
Superstar Swap

"It won't hurt, you'll just feel tingles run through your body, kinda like when your foot is asleep, and then you should be transported," Dr. James Glosson smiled.

"I'm still not sure I understand this though. Okay, so you set me up on this machine hooking those little electro-whatevers.."


"Yeah, electrosatellites up to my body, then you power the ..." I stopped at a loss for the name of the machine.

"Super Permeation Technoglossen, or S.P.T."

"Yeah, that thing, will then transport my soul and thoughts to another person's body. So I will become them, and in turn, they become me?" I questioned.

"Yes, it will be virtually painless, and it will take a little bit of adjusting, but you have to remember, you are the human guinea pig. This has never been tested before on humans, and that's why I'm paying you so much. Thats why you also signed the policy that states if anything goes really wrong, we pay all your doctor bills or whatever. In other words, we're totally catering to you. If you feel any strange discomforts we didn't go over, we'll stop the process and I'll have the mechanics check it again. The only thing you really have to do is keep a journal of your experiences in the other person's body, and we'll take care of the person who replaces you," James explained.

"All right, how long will I live inside this other person?"

"Well, the reverse will take at least a week, there's one kink the mechanics are still working out. They do know exactly how to fix it, and they are on it, so I'm giving them a week to get it totally fixed and ready, then I'll give you as long as you want. There is a transistor that you will be able to use to contact me and I'll be able to switch you back immediately with it. I'll put it in your hand as you are transporting to the next body, but don't forget, it won't work until one week after you've switched bodies."

"Wait, what was the kink?"

"Well," he smiled nervously, "it has been transporting objects to other spots. Like, just to try an inanimate object, we hooked up an apple to the S.P.T. and once we used the reverse on it, it went from the table, to a chair in the next room. But like I said, they are on it and know how to fix it."

"Okay, so is it guarenteed that I'll get a woman's body?" I did not really want to get stuck in a man's body, being the woman that I am.

"Robyn," James's tone softened and he put his hand over my own, "I can't guarentee anything. That's why this is an experiment. You have to understand that this is all new. Rats and humans are two different things, and if it works on rats, it doesn't always work on humans, so we're testing it, hopefully on you. If this works, we could make a breakthrough discovery in the scientific world. We'll go down in history...together! We can make this work with the right mindset Robyn, we really can."

"I guess I'm ready then." A thousand different things were racing through my mind. I had always hated science, but now I was a good friend of mine's science project! James and I go way back, so that created a trust that I based this experiment on. "I'm trusting you James."

"I know, just lay back on the table and Mary will get you hooked up to the headgear, then I'll power the S.P.T up and you will be off into another world, almost literally." I was glad he was so confident in his machines. I'd seen him really screw up some rats before, but I just prayed that I could have faith in this S.P.T. thing. Mary had me put this weird metal hat on, and tightened it against my temples. I then layed back onto the table and James started counting down.

"Five, four, three, two, one," he flipped the switch and I felt an electrocuting shock, then I felt the tingles he'd mentioned. New thoughts ran through my head and the last one I noticed before falling into a sleep stage was, I hope they have a piano.

I opened my eyes.

"James, it didn't work. I'm sorry, and I felt a little shock..."

"Who are you talking to Tay?" I sat up and looked around. My vision was blurred and I rubbed my eyes to try to focus. I squinted trying to decipher the now unfocusable things around me.

"A side effect is vision that is extremely blurry," I noted to James.

"Tay, are you talking in your sleep again? Taaay?"

No one was named Tay in this room. I rested my hands beside me. That's when I realized I was no longer on the metal table. My hands flew up to my head and I wasn't wearing the metal hat anymore. None of the electrosatellites were stuck on me either. It had worked. IT HAD REALLY WORKED! I noticed a small chip wrapped to my hand. The transistor. I placed it safely in my pocket, then I wondered if I was Tay.

"Tay?" A plethora of blond hair peeked down from above me. I was in a bedroom and now noticed I was on a bottom bunk. I looked beside me and behind me. I guessed I was Tay.

"Yeah, sorry, I don't know, I was just day dreaming again." The only thing about the vision thing was that it was really screwy when I was suppose to know people. I rubbed my eyes again and blinked numerous times. My vison began clearing up.

"All right weirdo, I'm going downstairs to get a bite to eat, you comin?"

"Nah, I'm not hungry, I just a.." Wait, I didn't know if Tay had just eaten or not. "I'll just grab something later. Thanks."

"Wow, you've never gone like an hour without food, let alone a whole morning and afternoon. You're scarin me now, I'm leaving," and with that, the blond kid left the room. Despite the sight problems I was still having, I decided to look around the room and see what I could find out about this "Tay" kid that I had now become. Did I really share a room with this guy, or was he my friend or what? I rubbed my eyes profusely and finally, my vision was to the point where I could do more than just make out what figures were. I regained the part that can be most important in sight, detail. I opened a closet door and immediately spotted a mirror from the side, I flipped on a light switch, closed my eyes and turned to face the mirror.

"Okay, on the count of three Tay. One, two, three." I opened my eyes and almost had a heart attack. Staring back at me was none other than Taylor Hanson. I rubbed my eyes again. I checked myself out over and over making sure my eyes just weren't fooling me. That meant that the blonde had been Zac! I didn't know what to do. I was TAYLOR HANSON. How was I suppose to know what he did, or how he acted?!?! I thought back to my theater class. The most important part of expressing things in acting, is facial expressions. Good time to remember that part! I began making faces at myself in the mirror, finding out what I looked like while doing them. I crossed my eyes, stuck my tongue out and pulled my cheeks to the side, attempting to try to see myself, when Zac walked back in.

