

He Contradictions

He stands alone, in a faceless crowd,
He is so quiet, but the silence so loud.
He begins to talk, but no one is listening,
He's always in the dark, with no light glistening.
He may be rich, but feels so poor,
He feels so friendless and nothing more.
He continues to live, but feels deceased,
he pretends to be happy, but his tears are released.
He gambles with his future and runs from his past,
His life is now over, shattered like glass.

Infinite Sadness

Infinate saddness now comes wrapped in a box.
You shudder when you're happy and rage out when you're not.
Making up your mind is a simple task gone wrong.
You complete me then desert me and expect me to act strong.
If you want me for a second, you just come back for more.
You dont care if you hurt me, if you're spared the blood and gore.
I wish that you'd just care for me, maybe hold me tight.
And once you'd stay a long time...even the whole night.


I sit alone
Together with my soul
My mind buzzing
With new ideas
What am I thinking?
What am I feeling?
Are you mad? You ask
I shrug and smile
I pretend to be somewhere else
I hate being mad
Especially at you
I hate this temper,
this attitude
But I can't break the walls
of all this grief
Anger is life
and life is grief
Life is the barrier to my happiness
Everything ends in Misery.

Raining On My Heart

It took two looks,
To notice the void.
The emptiness fills,
My dying heart.
Although I've loved,
I still have lost
My greatest friend
Without a trace.
The day'd been sunny,
The storm moved quick and quiet.
Like the storm that was raining,
Raining on my heart
I write this thought,
For a dearest friend
With hopes she'll remember me
Until the end.

Sorrow and Gloom

As wind blew quick,
Leaves fell beneath the tree.
Sorrow and gloom,
Were brought back to me.
I held him tight,
In my arms,
And remembered sacred.
His wonderful charms.
He died that night.
I lie awake.
And God rest his soul,
That He did take.
Forgive me now,
And call me selfish,
But one more chance,
Is all I wish.
One more day,
One more hour,
To show the love,
I gave had power.
I write this poem,
As he sleeps.
Restful forever,
My heart he keeps.

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Email: blackkatt1983@hotmail.com