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I Want...

By: Bekkie R.

Want the whole world to know me
Want NBC to show me
Want a mansion on the beach
Want it too far for anyone to reach
Want Eminem to make fun of me in song
Want Sisqo to send me a thong & say it was wrong all along
Want to dress like a drugged-up hippie
Want to kick Regis & his damn show out to the Mississppi
Want to sniff wite-out til I start to spin the room
Want to smoke pot with Green Day til my heart goes KABOOM
Want the city of Newark to scream when I'm around
Want the local library to pierce my ears from the sound
Want to be able to play the guitar
Want to be able to sneak in a bar & smoke a cigar
Want to be perfect in every which way
Want to live nextdoor to every guy in Green Day
Want my pictures to always turn out great
Want to be as thin as I was at age 8
Want a million dollars so I can buy a new house
Want a bigger yard so I have room to bury my dead mouse
Want to ask God how long I'm gonna live
Want to have extra money so I can finally give
Want a new dog cuz mine's all f**ked up
Want to win the lottery so I can put down my begger's cup
Want to be famous so I can finally live for something
Want to finally be able to stop always wanting
