


The light seemed bright to Zac's eyes on this early morning trip to the restroom. Zac rubbed them, blinking violently to try to focus on himself.

"Come on Zac, wake up. You've got things to do this morning, people to see, and a beautiful girlfriend to visit." He reminded me of both Isaac and Taylor in many ways. He filled the sink as Isaac would, almost to the brim with water, not planning to use near that much to wash his face. Then, he would scrub his face like Taylor, as if it were a glass doll that he feared would break.

"Zac ole' boy, she's finally back in town and you get to see her! Two months is waaaaaaaaay to long for her to go away, she should never leave you alone that long again! You might die!" Zac spoke to himself in third person. He stole a small amount of Isaac's aftershave and splashed it upon his delicate cheeks. He then grinned into the mirror, staring at his nostrils.

"Good, nothing is up there. I would hate to do what I did last time! Little boogies, you'd better stay IN my nose today! Special occasions require you by law to stay up there, and you all should go to jail for violating that when she went away." Zac never failed to make me laugh early in the morning. I just wished he'd share his natural funny talent with everyone he met. I knew he couldn't just open up to anyone though, he had to have a shred of private life. I watched as he turned his back to me and soon heard the noise of liquid with force behind it meeting liquid that is primarily still. A sigh of relief spilled from his lips and he leaned his head back, relaxing or thinking. I'm still not sure which. A slight rap came upon the door.

"Zac, open up, I just need in for a sec."

Zac rolled his eyes, "All right, come in." As he flushed the toilet, he walked over to the door, unlocking it for Isaac.

"I'm next you know, I'm just doing a pre-prepare for the purpose of getting..."

"Shut up Ike. You're nervous. You haven't had a date in over a year and you're nervous. Please just do your first check and get out so I can fix my hair." Zac was fairly irritable in the mornings. Not someone you'd want to wake up at three in the morning or something.

"All right grouchy. I'm nervous, but is this bathroom not big enough for the two of us? I'm just checking things over."

"Whatever, just do it quick," Zac waved his hand at Isaac.

"Okay grumpy, I'll be out in a jiff." And with the swipe of fingers through his hair, Isaac left. Zac locked the door behind him. He then approached the sink again, removing his shirt. He began scratching his sides and examining his chest, puffing it up to see how big it could look. Finally he smacked his stomach and grinned, reaching the point where he was out of his "morning mode" and into his "joyful afternoon" self. I think the lights shine on him a little brighter each time that happens. Quickly, he brushed his teeth, replaced his shirt and was gone, lickity-split out the bathroom door. I couldn't wait until he got home and told me all about his date.

Zac ran to Isaac's calls. He watched as Taylor was taken away, he watched as Walker had to remove Isaac from the area, and he watched as the bathroom that was so full of commotion one second, became incredibly vacant in another. A look of shock and sadness washed over his face, and he stepped meekly into the bathroom. He looked around as if he was studying everything, making a point to remember it all, because if he could help it, he'd probably never step foot in here again. Zac approached the sink, fingering the gray marble. He then looked blankly into his reflection, and walked away, leaving the light on.

Zac was phased on this day of grief. He straightened his tie, and looked at himself formally. He placed both hands on the edge of the sink and stepped back, allowing his head to droop and rest on the sink. He then looked himself in the eye. His eyes weren't empty and dead, but its almost as if he hadn't yet comprehended what happened. He subconsciously grabbed his brush and began long strokes down his hair. Upon reaching a knot, his head would lean in the direction of the pulling brush until the knot broke. Zac wouldn't flinch, but he beared his teeth as if fighting the pain he knew was more than he could take. Finally he gave up and broke down. The brush slipped from his hands and he began to sob, watching as two and three tears rolled down his face at once.

"For every tear that you cry," he sniffed, "two tears fall from mine." And with that, he made his final exit through the bathroom door. I felt myself become empty. Reflecting is not a hard art, people do it and don't realize it. They reflect who they are through outside appearence and how they handle themselves, as well as just little things they do. They do things to show people their personalities without knowing it. But the lesson I've learned is that anything is easy to reflect, but you can't reflect nothing.

LIGHT BULB - the next story in the series

Email: blackkatt1983@hotmail.com