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Jesh points at you, ruining your hiding place.

You glance at Jesh.

Jesh exclaims, "My wife!"

Jesh just tried to pull you towards him!

You blink.

You ask, "Eh?"

Jesh nods.

Jesh exclaims, "Trae!"

You feel that nervous twitch starting up again.

Geiddian says, "hiding in front of Jesh is sorta like trying to pick your nose with no arms"

Trae asks, "wha!?"

Kergan nods to Geiddian.

Pennalora laughs!

Geste chuckles.

Jesh says, "You marry me and her."

Jesh points at you.

You blink.

Trae ponders.

You stare at Jesh.

Trae says, "I've never been much good at ceremonies...but sure"

You ask, "Have you gone mad?"

Trae nods to Jesh.

You stare at Trae.

Trae says, "no problem"

Geiddian says, "that's more than I needed to know Trae"

Jesh nods to you.

Trae says, "lets see here...."

Jesh says, "Yes."

Geiddian says, "you can only go blind once"

You exclaim, "No no! Trae you hush!"

You flail your arms about.

Carli shudders.

Carli giggles.

Ryse leans on Carli.

You say, "You have a wife"

Trae recites: "We are gathered here this eve to celebrate the joining of this man and woman..."

Trae ponders.

Jesh says, "No I don't."

You exclaim, "wait wait!"

Jesh says, "No go on."

Jesh nods to Trae.

Trae nods to Jesh.

Trae asks, "Jesh, do you take Caillet to be your"

You exclaim, "someone cover his mouth!"

You flail your arms about.

Jesh says, "I do."

You exclaim, "Shush already!"

Trae nods.

Trae says, "good"

Carli says, "Jesh is not married.... yet"

Jesh removes a deep crimson locker manifest from in his hooded cloak.

Jesh begins to twitch.

(Caillet refuses to speak)

Jesh examines his locker manifest carefully.

You glance at Jesh.

Jesh put a deep crimson locker manifest in his hooded cloak.

Trae recites: " this ceremony, I hereby decree, by the power invested in me by Jesh, that you have no say."

You blink.

Carli strums the mandolin's lower strings, adding a heart-trembling low rumble to the melody.

Carli starts chortling.

Kergan turns to Trae and cheers!

Geste grins.

You exclaim, "Wait!"

Zelnar laughs!

Ryse chuckles.

You exclaim, "I get a say! I say no!"

Trae recites: "Therefore, by the power previously stated, I now pronounce you man and wife!"

Jesh nods to Trae.

Trae recites: "Congrats!"

You blink.

Jesh exclaims, "Hang on!"

Kergan exclaims, "Kiss the bride!"

Lord Jesh just went north.

Geiddian asks, "do you, Trae take Jesh's locker as dowry to have and to hold, to hoard and to gather dust, til death finds you in a dark alley?"

Zelnar applauds.

Trae grins at Geiddian.

You blink.

With a complex series of chords Carli bridges into a new key, taking the theme to a new level of exaltation.

Lord Jesh just arrived.

Jesh offers you a gaudy diamond wedding band. Enter ACCEPT to accept the offer or DECLINE to decline it. The offer will expire in 30 seconds.

Trae says, "oh yeah, the ring"

Jesh says, "I stole this from one of my other wives."

Carli laughs!

Kergan coughs.

You stare at Jesh.

Trae says, "I forgot that part"

Trae nods to Jesh.

You fold your arms over your chest.

You turn away from Jesh, ignoring him.

You mumble something under your breath.

Trae asks, "need a club?"

Carli says, "A feisty one."

Carli nods to Jesh.

Trae glances at Jesh.

You turn to face Jesh.

You wave a hand at Jesh, dismissing him indifferently.

Trae says, "welps, its legally binding"

Ryse says, "Marrying Jesh can't be that bad."

You say, "Put that away"

Trae says, "oh yeah, kiss the bride Jesh"

Trae nods to Jesh.

Jesh says, "You get great wealth, power, and sex."

Geiddian says, "ask for his locker, settle for half, sue for 2 thirds at the settlement hearing"

Geiddian nods to you.

You gulp.

Jesh's offer to you has expired.

Jesh taps his foot impatiently.

You rub your chin thoughtfully.

Jesh glances at Carli.

Trae says, "at this point, I think its perfectly legal for you to use a glass wand, and drag her to your home."

Jesh exclaims, "Trae!"

Jesh says, "You marry me and Carli then."

Jesh turns away, ignoring you.

Geiddian says, "you know how Moot hall dips down on one side? That's because of Jesh's locker."

You say, "You are being way too helpful"

Carli blinks.

Trae exclaims, "ok, next marriage!"

[Carli’s Perspective]

Jesh turns away from Caillet, ignoring her.

Geiddian says, "you know how Moot hall dips down on one side? That's because of Jesh's locker."

Caillet says, "You are being way too helpful"

You blink.

Ryse just tried to pull you towards him!

Ryse says, "That's my sister."

Trae exclaims, "ok, next marriage!"

Caillet frowns at Trae.

Kergan laughs!

You say, "Cole wouldnt approve."

You grin at Jesh.

Jesh asks, "And?"

You groan.

Jesh asks, "I care about this why?"

Ryse says, "She can't get married yet."

