



They write inspiring music
That enlighten me in new ways
They give me the courage to
Face all the new days.
Sometimes they make me cry
Or laugh so hard I pee
But no matter what the mood I'm in
It feels they speak to me.
It's good to know that someone relates
To all my problems and joys.
They even have the same fears as I
And writing these lyrics are boys.
The words are touching to my heart
And are filling to my soul.
These boys understand the way I feel
And make me almost whole.
It seems they face the same things
That I go through every day.
And that helps me see daily things
In a new and enlightened way.

VOTE FOR MY POEM "GIFTS" HERE(go to the bottom and click on the radio button next to my name!!!!)

The Fan

I watch you from the floor,
Looking up and only hoping,
Hoping you notice me, smile at me, glance at me.
I go unnoticed, like everyone else,
It hurts being the fan.
You pay attention but you don't.
You notice but don't remember.
I'm just another face in the endless crowd.
I buy all your albums,
I know the words to all your songs,
I watch you from afar,
Because I'm the fan.
I make you who you are.
Sometimes you see fans make a band.
Sometimes you thank them.
But you dont take time to know us.
Its hard to be the fan
One face of a million,
Only hoping to be noticed,
Hoping you'll see the true fans.

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Email: blackkatt1983@hotmail.com