



Okay, sometimes you worry a little to much,
and sometimes I have an attitude.
Whether I want to or not, I mirror you,
but I notice you mirror me too.
The taste in clothes that you have,
went out years ago.
But that doesn't make me love you less,
I just don't shop with you.
You still see me as that little girl
bright eyes, shiny hair, flowered dress, but I've grown up now
and have changed, hopefully for the best.
You have taught me all you could
in the time we've spent together
but sometimes I wish I could go back
to the carefree days.
Those were the days when all you said to me
were, "Hold my hand" and "Look both ways."
Days when I didn't have to worry about
car crashes, death and destruction.
Oh how I miss the shield
you used to protect me
cause now I'm finding out
that the world isn't so good afterall.
But thanks to you,
I'm going in prepared.
I'll face every day with my head high
and shoulders straight (posture; you taught me that too).
All this poem is really doing
is saying 'Thank You.'
For the time and sacrafice you have made,
Thank you.


I love the way you sparkle in the early morning light,
I love the way you rest upon a rose pedal just right.
I love to see you crystalize in the winter's freezing air,
I even love how you drip away, quickly but with care.
I love the way you make the grass, stick fast to my shoe,
I even love your name because its plain and simple: dew.

God Did Well

God's blessed me with a family,
I hold dearest to my heart,
He made my life with a plan in mind,
I'm not just something he conjured up.
He'll always be there in my need,
and be there to show me the way,
I have to take it upon myself to follow,
choose right choices for every day.
I want to make him proud
and just to let him know
God did well by making me
and I like to make it show.

Imperial Fear

It grasps me tight in the midnight hour,
Like a shadow with unforgiving power.
Capricious in figure, I never see it's face.
Often it leads me to a deserted place,
Where it tortures my soul and makes my heart race.
I've been too afraid, and often deplored,
That my soul won't fight the fear unexplored.
Now I'm avenging this grievous creature.
No longer my foe, but now my teacher.
It always attacks what is then my best feature.
I have struck back and begun to impugn.
To it's strong venom, I now seem immune.
Enthralled by my bravery, to overcome this feat,
I've broken free of the lord of the leet,
Like a flower petal, free, but still smelling sweet.
Complacent and happy, I receive my life.
I have no more pain, no suffering, no strife.
My heart and soul coalesce to be one,
It finally feels like the fight is done.
Toward the end it seems as if I've won.
Laudible are my actions, not giving into the plea.
Never be mobile and tempestuous like the sea.
Stand for your belief, your fate and your goal.
Keep hold of your mind, your heart and control.
Don't let imperial fear take over your soul.


A lonely September evening,
A cold September day,
The leaves falling slowly down,
And die there as they lay.
A lonely snowflake drifting,
To the purest ground,
To land upon a big snow drift,
Or on a snowy mound.
No longer a lonely bird
is starting a family all anew,
Building a nest with her lover,
As the winter bids Adieu.
A lonely child's playing,
Summer's finally here,
Waiting for his friends to come,
The day is warm and clear.
Mother, Mom, or Mommy

What this name means to me,
and so many others,
is love, hope and dreams.

Mothers are kind, generous types,
with bright smiles, sweet kisses,
and a killer hug that can last forever.

You are my mother,
and are special at that.
An uplifting soul,
who helped shape my life.

God gave you to me,
or more, me to you, years ago.
And we have to live with that,
it won't ever change.
College will be hard on us,
we'll both have to let go,
but that comes with growing up you know.

You'll come and visit me
and I'll have a real job,
my own house and maybe,
just maybe, a family.

But one thing that will never change
is that you will always be my mother,
whether you're mother, mom, or mommy.

My Bike

I discovered an old friend, it was sitting in the garage
covered in dust and cobwebs. Many summer memories held in it.
In holding the handles, I remembered when I got it.
That one Christmas morning I rose early to find it, fit next to the tree, imagine my surprise!
It shined so bright, in the Christmas spirit and lights.
Now it's gleam was oh so dull and dirty,
but the love I had had for it caused the nostalgia.
I wheeled it from it's grave of a corner,
and sat upon the seat I once knew well.
I changed the gear speed like I use to,
fiddling with it until the chain moved smoothly.
I took off feeling the wind in my hair and reminicing of how fun
these rides really were, before I got "real" wheels of course.
My friend and I shared a lot for a few moments,
but then I parked it back in it's spot, where it would remain
probably for years to come. I'm sorry, my friend, that we only lasted a couple summers, I mentally apologized.
I only wished that I could have had more time with it.
And with the energy of a few steps, I walked into the house,
only seeing my old friend again when I crossed it's same grave.


Alone in the world, no one to turn to,
She walks away, she just ignores you,
Why do you feel all alone,
Why doesn't someone help you,
It makes you feel like a stray.
Sometimes everyone is a stray,
No one is there for you,
No one will lend a helping hand,
They all turn their backs on you,
So you fall back into the bottomless pit
The one you strayed from.

Through Others Eyes

If I could turn the world around
and see through other's eyes,
I'd experience a young man's pain,
the pain before he dies.
I'd see the kinds of reasons why
we kill our fellow man.
And I'd probably even see why others
give a helping hand.
If everyone could see the world
from another's point of view.
I think this world could be much better
for our children's lives, dont you?


Eyes are greenish-blue and deep like the seas.
Lips of dark magenta waves hide secrets of the past.
Skin, a tawny peach, with crimson tides of blush.
Hair is like silk sheets of tumbleweed and copper.
Body's like a rock, enough impress my like.
Face looks angelic, innocent and sweet.
Eyes reveal your feelings, deep beneath your skin.
Lips express your hidden passion and ask to be kissed again.
Skin begs for attention, and all the girls comply.
Hair shines and begs to be twisted around a finger.
Body is smooth and just a little rough.
Together these features make you. You are perfect.

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Email: blackkatt1983@hotmail.com