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I have some sad news guys! You won't be able to download Fault mp3s after December 17. Angelfire/Lycos Listening Room, the free service hosting the mp3s is shutting down. So, in light of this new information, please visit the Fault Listening Room and download full length songs, lyrics included while you still can! The mp3s will be available again in the future, but since I will have to research a new free hosting service, it may take some time. I will post the developments of this issue in the News section, so please check back often. Fault will be recording new material soon, so that is something to look forward to. And you can always order Fault press packs from the Merchandise page.

If you've never heard Fault before, we'd really appreciate you posting your comments and impressions on the Messageboard. Or, you can write up a review and email it to Toni. Be sure to check back often for new features and song samples in this section.

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