Jesh exclaims, "Do your thing!"

Jesh nods to Trae.

Babbling again, eh?

Jesh appears to be checking his pockets for something, but finds them empty.

Caillet smirks.

Caillet folds her arms over her chest.

Ryse says, "Someone drag Trae outta here."

Trae recites: "We are gathered here this eve to unite both Carli and Jesh...."

You say, "I know how you feel now."

Ryse chuckles.

Geiddian says, "I'll marry you for 5 minutes in your locker and a promise you'll treat me gently and send me flowers"

Jesh glares at Caillet.

You nod to Caillet.

Geiddian nods to Jesh.

Ryse stands up.

Caillet grins at you.

Jesh kicks Geiddian!

Kergan laughs!

Caillet glances at Jesh.

You ask, "Can i trip Trae?"

Trae recites: "Jesh, do you take Carli to be your wife, to love, honor, cherish, and make do your chores?"

You say, "And I am gonna have to compete with his other wives... they will all be tripped."

Jesh nods to Trae.

Jesh says, "I do."

Geiddian says, "there'll be dancing and singing and a buffet"

Trae nods.

Trae says, "good good"

You ask, "Chores?"

You give your eyebrow a little workout.

Kergan turns to Geiddian and cheers!

Trae says, "yes, its part of the whole shibang"

Ryse rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Geiddian says, "Kill Torese! And we have knishes"

Jesh waves a clear glass wand at Geiddian. Nothing happens.

Vicarus says, "I think weddings should be romantic"

Torese grins at Geiddian.

Jesh groans.

You say, "I dun do chores. I aint an indoor girl"

Geiddian grins at Torese.

Jesh bends slightly and slaps Geiddian up'side his head!

Trae recites: "Carli, do you promise to do as Jesh tells you, like it or not?"

Jesh nods to you.

(Caillet reaches her hand behind Jesh's head and shakes his head, vehemently indicating No.)

Trae nods.

You ask, "Do I ever?"

Trae says, "thats a yes"

You say, "No"

Jesh turns to Trae and cheers!

Caillet turns to you and cheers!

Ryse rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Geiddian says, "tomorrow when Jura asks, he's going to deny this"

Geiddian nods to you.

Vicarus says, "Something to put into song"

You say, "I know"

Kergan chuckles.

You wink at Geiddian.

Jesh turns to Trae and cheers!

You lift your hand to remove your gold and green lizard from your shoulder.

Ryse says, "I better hoarde some women in my locker so Jesh can't get to em.."

Jesh and Trae shake hands.

Caillet says, "I suspect that Jura an I will want to be gettin better acquainted "

Kergan grins at Ryse.

You show Jesh your gold and green lizard.

Caillet hums distractedly to herself.

Geiddian says, "that won't help"

Caillet examines her fingernails.

Trae recites: "By the power invested in me, by the Outlaw Society (I just made that up)....I now pronounce you man and wife!"

Zelnar says, "I didn't see a thing... until Jura pushes it."

Geiddian exclaims, "he still hits on my wife!"

Trae exclaims, "congratulations!"

Jesh says, "No, you are supposed to kiss MY lizard."

Geiddian winks at Jesh.

Trae says, "have a happy wedding night"

You ask, "What lizard?"

Jesh turns to Trae and cheers!

Kergan laughs!

Jesh begins to twitch.

Ryse rubs his chin thoughtfully.

You say, "Anna... I think I just got married."

Ryse asks, "Jesh needs a wife manifest eh?"

Annabella asks, "To who?"

Jesh offers you a gaudy diamond wedding band. Enter ACCEPT to accept the offer or DECLINE to decline it. The offer will expire in 30 seconds.

Geste says, "Jesh"

Caillet grins at Ryse.

Geiddian says, "congratulations to the bride, the groom, and the locker"

[Caillet’s perspective]

Trae asks, "Jesh, you wanna divorce Caillet?"

Jesh glares.

You fold your arms over your chest.

You examine your fingernails.

Geiddian exclaims, "no, no!"

Geiddian pokes you in the ribs.

Jesh says, "Yes and all the other fifteen wives."

Trae ponders.

Geiddian exclaims, "not before the divorce settlement!"

Geiddian says, "never admit anything"

Carli struts about.

Jesh glances at Carli.

Trae says, "since the other fifteen aren't present, I'll just do you and Caillet for now"

Trae recites: "Ok, since Caillet was not a very good wife for the 3 minutes that they were married...."

Geiddian says, "now go grab a couple wounds and claim battery."

Jesh exclaims, "What what!"

You say, "I've got two black eyes"

Geiddian says, "well there ya go"

Trae recites: "I hereby declare that the marriage is over, and that Caillet now owes Jesh a sum totalling 1 million silvers for mental anguish."

Jesh hauls off and slaps Trae up'side his head!

Trae lets out a yelp!

Carli says, “I hope you know.. I am gonna cheat on you as soon as Cole returns."

Carli nods to Jesh.

Kergan gasps.

Trae says, "ooh, I can get you another 2 million for that"

Trae nods to Jesh.

Jesh says, "It's okay, Jura is going to kill you."

You say, "I shall seek Jura out, and as the last breath leaves my body, and they are prying the ring from my cold dead hand.. I shall speak of your sins."