"WHAT are you doing?"

"Laykin hayses ah myfla."

"WHAT?" He asked wide-eyed. I returned Taylor's face to normal.

"Makin faces at myself."

"Oh." Zac cocked his head to the side, then abruptly turned around and walked back out the door. I continued on making new and different faces at the reflection. Apparently Taylor can't do a whole lot of tongue tricks like I can, but he can move his eyebrows seperately, and can touch his tongue to his nose.

"TAYLOR!" I heard. I quickly realized that I would have to start answering to that name, and that my exploring of Taylor and his body had to stop momentarily.

"COMING!" I yelled, shutting the light out. I then bolted out the door and down the stairs to find who I guessed to be Diana. "Yes?"

"Taylor, how many times do I have to ask you not to run down those stairs."

"Yes mom."

"Funny Tay, really funny. Don't be a smart aleck, its Aunt Terri, not MOOOOM," she mocked. Uh-oh, this would be harder than I thought.

"You know I'm just kiddin with you Aunt Ter!" I patted her on the back.

"Careful Taylor! You know I just had surgery!" She winced.

"OH! I'm so sorry! I really did forget! Oh, man, I'm so sorry!"

"Taylor, you really are the most gullible thing I've ever met," she chuckled and walked off. I wondered if Taylor had a temper as I did.

I decided to start writing down my experiences. I found an empty notebook on Taylor's desk after dinner and started writing.

"Dear Journal, eee that's so formal, okay...."

Dear James,

My first experiences as Taylor Hanson are quite interesting. I didn't know anything at first and a side effect was blurry vision that lasted about ten minutes. It is sort of awkward to be in someone that you actually know's body, and I'm very curious about this body. I know you knew James, but I'm a big fan of Hanson, so discovering that I'M Taylor was quite a find. I opened a closet door to nose around and get a clue about myself, when I discovered a mirror. I looked in it and studied my facial features, but was then called for dinner. I mixed up my Aunt for my mom right away. Strike one for me. Dinner was extremely hard because things that I liked on a normal basis, Taylor's mouth refused to take. Green beans are a good example. I love them and could eat pounds and pounds of them, but when I put some in my mouth, I almost gagged. Taylor most definitely hated them. He didn't like corn either; now we were going to have a problem. At dessert I discovered he hated chocolate pudding, and ended giving mine up to Zac, my younger brother. He kept staring at me all weird like. No one else noticed anything, they just all talked, and there were a lot of people in Taylor, well MY, new family. Nine Hanson's counting myself, and Aunt Terri, who was mom's sis, and her three kids, Uncle Buddy, who's Aunt Terri's husband and a neighbor named Jake. He and Isaac seemed to be good friends. Oh, there was also a very pretty girl sitting next to Ike named Michelle. She and Ike seem to get along very nicely, I think they might be together...

"Tay, we need to talk," Zac burst in. I slammed my journal shut.

"Don't you know how to knock?" I asked, use to having a younger brother.

"Not when its my room too. Now, what was with you at dinner. You've been acting very strange since you woke up from your 'day dreaming' earlier. I'm kinda worried."

"Don't be Zac, everything's good. I'm just not feeling like myself today." I laughed inwardly at my pun.

"Well, I hope you're better tomorrow, we have a baseball game to play and I need you in your right mind."

"I'll be great Zac, don't worry." Good, baseball was something I could play. I waited awhile until I heard Zac's rhythmic breathing, then I opened my journal again.

After dinner, in OUR room, Zac approached me about acting weird. I may just end up telling him what's going on because I need someone to coach me. Speaking of coaching, I have a baseball game to play in the morning, so I need to get some rest. I hope my softball knowledge comes back to me, I could really use it.


I awoke to a very annoying alarm. I searched around for it, then attempted to turn it off, with no luck.

"Turn it off Tay."

"I'm trying!" I opened my eyes and looked at it. I finally found the button and slammed it. It was eleven o'clock.

"Zac, what time is the game at?"

"Eleven thirty."

"Well, its eleven." I stretched.

"I GET SHOWER FIRST!" Zac flew off the top bed and into the closet. I guessed this was a ritual.

"Okay," I nodded.

"Okay? OKAY? What do you mean, okay?" Zac asked, walking towards me.

"I mean, okay, you can have it first."

"Is this some sort of trick, like, I start taking my time getting my clothes and you jump into the shower or something?"

"No Zac, it means you can have the shower first, I'll wait my turn."

"Taylor, you are so fickle."

"Thanks," I grinned.

"Wipe that pretty girl smile off your face," Zac laughed. I narrowed my eyes at him. I hope thats not just a girl thing. "Sheesh, I was just joking ya sour puss." He got his clothes and left for the bathroom, which I watched him walk to so I'd have insight as to where it is. I then got up and started rooting through drawers in a dresser. These were most definitely Taylor's clothes. I thought about what Zac had picked out to wear, then in a bottom drawer, I found the matching outfit with the number twenty-four on the back, along with the name T. Hanson. I was amazed that Taylor and I shared a lucky number. I then walked over to the bed and pulled the journal out from under the bed.

