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You are a Savage Garden fan when...


If you've got some ideas to add to this list, then please e-mail me!

1. You have about 100 high school students plus family members and friends thinking of you whenever anyone mentions Savage Garden.

2. Your family refers to you as Ms Hayes or Jones.

3. Someone asks you to verify a rumor and you reply "Well I'm not Daniel/Darren, you would have to ask them" and they say "Well you are the next best thing!"

4. Your friends know their height, shoe size, their birthday etc.

5. When you drive all your relatives and friends crazy by bringing them up in ever single subject.

6. When every time you see a search engine the first thing you type is "Savage Garden"

7. You can't leave the music store until you've properly arranged all their CDs and singles according to which one was released first.

8. You feel sorry for Darren/Daniel every time you meet a jerk with the same name.

9. Someone mentions Savage Garden and everybody's eyes just shift towards you, awaiting your reaction.

10. You have PE and you are doing the long jump and you have friends telling you "Just pretend Daniel and Darren are there, jump towards them!

11. During PE you are in a race and your friends scream "Go your name Darren and Daniel are waiting for you at the finish line!

12. You can forge their signature.

13. You think of them when you are in Santa Monica.

14. When you name your kids Darren and Daniel.

15. When you just can't stop talking about their beautiful blue eyes.

16. When you start grinning like an idiot when you hear their music.

17. You are able to scan through magazine trying to find the key words: Savage Garden, Darren, Daniel.

18. You often sit and think I wonder what they are doing at this exact moment.

19. The minute you hear Savage Garden your heart starts to beat faster.

20. Pretty soon all your friends start liking their music (What's not to like)

21. You cancel your holidays to be able to attend their concert, knowing you will never have the chance to visit this country again.

22. When you drink cola and "Chick-a-cherry cola" pops into your head.

23. You feel like going to Santa Monica so that you could sing "Santa Monica".

24. You start to wear Gultier.

25. You name your dog Obi.

26. When you yell "Hands of Darren Kirsten" everyone knows you're watching "I Knew I Loved You".

27. When you eat chocolate and you think about Daniel...the sweeter thing... yeah baby...

28. When you listen To "Mine" you know exactly what Darren meant when he wrote this song:)))

29. You start listening to Michael Jackson and U2.

30. You start listening to George Michael and Sheryl Crow.

31. Each time you disrupt your speech (and others') and say "Hmmm...good taste of music", all your friends know you're hearing SG music from somewhere.

32. You are reading this message right now.

33. When you love them as much as your boyfriend.

34. Your friend claims that she didn't have this SG song in her head 'til she saw you and it just popped in!

35. A non-SG fan tells you how much they love on of their songs, and you smile and say "Gee Thanks" as if you had written and sung the song yourself.

36. You change your name to Colby.

37. You're writing tis message at 1 am, when you should be sleeping...

38. Every time Daniel/Darren smiled at one of their concerts, you swear it was at you, and not the 500 people standing your general direction.

39. Friends think of you as soon as their hear Savage Garden.

40. Your day is incomplete without listening to some SG music.

41. All of a sudden, everybody in your family loves them.

42. When you are in the car with your parent you're listening to SG on the stereo and when you get to your destination they turn it off just like that and you get out of the car wondering "how can they do that"

43. You read the horoscope for Taurus and Cancer even though you are Virgo!

44. You understand the meaning of their songs.

45. You respect Daniel and Daniel as a person as well as a great music artist.

46. You are a vegetarian.

47. You look in every phone book for their phone numbers.

48. Their music is some kind of power that keeps you going.

49.You are already crying at their concert and they haven't even made it to the stage yet!

50. You think that Leonie (their PA) is the luckiest woman alive I mean she is with them almost 24/day and she gets paid to do that, how lucky can you get? If you didn't read Leonies Diary yet then do it now, it's really cool.

