Chapter 1
Nick came running down the hallway, trying get my attention. “Hey B, wanna go
swimming? Hey where’d Sara go? I think this is the first time I’ve seen you without her.”
“She went to go get some soda. She’ll be back in a little while.”
“Wanna go swimming with me and the others. Please!”
“I spose I could, but maybe I should....” I was cut off by Nick.
“Wait for Sara, I know. Come on! She may be gone for another hour! Just leave
her a note on that stylin’ hotel stationary that you went down to the pool and she should
come down there with us.”
“Oh, I guess I will. I haven’t spend much time with you anymore have I? Well,
you’ve been drooling over Megan too though.”
“I know. So you comin?”
“Yeah, I’ll be down in a sec.”
“Time’s up!”
“You’re gay.”
“No, not actually.”
“That’s right your not gay anymore, just a fatty, bloads!”
“Shut up about my bloads, they’re sexy. What’d you talkin’ ‘bout? Hurry up. I’m
gonna head down.”
“Okie Dokie.”
“Now that’s gay.”
“Just leave.” I changed into my Old Navy swimming trunks and went down to the
pool. Luckily, it was in the basement, so I didn’t have to go through the lobby, where all
the fans were. Not that I don’t like the fans, but now I just didn’t want to talk to them. I
was trying to have a good time, I really was. There was just something wrong. I knew I
had to learn to go without Sara for an hour or two, but it was really hard.
“Common, B! Get in the water! It’s nice and warm!” pleaded Nick.
“Yeah, Bri. It’s great! I’ll try not to drown you,” said Meg, trying reverse
physiology on me.
“Reverse physiology doesn’t work on me. Sorry to disappoint you Megan.”
“Damn. Oh well, get in anyway.”
“I suppose it can’t hurt.” I stood up, backed up, ran and jumped into the pool,
splashing Megan and Nick on my way in.
“Damn Brian. What a change of heart,” said Megan. Kevin, Howie, Amy, A.J.,
Lia, and Amber swam down to us.
“Let’s play underwater tag!” shouted Amy.
“No, let’s play Marco Polo!” suggested Lia.
“Yeah, let’s play Marco Polo!” said Amber.
“OK. OK wit everyone else?” asked Amy.
“Sure,’ we all said. “Why not?” We were acting like such little 7 year olds. But I
was Marco first. We played that game like we were little kids. You would of thought
that Nick and Kevin were, fighting with each other saying stuff like, ‘I got you’ and my
favorite ‘you did not.....I did so!’ We played for about an hour than headed toward the
hot tub. I stayed there about twenty minutes then said, “Well, I’m gonna head back to the
room. I wanna see if Sara’s there yet. She’s taking forever!”