Dear Journal,

Today we won baseball! I went over to Billy's house afterwards and we...

"Wait a sec, this isn't my journal!" I scanned to the bottom. "See ya, Taylor." I found Taylor's real journal. Gee, we think a lot a like! First we have the same lucky number, and now we both shove our journals under the mattress. Okay, so that isn't a lot, but anyway. I put it back and took mine out, reminding myself to read it later.

Dear James,

Well, today has just started and Zac is already suspicious. I did manage to find Taylor's baseball outfit, so I'm doing well enough so far. One big thing about today is that I discovered where the real Taylor has hidden his journal. Its the same place I hid this one, under the mattress. I'm going to read it so I know more about Taylor and how he acts. When I lifted the whole mattress up, I found what I call, back issues: other notebooks that are either Taylor's old, filled up journals or notes or something. I'll worry about it later. I can hear Zac coming down the hall which means its my turn in the shower. Talk to you soon.

I walked down the hall and grabbed a towel from the hall closet as I'd seen Zac do. I got into the bathroom, locked the door and began peeling away clothes. Then I realized something......I was about to see parts of Taylor Hanson that most fans only WISHED they could see. I was just so use to showering with myself that it was no big deal, until I thought about who I was. I was now down to my boxers and I was scared. Maybe I could just take my boxers into the shower, and therefore save face for Taylor. Or not. I slowly removed them, almost afraid to look down. Not only would this be my first look at my whole self as Taylor, but this would be my first sight of a real man. I was a good girl as me-Robyn. I took a deep breath, flung off the boxers, and opened my eyes. What I saw surprised me, in fact, I bit my tongue not to scream. This was going to be hard to deal with, some what literally in most cases. I was going to have to get use to this, and hopefully quickly. I hoped into the shower and made it quick. Once out I heard banging on the door.

"TAY!" Zac's voice called to me.


"The game's canceled because of rain, and Melody called."

"Okay." Since the game was canceled, I decided to use my time to read Taylor's old journals. I discovered that this Melody chick was just an obsessed fan, that seemed normal, and she was brainwashed into thinking that she and Taylor had been together for a long time. Taylor had been fooled by her at first and agreed to date her, but then he discovered her crazed obsession and told her he didn't want to see her anymore. He said she still called, but he just said he'd call her back, and never would. I noticed a candid snapshot of her with Taylor. He had his arm around her so that must have been before he found out. She was gorgeous with long, white blond hair, that picture perfect model figure and face, and the biggest boobs you have ever seen on a skinny girl. Suddenly I felt myself hardening. My cheeks flushed and I realized I had a boner. ME OF ALL PEOPLE! Dammit Taylor's body! She's nothing to get that worked up about! I didn't know exactly what to do, well, okay, so I did, but it was about wanting to. I decided to postpone it. I thought about old greasy grannies and other such horrific scenes, but nothing could calm this boy down! After a little while the pressure began to build I decided it was time to just deal with it and get over it. Every guy did it at some point in his life.

After I finished "business" I looked through the rest of the journals, learning so much that I didn't know about Taylor. I sort of felt bad for going through his journals though, cause it was snooping, in a sense. He's really good with writing detail. I was glad he had James and Mary to talk to about being me, because I wasn't good about detail. I just hoped he would be understanding about when I was obsessed with Hanson back in 97. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair, then I released a sigh and pulled the journal back out.

Baseball was canceled for a rain out, so I'm here. I found out about Melody, who is very beautiful and seems a bit crazy. She thinks she and Taylor are dating and she gave me a boner! I'm here for an experiment, not to screw with Taylor's life, but I had to.....I experienced what happens when you tend to "business", as I call it. This is so much harder than I thought it would ever be. After I realized I was Taylor, I thought being a fan would help me out some, so I would know things about his family and how he acts. I'm not sure if my knowledge is hurting me or helping me yet. I really need someone to talk to about this, I need that insight and I'm seriously contemplating Zac. He and Taylor seem to be close because they share a room. Isaac has his own room, the girls have a room together, then Mackie and Zoe share. I am slowly learning more and more, and like I said, the journal helped, but I have now exposed the only privacy he really had, and I feel so bad for that. I'm just going to say now, that I'm sorry Taylor, I know you're probably keeping one of these too. Anyway, Zac mentioned something about leaving for Dallas next week. Hopefully I'll get to go by your place, James. Maybe I'll even see Taylor, er, me, or whatever. I don't know how to assess this situation yet, so I'll be thinking about it.

I closed the book and was again called to dinner.

"Tay!" I was being shaken.

"Wha? What Zac?"

"Dad says we have to practice tonight, I hope you look over your new music." Zac patted my arm and took off. I could tell he knew something was seriously wrong, but he didn't want to ask me. So what did I do all that day? Stare at music. I am so glad I can read it. I thanked my mom silently for forcing 8 years of piano lessons upon me. By the time it was time to practice, I sounded like I actually belonged at the keyboard.

"That was a very good practice guys, you should do great in Dallas. If you keep that up, we should have no problems whatsoever. Let's go for ice cream."

