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Friday - April 6, 2001: Fault had the great honor of performing at the annual Deep Ellum Arts Festival. Artisans and acts from all over the country gather on Deep Ellum's Main Street for 3 days to showcase their talents, so this was a terrific opportunity for a lot of positive exposure. was kind enough to come out to the show and review it; the following exert is that review of Fault's performance. Visit the archive for more pics from the show.

Tuesday - April 10, 2001: "As many know, this past weekend held the Deep Ellum Arts Festival. Main Street was blocked off and housed many talented and aspiring artists from all over the country. Anyone and everyone who attended had the opportunity to see some of Dallas' best bands perform for free on the streets. Two of those bands were newcomers Fault and veterans Baboon.

Fault played on a small side stage behind the Curtain Club. went to see them play not really knowing what to expect. Fault combines high-energy music with enticing lyrics to bring their audience into their world. If you ever have the opportunity to see Fault live, definitely check them out. Anyone will fall in love with their bassist (Joe) instantly; his energy and unbelievable talent on the bass encompass everything and everyone in his path.

Their guitarist (Richard), though just out of surgery a few days before, continuously jumped off of the stage and joined the crowd on eye level playing with amazing ability. The lead vocalist of Fault (Tyler) has incredible stage presence and ability, though at times when he sang, his voice sounded a little weak. His scream would knock any metal-head on their ass but during the lighter times in the songs, he lost the crowd a little bit. It is very apparent that he has a lot of talent and could go very far if only he would go after a little voice training. The drummer (Joey) was amazing as were the other three but he seemed to lose interest in what he was doing during the songs sometimes. He would just look off into space* until it was time for him to get heavy again and then his intensity would sky rocket. It would have been nice to see him maintain that intensity during the whole set. will definitely be checking out Fault again, they are an amazing band with plenty of talent and even more potential."

*Joey was actually looking at a spider that was dangling over him in a tree

Check out the original review on the website

Review by: Lauren Waters, Fault wants to express much love and appreciation to Lauren for coming out to the Deep Ellum Arts Festival to see the performance and to Hyacinth for creating

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