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Not Pleasing You

By: Bekkie R.

Sometimes you can't help but stare
What makes them so unique?
You've been stuck in the gutter all your life, now they expect you to help them?
F**k that
What've they ever done for you?
Feelings are the tingly feelings you get in your heart when you love, or when you hate
Doesn't your heart get the tingly feeling when you think how great it would be to kill Britney Spears?
"Everyone's unique & special in their own way"
Yeah, you're unique & I'm "special"
You're hair is perfect & your clothes fit. My hair looks like a f**kin parrot & my clothes have holes on top of holes
Why do people expect me to try my best when I know I'm gonna fail?
And why do people care if I give a s**t about anything?
Because I don't, & I never will, & if that's wrong then I'm going straight to hell...well I knew that anyway
"All I know is that I don't know nothing"...& I also know that you people better get off my f**king back before I kill you
Who really gives a f**k if I don't take Gym class, or if I dye my hair, or if I wear baggy clothes, or if I don't give a f**k?
There's nobody in this f**king world that could really tell me what to do & I would listen becuz not that many people have a huge impact on me
So if you don't like it...good
I'm not here to f**kin please you
