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Hero Profile - "Spider-Boy"


Spider-Boy! Height: 5'6"
Weight: 135 lbs.
Eyes: Blue as both
Hair: Bluish Black, Blonde as Peter
Distingushing Features: Youthful, Glasses worn when Peter
Background Information

Note: Nearly every character in Amalgam is made from one DC and one Marvel character. I will show this by [DC character / Marvel character] and if it is only from one of those universes it will be notated like by the universes name (ex. [Mavel]), got it? Good!
Spider-Boy [Spider-Man / Superboy] was created by Project Cadmus [DC] and was secretly a clone of Peter Parker [Marvel]. However, the experiment was sabatoged and Peter died and Spider-Boy emerged too young. He was then adopted by his "uncle" General Ross [None / General Ross, Uncle Ben] (Spider-Boy calls him Uncle Gen) who taught him about responsilbility but was killed by a burglar [Marvel]. (It should be noted that General Ross was the last surviving member of the Super Soldier [Superman / Captain America] project) Spider-Boy then assumed the name Peter Ross [Peter Ross / Peter Parker, General Ross]. His immediate fame caused him to get an Agent, Rex Leech [DC]. He befreinded the Challengers of the Fantastic [Challengers of the Unknown / Fantastic Four] and many other heros. As one would guess he made many enemies including Bizzarnage [Bizzaro / Carnage], Scavulture [Scavenger / Vulture], "Flash" Thompson [Marvel] (Who was a friend of Parker, and has lots of Spider-Boy Conspiricies) and several more. He got a job at the Daily Bugle [Marvel] which is a tabloid in this universe. He later saved the kid who would become Spider-Boy 2099 [Monel / Spider-Man 2099] and met the Legion of Galactic Guradians 2099 [Legion of Super-Heroes / Guardians of the Galaxy, 2099 Universe] who were childeren inspired by Spider-Boy to be young super-heros. He appointed himself sidekick of Punisher [Steve Trevor / Punisher] and nearly got killed for it. He was set up on a blind date by Doctor Octopus [Marvel] with the Insect Queen [Insect Queen / Mary Jane Watson] and he later proposed to her. They got married and apparently his life wasn't the same after the event.

Biographical Data

Real Name: Peter Ross
Other Current Aliases: Pete Ross
Common Nicknames: Arach-Kid, Wall-Walker, Mall Crawling-Wall Crawler, Spidey, S.B.
Former Aliases: Peter Parker
Dual Identity: Known to some
Current Occupation: Reporter/Photographer for the Daily Bugle, Crime Fighter, Celebrity
Former Occupation: None
Citizenship: Legal U.S. citizen
Legal Status: No criminal record
Place of Birth: Project Cadmus
Marital Status: Engaged
Known Relatives: Insect Queen (fiance), General Ross (Deceased, adoptive "uncle"), Peter Parker (Deceased, genetic source)
Known Confidants: Insect Queen, General Ross, Doctor Octopus
Known Allies: Legion of Galactic Guardians 2099, Challengers of the Fantastic, Doctor Octopus
Major Enemies: Bizzarnage, Scavulture, King Lizard [King Shark / Lizard]
Usual Base of Operations: New York City
Former Base of Operations: Fantastic Mountain
Current Group Membership: Legion of Galactic Guardians 2099 (III)
Former Group Membership: Project Cadmus
Extent of Education: None, but has the knowlege of a typical teenager and good at deducing the obvious
Powers & Paraphenalia
Strength Level: Capable of lifting a few tons
Powers: Enhanced strength and agility, Capable of walking on walls
Abilities: Charming to the ladies, good accuracy with guns
Equipment: Legion ring [DC], Matter Transformer [none], Zoomway [DC], Fantasti-Wagon [Whiz Wagon / Fantasti-Car]
Weapons: Web-Shooter [Marvel] *, Web Slinger [none]
Limitations: None other than age (No Drinky-Drinky for him!)
Costume Variations
Spider-Boy and Shatterstarfire [Starfire / Shatterstar]
With red "mask", red and black webbing on legs and no jacket.

He can also be seen with a black "mask" and no jacket.


Click on the link to view the cover
Real Appearances
Non-existent "Appearances"
  • First Appearance: Fantastic Adventure #15
  • Origin Story: Fantastic Adventure #15
  • Ref: The Adventures of Spider-Boy #15 (1st Deadeye [Deadshot / Bullseye])
  • Ref: The Adventures of Spider-Boy #175 (1st Punisher)
  • Ref: The Outrageous Spider-Boy #305 (Shatterstarfire removed from microverse)
  • Ref: Spider-Boy and his Astonishing Friends #??? (Shatterstarfire saved again)
  • Ref: Secret Crisis of the Infinity Hour #7 (Teams up with LoGG 2099)
  • Ref: Secret Crisis of the Infinity Hour #10 (Dr. Alternity [Dr. Fate / Eternity] respun Infinity Loop [? / Infinity Gems])
  • Ref: Giant Sized Bat-Thing #69 (Spider-Boy died with lots of other characters, probably out of continuity)
  • Ref: Way Cool Spider-Boy #37 (Spidey vs. Bizzarnage)
    Wave One Comics Released
    Time passes
    Wave Two Comics Released
  • Ref: Spider-Boy #2 (Return of Mystallo [Metallo / Mysterio] , Pete and Mary get married)
  • Ref: Spider-Boy Team-up #2 (Peter and the "Queen" get married)
  • Ref: Spider-Boy #4 ("Flash" Thompson appears)
  • Ref: The Awesome Spider-Boy, The Outrageous Spider-Boy, The Way Cool Spider-Boy (These titles were replaced by "Spider-Boy")
  • Ref: Fantastic Legion [Legion of Super Heroes / Fantastic Four] #??? (upcoming issue, appears)
Unsure of "Appearances"
  • ???: Reign of the Super Soldiers story arc
  • ???: Secret Crisis of the Infinity Hour #1-6, 8, 9, 11, 12

*In "Lobo the Duck" he did not use his web shooter gun but instead his silhouette showed his hands in the classic "I Love You" form. This may have been a mistake or in this continuity that may have been how he did it.

By: Marvel / DC / Amalgam Comics

Super-Duper Big thanks to The Amalgam site!






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