


Poems are an escape for me.
I write them when my hand and my mind coalesce for mere moments. Its enough time to make something that will tell you what kind of things float through my mind at various points of the day or night. I do not ask for opinions on my poems only because poems are more about my soul, my thoughts and my dreams, not how well they are or aren't written. I am about to open a window to my soul to anyone who cares, and maybe to those who don't as well, but either way, I hope you enjoy them.
Oh, and just as a little warning, I have close to 90 poems typed up, and I'm going to put most of them on here. I have broken them up into categories to make it easier. Also, if I update a poems page, I'll say which page is updated on the UPDATES page and what poem was added. I will always put new poems at the top, then when they get a week old or so, I'll move them to alphabetical order. And one more thing, I ususally write about realistic things, and realistic things involve cuss words amongst other things. Read with caution.

Friendship, or Friend Inspired
Hanson Inspired



Email: blackkatt1983@hotmail.com