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Unforgotten Sorrow

By: Bekkie R

He's alone in his world but doesn't show it
He cries himself to sleep but noone knows it
He's the biggest loser to be found
And in the end he'll be the only one left hanging around
I watch him walk passed kids 3 times his size
He fails to be ignored, even if he tries
The schoolyard leaches threaten his miserable little life
Telling him he wants a husband, not a wife
Telling him he's too short to play their game
Telling him he's too damn ugly to ever get laid
He sucks it up and hopes he'll see tomorrow
I hate to see him drowning in his unforgotten sorrow
But still I say no word, I'm keeping my mouth shut
I pity him and want to help anyway I can, but
I'm scared to hell to tell him how I feel
Then his reality would really feel unreal
So he's still the biggest loser I know
Cuz I didn't open my mouth & let my feelings show
All he wants is some sense of relief
That's why he sits in bed & cries himself to sleep
