

Note: Some of these will be Hanson related, some won't. If you care, get over it. :) Oh, and if I borrow these from somewhere, I will credit the author, otherwise, they're written by me.

9-27-00: I learned today that rejection sucks, but it's a part of life, so take your losses and MOVE ON. I was rejected, though, I'm not really even upset. I was so proud of myself for actually taking the chance, that it was overseen that the guy doesn't like me. Oh well, live and learn people, LIVE and LEARN!

9-23-00: I realized three things today:
1. Work should not interfere with homelife and therefore home should not interefere with worklife.
2. I am seperating myself from my family.
3. Moms and dads get mad for the most idiotic things sometimes!

OKay, now for a little explaination. On number one, I don't think that work should overlap your homelife. What you do on your personal time should have nothing to do with work status unless its illegal. And on that note, nothing that happens at home should be brought to the workplace. Keep homelife at home and worklife at work. I'm guilty of the latter, but as I was thinking of some of the rules at our work, I stumbled upon what was summed up as, "You can't date people you work with." I don't think this is fair. That is something you would do on your own time, in a personal enviroment. Hopefully the two would be mature enough to be able to keep it under control at work, but apparently the company does not care. I just thought that was stupid.

To cover the second point....I noticed today that I distance myself from my family, even when we go out. I don't mean to, its like, natural instinct. I am always a few steps ahead or behind them, I don't really join in conversation, I just sit back and listen, I zone out when I'm around them, I consider my friends more as family than my actual family...just things like that. I notice I do the little things a lot, and I'm a little worried about it, but not really. Just thought I'd share.

And on the final noticed thing, we were in the car and my mom kept yelling at me for talking. She took everything the wrong way and gave me no time to explain anything. She knows now that I can prove myself to her when I'm right, and I think she's scared she's going to look bad or something. Who knows. Life really blew in the car on the way home though today. Life goes on.

9-17-00: Have you heard the song "Teenage Dirtbag" by Wheatus? If not, you have no idea what I'm talking about, but I love that song. It totally describes how I feel/am in some parts. I don't know, I just relate to the feel of the song. I always get a crush, dream about them, but then feel as if I'm transparent to them. I'm kind of an outcast, as in, not a prep, but I love being that. And saying that they are the "teenage dirtbag" is like saying "I'm just a regular outcast" to me. I feel like he doesn't know who I am, and he doesn't give a damn about me, but I'm wasting all these emotions on him, ya know? Then I finally start to get over it, and I'm like, "Well, guess he doesn't know what he's missing out on," then I find out he does know who I am. He may not like me, but he knows of me. And sometimes its like the end of the song, where they finally get together because she was like him all along, he just never realized because he didn't have the guts to talk to her.
Can you tell I'm relating this to a specific guy? Yeah, I am. All my friends say "GO FOR IT!" and I am scared shitless. I don't want to ruin a friendship for fear I'd never get it back if I get rejected. I'd be weary around him if he turned me down. Poo, I dunno, I'm just a big scaredy cat when it comes to stuff like liking a guy. I'm afraid to take that chance, then when it passes me by, I kick myself repeatedly for not going for it. "Next time" I tell myself, when there could be no next time. *starts writing this down - poetry material* Anyway, thanks for listening guys. I know you really could care less about my problems, you've got your own. I just like knowing I have an place other than my journal that I can write comfortably in.

9-15-00: Mary Tyler Moore must have been really hot if she was able to turn the world on with her smile!

9-14-00: Here are some neat sayings I came up with:
There is no such thing as just one person making the world go round. A world, united, is like a network of people, all linking together to accomplish things, great and small.
Remember to keep a head level and think of the consequences that come with everything you do. You are only responsible for yourself.
Create enough memories to last a lifetime. You've been given a lifetime for a reason.
Learned who "me" is and that it is okay to be an anomoly.

9-11-00: I think Hanson understands how we can get as fans sometimes. They are very understanding about how crazy their fans are, but I think they relate to how we feel in the sense that we absolutely adore them. The music is what got it started, the looks are a plus (personalities are a plus plus!) Okay, the reason I think this is because of the song, "Can't Stop." Now, I've always gotten that message from the song, but today I decided to share it and see if you guys agree with me. If you don't, are you sure you're listening to the words? K, thought I'd share that knowledge with you guys!

9-7-00: Wow, first I learned something in English, now in Economics. This is a quote from my Eco. Teacher, Coach Howard, "Don't have champagne taste if you're working on a beer budget, because you won't get anywhere!"

9-6-00: Being nice doesn't usually hurt anyone.

9-6-00: Today in English, we were learning about Heros. We learned that there is a difference between a hero now, and a hero back in old English times. Then, they were based on courage, strength and virtue. Today, "heros" are celebrities, and their heroic deeds are their talents It is, still, all face value now. My teacher, Mrs. Black said heros, specifically today, are music, movie and sports stars. In thinking hard about it, I realized she was right. That just intrigued me.

9-5-00: A little thought, a little time, a little money, and a lot of love combine to create the best gifts!

9-5-00: Patience is virtue. If you're in a hurry and driving, no matter what, something or someone will slow you down, so you might as well just take your time and not get frustrated. You will get there sooner or later. Plus, I always think of it as, maybe because I'm stuck behind the slowest granny in the world, I am not getting into a car wreck, or I am not getting pulled over by some hidden cop. Makes going slow a lot easier on the nerves. :)

9-5-00: A bra filled with padding is uplifting. A bra filled with toilet paper is a mess.

9-5-00: Appealing to the eyes is not always appealing to the heart.

9-5-00: If you create your own path, you tread new ground and discover things you never would have known. But if you follow in others footsteps, you will end up caught in their circles.

9-4-00: Don't take advantage of your friends, especially those really special ones. As Hanson cliche as it really is, "hold on to the ones who really care, in the end they'll be the only ones there." No matter how mad you are walking out that door, or how hard you smash that phone down in the cradle, say "I love you" before you do it. Cause if something were to happen, being mad at them would be bad enough, but not saying, "I love you" would be twice as bad.

Tommorow is the FUTURE
Yesterday is the PAST
And today is a gift, that's why they call it the PRESENT. - Author unknown

8-29-00: Teenies: Hanson will never respond to your screams/cries/faints. If they respond at all, they will cover their ears/feel bad/laugh at you/RUN. OKAY? So, save yourself some voice/water/oxygen to your brain, and don't do any of the above. And please, don't mob them or their family, and don't try to hug them or jump on stage and junk. It's dumb. And people hate dumb things, sooooooooo get it? If not.....sorry, ask someone.

8-28-00: Isaac has truly showed us all. Wanna know why? Well, while listening to MON, I stumbled upon the memories of long-haired, brace-faced, geeky Isaac. All I can say is look at him now. The surprisingly unphotogenic Isaac has transformed into a smooth skinned, trimmed, primmed and propered sexy man. Now, I always thought he was good looking in person, but I saw him in pictures more than anything (no pun intended :), and I thought he looked nastay (as many of you did....come on now, don't lie to yourself, you thought he was pretty creepy...not to mention kind of obnoxious). Lets all give him a hand, and if you liked him way back in his '97 days, give yourself a pat on the back.....you can read the future. I'm surprised some overlooked his future self, but hey, sh*t happens people.

8-28-00: Most people (specifically in Texas) get their licenses out of either a Cracker Jack box, or their *ss, so watch out for those people.

8-28-00: If you learn to drive in Texas, you can drive ANYWHERE!

8-28-00: Texas can be typed with one hand when you have your fingers the RIGHT way on the keyboard ("asdf jkl;").

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Email: blackkatt1983@hotmail.com