
This is the section where I put up pictures of Hanson that I've taken, or that I'm in. Some pictures will be linked to pages, so don't be afraid to click on them!


This is what my autographed copy of MON looks like. I got it signed at KISS FM STUDIOS on 2/18/00.

This is when Isaac came through the door of the studios...I was one of the first people to notice him.

This is me behind Zac. It's not that great of a view of me, but its a nice one of Zac and Taylor. Isaac is signing my MON cd here.

This is my picture of Taylor. I was just kind of aiming and clicking, but for some reason, the crowd parted and this picture came out perfectly (even if my camera's flash had not been working ALL MORNING!) So this picture is a minor blessing to me.

Yep, that is me and Hanson. This is the picture that I wish I had known was coming. I don't even remember anyone taking pictures, but apparently the Kiss crew was. I was so surprised when I had seen myself in this picture online...I was ecstatic! Hopefully, I'll snag another like this one, only maybe we'll all be facing the camera. Who knows?

Finally, this is a picture from Kiss Party. Taylor had run over to our side of the stage about 4 times before this, so I knew I had to act fast. It was the last time he did it....lucky me! I have a good one of Zac that my friend took, and some from the Arlington concert that are good enough...I just don't have a working scanner. So when that works again, I'll scan 'em.

Email: blackkatt1983@hotmail.com