Dear James,

Today was our first practice, well, my first practice as a band. I was pretty proud of myself because I studied the music all day today, and we did such a great practice, even dad clapped. Ike gave me a few pointers, and I think maybe his antennae are registering something weird with me also. I know Zac is onto me, he talks to me less and less everyday and I'm afraid I'm going to ruin their relationship. I have to tell Zac. We went for ice cream afterward. Tomorrow mom and dad are going out all day for their anniversary. That means we have to babysit. Now, so far I know that Zoe is pretty sweet, but can be a little cranky with her two and a half year old self, Mackie is WILD at six, Avie is a pure, calm, brilliant nine, Jessie is trying to find her place in the world at eleven, and of course, the rest are history. So anyway, that's what's in store. I'm getting use to being Taylor now, not only behaviorally, but mentally as well. In fact, its pretty fun and I actually, well, I don't know if I should write this, but its all in science right? Okay, I actually did something that every guy does in his life.....yep, I took advantage of the body parts I don't normally have access to, and, well, I jacked off just because. I didn't have to look at Melody's picture, I just did it. It was awkward at first, but now I know how it feels on both ends of the spectrum, you know? It pretty much is the same, pleasure-wise, either way, but maybe I'm liking having a penis a little too much maybe. I guess its just excitement of a totally new experience.....I hope. Well, I've let off way too much information about myself now. C-ya tomorrow.


I suddenly felt the urge to pee and pulled myself out of the tremendously wonderful dream I was having. Taylor and I had met and were..........romantically involved. Why do we always have to pee in the middle of the night? I sat up and felt the bed. Seemed I was a little to late to pee in the toilet, yet I still had to pee. I rubbed my eyes and walked to the bathroom. At least my aim was improving, the first time I peed as Taylor, I missed the toilet completely. I should probably have written that in the journal, but I figured I'd go back and add it. When I went to flush, I caught wind of a dark spot on my boxers. Well I'm certainly not on my period! I looked a little closer and realized my boxers were soaked. I touched the spot, then sniffed at it. It wasn't pee.

"What the...?" Then it hit me. I was in a guy's body, so therefore it would react like a guy's body in a dream. I'd experienced my first ever wet dream. That would make the papers! I found clean sheets in the linen closet and changed my bed and my boxers. Being a guy wasn't as easy as girls thought. They may not have as much trouble as we do, nor as much pain, but they still have some bumps along the road. I returned to sleep, cursing all the way into my dreams. I was really beginning to show the mindset of a guy.

Dear James,

We're actually on our way to Dallas right now. We have a concert tonight and let me tell you, I'm glad I can read music. We babysat yesterday, and I didn't get to write because I was exhausted. All this morning was hustle-bustle packing and arranging and stuff. From the looks of it, its pretty hard work to be a star. It's good to know that I'm still me, and its now officially weird that I am two people. See, I've realized that no matter what body you're in, you're still you, but you just begin to accept different things into your life. I'm growing and changing everyday that I am Taylor. I may be in Taylor's body, but no matter what, I'll always be Robyn. That's where it gets complicated though because I'm Robyn AND Taylor right now. I thought this would be a lot of fun, but its a lot of work and there is so much to mentally comprehend! James, make your victims very intelligent people please. Anyway, back to Taylor's life: When we get to Dallas in twenty minutes, we're going to go straight to the venue and set up, then practice, then I have four hours of downtime, some of which I'll be spending at your office. The transistor won't work until the 24th, so I have to ask all I'm going to ask right then. I hope mom and dad let me go, cause if not, I'll pull a magical getaway. This is going to be one hell of a day. Write later.

We landed in Dallas at approximately 3 P.M. and left straight for Reunion Arena. The roadies and such began setting up stage, getting electrical currents going the right way, perfecting the lights and doing stuff like that immediately. We waited for them to give us the okay, then we went through a run down of the show, which is going to be so cool, and finally, they let us off for lunch.

"Mom, can I go run a couple errands?" I practically begged immediately.

"Where to Taylor?"

"I just have to go pick up a few things and..."

"Taylor, we have people to do that for you."

"Mom, please. I need to do it myself."

"What's going on here?" Dad walked over to where we were.

"Nothing dear. Go ahead Taylor, but if you are one minute late, you're in big trouble."

"Thank you!" I hugged her. As I walked away I picked up a few words.

"What was that all about?" Dad asked.

"He must be struggling with some sort of independence thing. He was very urgent about going somewhere alone. I know its dangerous honey, but Taylor can take good care or himself." Go mom.

The rent-a-vehicle was in view, only a few feet to freedom. I clasped the keys in my hands, and I chose the key I'd be using. Suddenly Zac jumped in front of me.

"Hi Zac."

"What the hell is going on with you Taylor?"

"What do you mean?" I asked. Great, I'm seconds from leaving and Zac decides to confront me. Just my luck.

"Taylor, for the past few days you have been outrageously not you. Normally, after a day or something, you talk to me, and I'm really hurt that you haven't yet. I keep waiting for you to pull me aside and tell me that you're on drugs, or explain your problem or whatever. I just feel like we're really not connecting anymore....and it scares me." He looked down at the ground.

"Zac, get into the car," I demanded. I didn't mean it to come out as angrily as it did, but I was in a hurry and he was a barracade. He looked at me, eyes narrowed and got in, slamming the door. I jumped into the '99 Chevy Cavalier, and pulled out of the venue parking lot as fast as I could.

"Okay, so what's the problem?" James asked, overjoyed that it was actually working. I hadn't explained anything to Zac on the way, but he was about to experience it first hand. He continued to ask where we were, but I just didn't talk to him. Once inside the facility, I told him to sit on a chair and he'd been listening to the conversation between James and myself (whoever that was).