51. You are so used to reading and writing TTMAB and IKILY that when you come across “To the Moon and Back” and “I Knew I Loved You” it looks kind of foreign to you

52. Friends in school sometimes call you Savage Girl

53. Your entire neighborhood knows all their songs (including the lyrics-by heart:)

54. When you can’t get this last SG song out of your head

55. When you listen to them 24/7

56. You point and wave at other cars whose license plates begin with the letters SG

57. People you don’t know at school start coming up to you and asking you questions about Savage Garden they’ve always wanted to know.

58. You read the newspaper, the first thing you look at is the entertainment section

59. When you make your mum a fan, and your dad says that they’re musical geniuses

60. Your friends accuse you of talking about them too much

61. For some reason you just have this psychic instinct to know exactly when and where to turn the radio and tv just in time to catch the beginning of a SG song or a video

62. Your alarm rings at 7am, but you go back to sleep because you were dreaming about Darren/Daniel (or even better…BOTH) and you want to continue even though you gave classes at 8!

63. People don’t buy SG-related things for you because they’re not sure if you already have them

64. You beg the music shop staff for their promotional poster of SG until they give in, just to get ride of you

65. When your boyfriend is a Daniel Jones or Darren Hayes look-alike!

66. If you write “Ten reasons that you are an SG fan” and send them in:) SO PLEASE GUYS IF YOU HAVE ANY IDEAS JUST EMAIL ME, PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEE, I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER!!!!

67. You use Chanel N°5

68. You Change your name to Michelle, so when you read the "Thank you from Daniel" in the Affirmation booklet, the part "Michelle…thank you for your love…" sounds so right
(if you don't know what I'm talking about just take your Affirmation CD, and read the "SG would like to thank….." part

69. You buy your boyfriend Dolce & Gabbana so he can smell just like Darren

70. You look in the telephone book and call all those listed under D. Hayes, D. S. Hayes, D. Jones or D.C Hayes

80. Everyday you practice……
"Hi my name is Angel Jones" or, "Hi my name is Angel Hayes
and you just can't decide which one sounds better

81. Your email looks something like

82. When you have a crave for a cherry cola

and the next 3 are form Vickie:)

83. you can hear the words "Darren" "Daniel" or "Savage Garden" from miles, and when you do, drop whatever you're doing, stop, look in a circle like you have radar, then wonder where the sound came from for hours.

84. you send a letter every day to the fan club. and an email.

85. you stop eating lunch completly to save money to buy stuff from the fan club.


86. Your ATM pin number is Daniel or Darren's birthday.

87. You spent tweleve hours making them seedbead keychains with the SG logo.

88. You write to the fanclub if your fanzine is more than one day late.

The next 4 are from Sammi

89. When any subject comes into a conversation you find a way for it to be about sg

90. You refer to the guys as dan and daz

91. Suddenly your favorite colors are blue and orange(the colors of the debut album and affirmation).

92. Your CD player screws up when anything else is in there

93. the greeting on your cell phone says "Luvin' My Daz" which mine does! :) (from Angie)

94. When you get that sensation to become a music artist

95. When you have to put your hair like Darren, so when you look in the mirror it remines you of him. <:0]

next 11 from Jen

96. You have a Sacred wall of Savage Garden and no one can touch it but you, and you wear gloves while doing so.

97. When you say your prayers at night you always remember to say" And bless Daz and Dan..."

98. When you walk into the music store the clerks take you straight to the S section and point out their newest release.

98. You memorized every lyric to all their songs so when at the SG concert you can stand at the front so they know you are the one who e-mails them and sends fan letters every day.

99. You built a shrine with all your SG stuff in it and to every one it is untoachable.

100.When your having a bad day you just think of the guys and your feeling better.

101.You are a member of all of the existing fan clubs. (just like me)

102. You have a special day of the week where you take time out of the day to think about them.

103.When someone says they hate SG you feel sorry for them because they don't know what beauty and excellence they are missing out on.

104. You have been to every web site that contains the words Savage and Garde n any where in it.

105. You can say Savage Garden in 5 different languages,not including English. ( I can say it in Spanish,French,Russian,German,and Swahili)


If you've got some ideas to add to this list, then please e-mail me!
