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"Who's Fault?"

Fault is a band. They are not a group, nor are they a clique, posse, gang, fraternity, a circle, or a squad. Just four guys who had nothing better to do with their lives, so they decided making music would be a viable commodity. Boy, were they wrong. They are also unsigned and currently seeking representation.

Here we have the entertainers

Tyler is the singer in the band. Everyone calls him "The Screaming One." Probably because he has the microphone in his hand and screams into it, I don't really know.

Joey is the drummer. His hobbies include midget wrestling, power line diving, food service complaining, and of course, all of the above.

Richard is the guitar player. He likes it when people come to shows and tell us we suck, cuz then he can tell everyone that it's Joey's fault.

Joe is the bass player. He has an alter-ego know only as "The Roadie," and claims to have roadied for Led Zeppelin, the Cars, and Kiss.


The people pulling the strings

Bridget is a co-manager; she has always been there for Fault and for her man Joey. Gidget is the sweetest gal.

Toni is the webmistress and also does photography. She rivals Bridget in being the shortest Irish girl around!

Gabe is the head roadie & helper person. Since he's Richard's brother, he gets to do guest vox on My Dixie Wrecked sometimes. Woo-hoo!



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