"There is no real problem. Tell me how Taylor is adjusting to my body. How's side two of the experiment?"

"Well, why don't you ask him yourself," James swiveled his finger. I whipped around to see me facing my body. It was so awkward to see myself from a new angle. We kind of circled each other for a moment, taking in what we were seeing. It was so weird, you know, seeing yourself while not in your body. Like, quite literally, an out of body experience. I didn't know what to say or what to do. I could tell this was just as weird for Taylor, especially cause he had to look up to me. That is one thing I noticed about being Taylor, I could reach things that were higher up. I had to be about 5'10 and probably 160 or so, not near the weight I was use to carrying around. We paused for a moment to just study each other. I thought, Wow, I'm right here, but my body is right there. This is so weird.

"This is like something you'd see in a science fiction movie." Taylor broke the silence.

"I'm confused as HELL!" Zac stood up, and approached me, steaming. "What is going on, exactly?!?"

"Zac, its me," Taylor said.

"What do you mean, 'Its me?' I don't even know you.....girl."

"It's me, Taylor. We'll explain later..."

"NO, EXPLAIN NOW!" Zac was so completely and utterly confused, he was on the verge of tears.

"Zac, we will, I promise," Taylor said.

"Fine...whatever." Zac resorted back to the hard chair, crossing his arms and looking away from Taylor and myself.

"Are you okay Taylor?" I ignored Zac and asked...me.

"Yeah," he sighed, "I'm adjusting okay to being a girl, a SHORT girl, I guess, but just my luck for you to start your period, eh? Some stuff is really hard to figure out about you. I AM a girl now, and I still can't figure them out," he grinned, embarassed.

"Just my luck that you have a penis," I laughed. "Taylor, you are doing a show here in Dallas tonight..."

"Yeah, I know my schedule. Are you doing okay? I hope you are pulling this off."

"Yeah, I was taught piano from age seven to fifteen. James, remind me to thank my mother." I noticed James was filming everything we were saying, the meeting of the two souls that were in each other's body. "Taylor, we need to talk. I know I need lessons on how to act like you."

"I'm having no trouble with your parents, or acting like you."

"That's because I always secluded myself at home, but like with him," I pointed to Zac, who still sat stone-faced on the chair, "we need to explain what is going on. Ike has even picked up that something is fishy, and I know Tabitha knows something is weird because she knows me better than I do. They need to understand what is happening to the ones they normally know so well."

"Yeah, I didn't recognize your best friend Tabitha right away, of course. I was like, Tabitha who? and she's like, 'ONLY YOUR BEST FRIEND FOR THE LAST THREE YEARS!' I think I really tripped her out. Man, we do need to talk. She can so tell something is up. She keeps saying, How come you haven't whined yet?"

I laughed, "Because my worst habit is whining. She definitely knows, I'll call her, but you need to tell Zac whats up. I wouldn't know how to explain it to him." I whispered. "And we have to converse, come with me to pick up Tabitha and we'll talk to her and Zac in the car. Then when we reach Reunion, we can explain everything to Ike, but it must stay between the five of us. And these dorks that arranged it all. Have you been keeping a journal?"

"Everyday. And to try to find out more, I read your diary, all five of them or whatever," he confessed.

"Well, I accidently found your journals, so we're both guilty of privacy invasion. We'll talk more on the way to Tabby's."

Once in the car we talked... and talked... and talked. Zac listened, piecing together what had happened to cause Taylor and I to switch bodies. Taylor and I tipped each other off about how we react in different situations, and then I tried relating things I'd had happen in my new body with his new discoveries.

"Yeah, the first thing I did was make faces in the mirror. It was actually pretty fun, but you can do, like, NO tongue tricks whatsoever. And Zac busted me."

"I thought you were really weird Tay, makin faces at yourself in the mirror." Zac now understood the situation and was talking to Taylor in my body, instead of me in Taylor's body.

"I know, and you can do like a million Robyn. I did the facial features thing too," he laughed.

"Yeah, did you learn about sticking my tongue to itself?"

"No, but I guess you can't really show me."

"With my mouth opened, just reach my tongue back toward the back of my throat, then close my mouth and stick my tongue out while keeping it folded back. Its not that hard...see, you've got it!"

"We are possessive about OUR mouth, aren't we Robyn?"

"Yes, I miss being me, but I kinda like being you. I'm learning and experiencing things ninty-nine point nine nine nine nine nine nine nine....and so on, women don't get the chance to experience. Oh, by the way, this Melody chick called."

"OH MY GOSH, please tell me you didn't talk to her."

"I didn't, I read about her in your journals. Her picture had quite an effect on your body." I felt my cheeks warm up immediately.

"Weeeeeeeeeeell, at least I know my body still functions like me," Taylor sank in the seat.

"Haha, I feel better that I'm not the only one. Oh, I baby-sat the other day! Zac and Ike helped of course, but..."

"I'm surprised you didn't kill yourself."

"No, now the kids love you. You should thank me."

"Yeah, thanks a lot, now I'll be me again and they'll be like TAYYYLOR, TAYLOR PLAY WITH US!" He laughed as we pulled into Tabitha's cul-de-sac. I walked up to the door and rang the bell. She opened the door.

"Tabitha, tell your mom you'll be back after the Hanson concert."

"MOM, I'll be back after the Hanson concert!" She smiled. I whisked her out the door and into the car.

