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Fight Kenny, I Dare You

The weasel bites my thumb, I'm on a boat The sky looks like a fish of the desert but my thumb still smarts Where did you go? What did you do with my cat? These buildings are falling from my baseball bat Look! See! Watch everything fall on my thumb Where are you weasel? Did you get married?

Where's The Van?

Hey, Don't slow down! I'm not quite sick yet. No, I still feel the need for speed, the need to heave, the need to love the wind. I could die out here, who cares? Maybe Kenny's mom...probably not Where's the van? We parked it in our dreams I think I left the keys there too. There goes the sun, thank god it's gone My burnt skin has turned into leather. I feel like I have two shirts on. Where's the Van? Where's the Fucking Van? I've got to find it so I can die in my new suit.

You Think of Something

It's too cold, or wait, not cold enough. I'm bitchin' again and my pants are so dirty. I don't understand the power of the mansion. Do you dad? Can you even fight the urge to destroy? Where did Uncle Steve go? Is he living with the crickets, or his gay lover. Or both. I hear him sing at night. My sleep is so calm even though he screams "Crickets, get off me!" I know he's fine though. He's warm and comfortable. So why am I so cold?

You Locked me in this Metal Box

It's not funny anymore. At first it was cute. "Maybe she was just flirting" I thought, but it's over. My desparate yells echo off the sides of this broken hearted tin can. We both know who has the key to my freedom. We both know. You locked me in this Metal Box, now tell my friends that I'm dead. You locked me in this Metal Box but I'll survive despite the lack of everything. It's so dark, but my vision is perfectly clear. They may think that I'm dead and gone, but I've never been so complete. The joke's on you. Swallow that key. Throw it off a bridge. I now know that I don't need you to unlock my bliss.

With or Without

Like a penguin having a beer, I'm ready for insanity. Bring it on, I'm so ready. The leaves are turning and so is my stomach. The knots control my mind and burn into exhilirating rage. I trust this floor. It won't cave in, no matter how hard I jump. Just when I see a crack, the carpenters come and fix it like new. New, but not fresh. Rotten and weakening. I'm climbing the walls, so that when I'm ready, I will fall head first down to the basement. I'll find myself there, with or without a penguin. With or without a beer.


Hope, time of the win, time of the loss. Create and dialate the action of the sun. Confuse the day into tomorrow. Watch the soul we borrow. Canvas of steel, of the ice you feel. Be here out loud in my ear, in my eye. It's lazy today, from the duct to the open sky. Grandmother said to wash the wishes of a young boy. I fear the turning, and welcome this morning. It's blinding, like acid in the retna. Like a wrinkle on grandma.

Act 2

The bitter taste of false regret lies heavy on my tongue. I can't discount the way you left cause beauty isn't truth. And you behave as though your caged, a monkey behind bars. The musty smell of fallen leaves remains fresh to me. Confusing life and death, day and day. Coming up soon says the driver the first and only stop. And there she flew, she threw open the door. The shower curtain revealed a room of dying wheat and broken grass, and the light it gave was blinding. Now as I stared I understood the gap-toothed truth she spoke. My plastic wraped world couldn't take the heat and crumbled as I watched.

A Stoic Smile

The grassy field that leads the way is covered in snow. The sun burns my skin, but can't touch the ground. The protective white, the covering sheath. Forces my blind stumbling. A brick, bird, building rearing landlessly. And the fear inside me builds. My eyes turn red and see the heat behind. But ahead all I see is you. Searing cold melts the snow, sudden recognition builds like boiling water. The path that I see is real, but my intent undisturbed. The raging of wind touches my mask.

And Then Burn Out

The green of my sky fades as the corner comes to life. Alone is a circular assumption. Barking dogs and crying babies. I laugh my pain into the back of my mind and sneer at the faithful. A fighting couple and screaming songs. As the sky comes back into view I hear the frenzied march of tuesday. Blatently buring arms and legs. A perverse attempt mired in optimism. A spinning camera shot reaveals distance. Suddenly an emu-inspired burst of panic. The corner reveals it's action, advance. The ease of stagnation comes into view - but my world remains green.

What Now

Silent ranting dispels my passion. How to live in pain, looking pathetic or staying silent. Astonishing the creator of such destruction. Differing values raise conflicting flags. A fire that burns primary closely examined though it freezes, and can be endured. Often times the most passionate feelings must be quelled to live. The green leaf dies so that the new trees can live. A trail with no direction often leads to the only possible finish. It is difficult to fight a passive war. Adaptation, but when does the price become too large? I know the source and the solutions, but cannot implement them. Cool wind on a healed wound feels sweet, a nostalgic reminder of happiness once felt. The understanding of the beauty of a storm cloud cannot be met by the most complex vision of a candy-coated world.

More to come when I get time to type them up.