his parents, some guy in the front was sitting straddled across the main power cord and Jim said he had a lot of faith in the shielding, he kept saying that Colin was a real great guy. A little ways into the show he asked if there was another band playing, then said they should do a jam with them. Someone in the crowd yelled out that it was Greg, and Jim goes "Greg`s over there? Hey Greg, come over here! Nah, it wouldn`t be him." *laughs* We also got treated to Baz singing "Lil Ole Wine Drinker Me".
After the show we talked to Jim (he remembered me giving him the barn/calendar, and he said it was in the studio over the computer, then he asked his son Sam if he remembered the barn and said that I had made it), Anne (she recognized us and was glad we had made it out), Bazil, and Colin. In order to talk to Anne and Bazil, and Jim a second time (where I got his waterbottle), we had to go inside the enclosure. Dianne was talking to Colin and he invited her in, so she grabs my arm, says "come on" to us, and pulls me inside. So that`s how we got in there. That was pretty cool.