"Tabitha, I have a lot of explaining, so I need you to be quiet and just listen." She glanced in the backseat

"Robyn, I knew you had something to do with this when Taylor answered the door. Hi Zac!" Boy are we going to have a long drive.

Once back at Reunion, the show went on. We took Zac, Tabitha, and Isaac into a conference room and explained the whole thing specifically, then left everything opened for questioning.

"Okay, so you're Robyn," Isaac pointed to me as Taylor, "and you're Taylor, but there's been a switch."

"That is correct, anymore questions from the obvious matter at hand?" Taylor asked smartly.

"Well, you guys just burst in here saying each of you is the other because of some sort of experiment, and then you expect us to just believe you? This is outrageous!" Isaac flung his hands up.

"I know its tough Ike, but you really have to trust us here," Taylor replied softly.

"I really don't gotta do shit."

"Okay, you don't have to, but you should trust us."

"This is still really confusing Tay, but I understand, oddly enough." Zac looked at Taylor, then back at me.

"I know.....and it will be hard to adjust to, but you guys don't really have a choice at his point. We won't be able to switch back until at least the twenty-fourth," Taylor informed them.

"Okay, anymore questions?" I looked at the grim, and very confused, faces in the room. Tabitha raised her hand. "Yes Tabby?"

"Now that we know when you CAN go back to yourselves, when ARE you going back to being yourselves?"

"That's something Robyn and I haven't yet discussed. So until we decide, which will hopefully be tonight, you all have to help us 'be ourselves' in front of everyone else. You guys are the only ones that have known something odd was going on in our lives. Give us pointers, help us out....we need your guidence. We are counting on you!" I persuade them.

"We didn't exactly ask to be dragged into this, but apparently we HAVE to comply," Ike shot. His temper was flaring.

"Ike, I didn't ask to be dragged into this either, but I was somehow chosen. As of right now, this experiment was a success and a failure. They aren't quite sure on how the machine picks the other body yet, but once its defined, we'll go down in history. And you don't HAVE to do anything, we're begging for your help," Taylor became very serious. A knock came on the door and a stage hand came in.

"Time to suit up guys, tell your girly friends goodbye." He left as quickly as he'd entered.

"All right, I'm going to help Taylor be Robyn, I don't know about you two," Tabitha instantly volunteered.

"I'll help if Tabitha's helping," Zac grinned at her from across the table. I sensed something between them and couldn't help smiling. Tabitha had always dreamed of being Zac's number one girl.

"Ike?" Taylor pleaded.

"I won't help, but I won't tell anyone," he crossed his arms.

"I'll do your laundry for a week if you help me Ike." I figured maybe if I made a good enough deal, he'd go with it.

"No! And thats final!" Ike up and left the room at that point. What was his friggen problem?

"GREAT!" Taylor and I shouted exhasperatedly, in unison, rolling our eyes.

"That was kinda freaky," Tabitha pointed out.

"Yeah," Zac agreed, "you guys did the same thing at the same time."

"Is it really that hard to comprehend though? We ARE each other, I'm actually surprised we haven't done it more," Taylor looked at me.

"Me too." We all left the room with situation more assessed than previously.

The show was great, I acted really nice, and even signed autographs and took pictures. Even though I'm not suppose to, I even hugged a guy. He was cute, but when I thought about flirting with him, I remembered what I looked like. This was really proving that you can't judge someone on the outside; a great life lesson.

Once home safe in "my" bed, I called Taylor.

"Hi Taylor."

"Hey Robyn. I've been thinking a lot about this, and as much as I like being you," he said sarcastically, "I think we should give it one more week, for science-sake, and then go back to normal. Of course we'll all still keep in touch, well, at least Tabitha and Zac will - I know."

"Sounds good to me. Don't forget to write everything down and I'll do the same."

"Okay, talk to you later."

"All right," I couldn't help smiling.


"Bye." I only had to deal with one more week of being Taylor.

"Okay, now, if I say, Hey Tay, do you want to eat some refried beans, you say..." Zac left the sentence open for my answer.

"Zac, thats gross, I hate refried beans, even though the Robyn inside me doesn't care. And even if I did eat them and fart a lot, Robyn wouldn't care, fart smells good," I broke down laughing, as did Zac. "Zac, you're a cool kid, thanks for being my cool little brother-helper-guy." I hugged him.

"Now, thats something that mom would have a heart attack over. Taylor and Zac don't hug."

"Mom's not around."

"Very true. That's the Taylor deep inside your heart. He's always thinking; very bright. Just don't tell him. He had a large ego problem in ninty-seven due to something called the PUBLIC!"


"Not your fault. It's Tay's."

"Okay, so, that's the list of foods Taylor doesn't like. And his favorite foods are...?" I asked.

"He LOVES canned spinach. It is the most disgusting thing I have ever tasted, but he could absolutely live off it. Kinda like Popeye or something."

"Except hes a wee bit smaller than Popeye. Good thing I like canned spinach."


"Sorry, tastes okay to me," I shrugged. Zac stuck out his tongue and made weird faces at me. "Okay, we need to get back to the curriculum at hand here Zac."

"Yeah, yeah...." Zac worked with me for another 45 minutes on how Taylor acts, and then we decided to try it. We walked downstairs and mom was in the kitchen, nosing around for something to eat.

"Mom, my stomach hurts," I clenched my stomach for added effect.

