Auburn, Maine 04210
Phone (207) 786-9960
Now you're asking what does .com play? They play everything you hear on the local rock station, and they also write their own music. Their ability and dedication to learn songs proves that they are an accountable and devoted band. At an average of learning two new songs a week, they are very committed. Learning these songs, they provide a wide selection of music, including newest hits for the audience.
Their building is located in Auburn, Maine, with three offices and a warehouse converted into a "nightclub" to practice their whole show, daily. The band also has a 32 track recording studio in the building where they are recording their first CD together. Any time you would be interested in a tour of the facility, just make arrangements with them and they will be happy to give you a free demo in action, at the studio. You will be impressed with the total committment of this band.
They have one thing on their minds, "give the people their money's worth!" I can assure you that you'll get far more than expected. From special effects, to the .COM girls, who are the dancers that act out skits with the band, for a great visual experience.
So, if you are looking for something new, see an amazing show, and have the best party in town, you'll have to hire .COM!!! What do you have to lose but the best show in town?
Robert Mennealy