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"This Drummer Has Something To Say"

Monday, July 01, 2002:

Hello everybody. This week (June 23-29), is a week off from the band. All last week, we, well Joe and me were busy recording drum tracks. So far, drums are complete for "The Way Home," "Impatient," "V," and "Go Ahead." We'll probably do six or seven more songs in the next two weeks to add to the keepers from the Bus Stop sessions in January, and hopefully have something releaseable by the end of the year, for serious this time. Also, some of our first tracks from 2000 got a little remix, and will maybe be used for the record as well. The first thing we will put out will more than likely be a 7" single, followed by a long EP to LP. That's all I've got for now, stay tuned for more news as we see fit.

Thursday, June 20, 2002:

Hello everybody!! Time for another installment of the page you never read. Anyway, look for more shows coming up in late June/ early July, as we are still booking through the end of the year. Also, today, June 18, we offiicially started recording at our own studio! We're going to be adding a ton more songs to the stuff we finished earlier in the year. Hopefully, if technology allows, we will be posting some tracks via this website in a couple of months. That's it for now. Stay down, Later!!

Monday, April 01, 2002:

Hello everyone, it's me again touching base, keepin you informed on the latest Fault happenings.  As of right now, we are still in the process of making new shows, rehearsing older songs that we want to bring back, throwing out older songs we don't like, and hopefully gearing up to record some new and old stuff as well.  I wish we had a show on Saturday, it's my birthday, I'll be 21, but we don't.  Last year we played the Deep Ellum Arts Festival on my birthday, and it was awesome.  One of my favorite shows.  Anyway, in a few weeks we're going to be adding a new page to the website.  It's called the "songs" page.  It will be a list of songs, their origin, possibly lyrics, and notables on our songs.  I don't know exactly when this will be going up, but probably sometime in May.  That's all I've got for now.  Later!!

Tuesday, March 26, 2002:

Hello everybody! Not much to say this week. This week we will be recording even more, while still building our home recording devices. Well, actually using the ones that are ready while Tyler fixes the computer. He's also fixing the mixing board on the p.a., the crafty son of a gun! Hopefully by the end of the week we'll have all of our programs running and we'll be recording all day every day. That's it for now, keep checking back for new show dates and various nonsense.

Monday, March 18, 2002:

Hello everybody, it's me again, giving you some quick updates on the Fault world. Last week we started toying around on our studio equipment, and once the learning process is complete, we will begin recording some new tracks to add to our cd. Also, we'll be spending time touching up some other recordings we made last year. We didn't have time to touch it up when we were there, so we'll be adding some extra guitar tracks, rerecording some vocals, etc., until we're satisfied completely. We're also hopefully booking a long list of shows, so stay tuned for that. That's really all I've got right now. Later!!

Tuesday, March 12, 2002:

Hello everybody, it's been a long time, but here's another action packed entry from the enigmatic one. First off, the last few shows have gone great. Good crowds, decent money, an overall good time. We look forward to the coming spring months, when we have even more shows to get more album money. On that subject, no, it's not ready yet. As we got ready to go to mastering, we wrote four new songs, tested them live, and they went over so well, we've decided to record them to most likely add to the album. The great news about that is, Fault is in the process of building their own studio! Once that is finished, which should be soon, we will be retouching and remixing and rerecording some of the parts on the first recording, plus recording the new songs to possibly go on the upcoming album, which could go up to full lenght status! Okay, that's enough now, take care, keep in touch and see you at the next show. Later!!

Later!! -- Joey

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