"Do what you always do Taylor," Mom opened the fridge. I looked over at Zac and he shrugged.

"And what would that be?"

"Whine about it until it goes away. Maybe you're hungry, or you have to poop or something. Go try." Zac walked off snickering and I held back.

"Figures," I released a breath and walked back up the stairs where Zac was having a fit. "Yeah, laugh it up Zac, go ahead."

"I......will....." he rolled on the floor.

"Would Taylor beat you up in this situation? Because if not, I'm about to fall out of character."

"Tay, as much as I love you my skinny, weak, older brother, you have never been able to even pin me, let alone bruise me. But I have many memories of those times when you went off crying because of my injuries to you."

"What, when I was six?"


"Even if he was older, history's about to change." Laughing, I grabbed Zac and pinned him in a choke-hold. "Say Robyn, er, Taylor is the queen.......well, king!" Zac began to laugh again and I tightened my grip.

"Urkay, Taylor.....is.....the.....queen....I mean....king," he choked out. I released him and he flew up from his position on the floor. He rubbed his neck gingerly, "Was that really necessary?"

"No, but I wanted to show you that girls are tougher than boys."

"Have you looked in the mirror lately?"

"Yes Zac, and although trapped in a sexy man's body," I ran my fingers over my chest, "I'm still a woman deep down inside. I'd kick your ass if I was in my body too."

"Well, we'll have to make an arrangement for that. I'd snap you in half like a twig!"

"Okay, shuddup. Let's catch a movie or something," I grabbed Taylor's car keys off the desk.

"Uh, reality check. You're in your hometown and.....whats your name again?"

"Oh yeah, I forgot I have handicaps. Oh well, its worth it."

The movie wasn't worth my life. Just our luck that a pack of girls going to see a movie all happened to be obsessed Hanson fans. We were chased down the block, around the back alley, and then we jumped into my car, where I peeled out leaving them all in the dust. I don't think I've ever run that fast in my life! I was running so fast, that I'm not even sure my feet were touching the ground! It was a brilliant, yet narrow, escape.

"Told you so." Zac chose to be the oh-so-smart one and tell me that by the end of the night, we'd have run a marathon.

"How was I suppose to know you just didn't want to go with me? I've never been a super-star before."

"You have been one for a week now. You think you'd at least be thinking like one by now!"

"Okay, so I'm, mentally, too Robyn. Guess you'll have to train me some more. This sucks, I feel like a dog in obedience school or something," I blew my bangs out of my face.

"Tay, I'm here for you though."

"It's so weird that you know and you're still calling me Tay."

"Would you rather me call you Robyn?"

"YEAH! It could be an inside joke. No pun intended."

"HAHAHA....inside joke....thats really funny!" Zac cracked up. "You are really cool to hang out with Robyn, you're way funnier than Taylor."

"Uh, thanks. But don't get too use to me yet Zac. I have to marry Taylor before you'll meet me for this length of time again." I tingled at the thought of that.

"I have a question. Are you a fan?"

"Yes, in fact, your brother read my diaries, which in turn told him that the summer of ninty-seven, I was very obsessed.......with him. It was quite scary in fact, even for me looking back on it now. I wonder how I didn't know that I was obsessed," I frowned.

"You mean, our fans don't know they're obsessed?"

"Either that, they're in denial, or they know and are just overreacting to the situation."

"Wow, that's weird. So you're a Taylor fan, just like everyone else, eh?"

"Tabitha loves you...." I stopped and realized I'd just made a biiiiiiiig mistake. "And when I was younger, I use to have Taylor days and Zac days. Now I realize you are just too young for me and I have Isaac days and Taylor days. Mostly Taylor ones though, so its so weird when I woke up and I WAS Taylor." I ran my mouth hoping he wouldn't notice what I said.

"So Tabitha is a Zac fan eh? What's her phone number?"

"Zac! Please don't, she'll kill me. Pretend you don't know anything." He nodded as we pulled into the driveway. I wrote in my journal while Zac played solitare on our computer. My cell phone rang.


"Robyn, its James. We have a problem and I need you to come down here immediately." His voice was very urgent.

"I'll be in by the end of the night." I hung up the phone and explained everything to Zac. He knew what he had to do. I grabbed a jacket and went into the living room. "Mom, dad, can't explain right now, an emergency has arisen, I'm flying to Dallas, Zac will explain."

"Taylor, wait!" They called to me as I flew out the door.

I was now in the uncomfortable plastic hospital chair, waiting for the doctor to tell me what was going on exactly. James was next to me, explaining why my body was in the hospital, and why poor Taylor was suffering. It was so innocent, I mean, Taylor hadn't known my body was allergic! Why didn't James TELL him? I was sad, worried and angry all in one. I sat waiting, tears pouring from my eyes when a girl approached me. She looked very sickly, pale, sunken eyes, she pretty much looked dead.

"Are..." she cleared her hoarse voice, "are you Taylor Hanson?"

"Yes," I sniffed.

"Why are you here?" The girl couldn't have been more than twelve years old, but she sat next to me.

"A good friend of mine had a really bad allergic reaction, she can't breathe and I'm very worried about her."

"Don't worry. God sends hundreds of angels to stand watch in the hospitals. That's why hospitals lights are so bright....there is an angel in every one. And if I ever get scared, I look the angels in the eye and I always feel better. You might want to try it." She gave me a weak smile. The girls words were out of such innocence, but they made my heart soar. Here she was, dying of something, and she was telling me to keep MY chin up. I sat there, in awe of this young philosopher.

