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Stuff To Send!

Song Dedications via e-mail
Ditch-Letter Generator
Apology Note Generator
Bitch Letter Generator
E-Kisses for the romantic and the goofball.
Send your friends free Virtual Flowers.
Or, you can send your friends Virtual Insults. Keep it all in good fun.
April Fool's online all year round.
Automatic Complaint-Letter Generator
Clicking Test will annoy the hell out of them.
Digital Postcards

Stuff To See!

The greatest ad ever (and my personal favourite) Molson - The Rant
Alanis Morissette Lyric Generator
Quizzes...Who is the real you?
Visit Brian's Brain, there's some funny stuff in there!
WebCrawler Search Voyeur lets you spy on people's search requests in realtime.
Take the Densa Quiz and find out how smart you really are.
Take a Sanity Test and find out how crazy you really are. Courtesy of the Red Baron.
A growing archive of Urban Legends
The Famous Milk Ads have been compiled. Last I checked this site was under construction, I'll let you know when it's up again--it was pretty cool.
The International Lyrics Server Ever wonder what the real words are...?

Some Useful Sites...

Free online Reminder Service.
Online Thesaurus
McGill University Library Homepage
MetaCrawler lets you search many well-known search engines at once.
MapQuest : where to go, how to get there, how long it will take and more.
Online Dictionary
Beaucoup According to Monsieur Gil, this is a helpful search engine.

These are a few of my favourite things...
