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You Betrayed Me

By: Bekkie R.

Something you told me the other day hit me like a rock
You're making the biggest mistake of your life
I'll help you pack your bags, but it's gonna suck
If you leave & never come back I just won't give a f**k
I thought we said "Best Friends 4 Ever"?
If you're willing to throw away all those years, then I guess I'm willing too
After all, all my decisions were decided by you
I guess you know what's best for me, cuz all those years you always knew
Now you're leaving, leaving me for good
You're not coming back & I couldn't care less
Cuz I finally realized you've treated me like s**t
You stabbed me in the back, now I can't even sit
Cuz I'm always thinkin that I'll never trust anyone again
Look what you've done to me, you stupid bitch
I'll pack your bags myself & kick your ass out the door
And I hate myself for not doing it long before
Never come near me again, trying to make conversation
And never think we could ever be friends again
And don't think this is a phase, & let it pass
I think you're really lucky that I haven't kicked your ass