"Dorthy? Dorthy where are you?" A nurse peeked her head in, breaking our moment of silence. "Dorthy!" The nurses hands flew to her hips and she gave Dorthy a scolding look. The look broke into a smile. "Well Dorthy, looks like your dreams have finally come true." Dorthy nodded, smiling weakly back at the nurse.

"Would you like an autograph?" I asked, feeling like a speck of dust compared to everyone else. I now understood what it meant to be humbled.

"I would love one. I use to always carry my c.d. player around with your c.d. in it, but then it got too heavy, so they bought me a portable tape player. Will you sign my tape?"

"I will sign anything you want me to," I smiled, tears still flowing from my eyes. The nurse pulled a Sharpie out of her pocket and I signed the tape the Dorthy handed me. She had a tape player clasped on to one of the inner strings on her gown, and the headphones were hanging from the nurse's side pocket. "To, Dorthy. I hope you feel better very soon. You are a sweet girl and should sprinkle your sweetness upon the earth like seeds in a plowed field. They will grow and emerge sweet young women like you. Don't be afraid to spread your happiness and joy of life, some people need your guidence. Love always, Taylor," I read to her as I signed it. She smiled at me and the nurse told her she'd meet her back in the room. I hugged Dorthy and watched her walk away while then nurse looked at me.

"That has to be the sweetest thing anyone has ever said or done to her. And her luck, it came from someone she absolutely adores. The angels are not in the lights, they are inside the people, and you are one of them." The nurse wiped her tears away, "It would take a miracle to save that poor girl; she's dying. Her mother took drugs for the duration of the pregnancy, then abandoned her here. We found a couple to adopt her and she's lived with them for the last eleven years, and now she's withering away by the day. For the world's sake, I hope she survives." The nurse walked away solemnly and I wondered how a mother could do that. I was very fortunate to have, well, two moms that would die for me. This whole hospital experience was very humbling for me.

"James Glossen?" A doctor called from the entrance. He and I raced over to her anxiously.

"How is she?" I asked, voice quivering.

"Her breathing patterns have returned to normal, the swelling has ceased, and you can go talk to her if you like. She's in room 314, down the hall, third door on your left." We darted down the hall and were by Taylor's bedside in two seconds flat. I grabbed Taylor's hand and kissed it, glad that his flesh, well, my flesh, was still warm.

"Taylor, how do you feel?" I asked.

"This really sucks...I can't believe no one told me you were allergic to tomatoes," he complained.

"Taylor, be glad to be alive....that's my body's second brush with death because of allergies. And you should feel really good because I just met one of your fans. Some of your fans are truly inspiring, and I hope you realize that and appreciate them, because if not, I'll stay you forever and teach you how to be."

"I appreciate my fans very much. Who would I be without them?" He smiled. "Were you crying?" Gee, do you think my puffy, red, bloodshot eyes gave it away?

"I was worried about you. I know how bad my allergies are, and I didn't want your soul to die with my body. Then I'd really be you forever, and I wouldn't know what to do."

"Which is exactly why I'm dropping this experiment. By the end of tonight, if Taylor's feeling up to it, I'm going to switch you both back. This experiment is too dangerous, and plays with fate. There are so many unanswered questions, such as if one body died, would the souls automatically switch back, or would one soul be trapped in someone else's body? It was just not meant to be.....don't mess with the way God did things, he did them a certain way for a reason," James spoke. He was definitely saddened by this realization, but he knew there wasn't any way to go on with the experiment.

"I'm sorry it didn't work out James, I know how badly you wanted it to," I said.

"It's okay. Taylor, you think you're ready to come home yet?"

"Yeah. I'm ready."

We were now both hooked up to the electrosatellites, the S.P.T., and the headgear. I looked over at Taylor, and squeezed his hand.

"Okay guys, here we go in five, four, three, two, one," I heard the machine then start buzzing and felt that surge of energy and the tingling again.

When I opened my eyes and looked around, I felt like I was still Taylor.

"Did it work?" Taylor asked, in his own voice.

"Yes, it did!" We were each handed a mirror. Hell, I'm not ashamed, I kissed mine. I still sort of felt Taylor's presence in me though.

"Robyn, it's so different in being back in my body, are you feeling the same?" Taylor asked

"I know, it is."

"It is what?" James looked up.

"Sorry, I was talking to Taylor." James cocked his head at me and squinted his eyes.

"Taylor didn't say anything."

"Oh, I thought he did." I looked at Taylor and he smiled.

Telepathy must be a side effect, or it was because we were holding hands. It was his voice talking, but his mouth didn't move.

Must be, I replied, seeing if he could hear me.

This is going to be great, I can talk to you all the way from Oklahoma, or even Japan for that matter, and we don't have to spend a dime on phone bills.

Ain't it grand?
I grinned widely and hugged Taylor. I sensed this was the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

"Why are you grinning like that?" Tabitha asked me. It had been about a week since Taylor and I had returned to our real selves, but I hadn't yet told Tabitha we could talk to each other in our heads.

"Well Tabitha, looks as if I have another long story for you," I smiled, placing my hand on her back. "Once upon a time there was a girl who had an experiment done on her..."

Stories Index

Email: blackkatt1983@hotmail.com