

First off, everything is FICTION. I do not necessarily believe that Hanson is, acts, or does anything the way they do/are in the stories. Second, I'm unfortunately not affiliated with Hanson in any way other than being a fan, please understand this. Thirdly, these specific stories DO NOT go in chronological order. More often than not, unless stated otherwise, they are at totally different times, dates and places. Specifically for The Bathroom Chronicles, the story names are things you would find in a bathroom. It gives these stories more unity, and each has a deeper meaning. I admit some are farfetched, but you have to have a creative spin on it to understand them. And finally, you must enjoy every story greatly (just kidding :). Okay, you don't HAVE to, but if you do, e-mail me and tell me: blackkatt1983@hotmail.com. (e-mail me and tell me if you don't).

Thank you -
Rachel, author


Email: blackkatt1983@hotmail.com