I'm really into horoscopes, and if you want to know a bit more about our two mysterious guys read about their sun signs!
I don't really think that by reading this you'll know everything about Darren and Daniel and I don't think anyone here does either. So don't take it too seriously, but I'm sure that there is a bit of truth in it.:)DANIEL - (22.07.1973) - CANCER
They look for security on the one hand and adventure and novelty on the other. They are popular because they really listen to what others are saying. Their own voice are attractive too.:)) They are naturals for sales work and in any kind of advisory capacity. Where their own problem are concerned, thay can disappear and brood, which makes it hard for others to understand them. Cancerians spend a good deal of time worrying about their families and, even more so, about money. They appear soft but are very hard to influence. Many cancerians are small traders and many more work in teaching or the caring professions. They have a feel for history, perhaps collecting historical mementoes, and their memories are excellent. They need to have a home but they love to travel away from it, being happy in the knowledge that it is there waiting for them to come back. Ther are few cancerians who seem to drift through life and expect other members of their family to keep them. Romanticly, they prefer to be settled and they fear being alone. A marriage would need to be really bad before they consider leaving, and if they do, they soon look for a new partner. These people can be scoundrels in business because they hate parting with money once they have their hands on it. However, their charm and intelligence usually manage to get them out of trouble.
Darren - (08.05.1972) - TAURUS
They have a reputation for being a slow-minded ploddler, but this is often far from the truth. Many taureans rush around, get through their day's work quickly and can do six things at once with the best of them. However they, don't like to be rushed into major decision-making, because they need to think carefully before doing anything important. They are intensely loyal to their family and love to be with them as much as possible. Their will do their best to stand by even the mos difficult of partners and family members. The most essential thing for them is to be happy and comfortable in their home, surrounded by their family, eating and entertaining together as loving and happy group. Even when a family braks up, they try to keep in touch. Many of them are extremely creative, with a very artistic eye. They need to create things that can develope and last, and give pleasure to those around them. They have green fingers, and their forte could certainly be gardening (!!!). Other taureanes are inspired builders or cooks, or they may be dedicated to protecting their local environment. They are kind of crafts person who rarely drops or brakes anything, but tries to preserve things and make them last. Some of them are keen business people with a real knack for making money, while others love the idea of money but never really have much of it. The sure thing is that they don't waste anything and they are unlikely ever to be really broke. They love may be quite extreme because they can be possessive or demanding. They may be the type of spouse who gives their partner the third degree ever time he or she steps out of house. ('Where are you going? What time do you expect to be back?') At first meeting, some taureans can have an off-putting outer meaning, treating strangers heavy-handedly, due to shyness and suspicions. Many taureanes enjoy travel. Life without love doesn't appeal to them, and they can even put up with bossy or difficult partner if necessary. Signing and dancing comes naturally to many of them, and they could have quite a talent for it.:)))))). Many taureanes love music and enjoy being part of their local amateur operatic group.
Their "Soul Numbers"
To find their soul number you have to add all the days of their birth dates together.
Daniel:(22.7.1973) - 2+2+7+1+9+7+3=31, 3+1= 4
If you are looking for a friend, and a loyal one at that, number 4 is a good bet. He might not be the chocolates-and-rose type, but he's hard working, practical and there when you need him. Number 4 isn't particularly keen on being in love because it interrupts his daily routine. But once he's smitten, he'll organize his whole life around you.
His dark sides:(I never thought he had one...) Number four can be very fixed in his ways and he hates being told what to do!
Darren:(8.5.1972) - 1+9+7+2+8+5=32, 3+2= 5
He's cheecky, fit and loves contact sorts and the great outdoors (I don't know about that one:) You're attracted to the twinkle in his eye, but he's a gypsy at heart and very hard to pin down. You'll fall for him when you feel like living life on the full! The woman of his dreams becames a love goddess in his eyes and he's her willing slave-he can't do enough to please her.
His dark sides:Number five can be wild and dangerous. Most of the time he'd rather play than work.