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(This started in the middle of it all, someone called Lentuar, enters the park and threatens the citizens of Landing. I forgot to record the date, but it was somewhere around Nov 14, 2001.)

Krystic says, "Or have you moved up in the world ta kobolds now"

Jasia says, "Oh, rejoice."

Kaitlen pokes Krystic in the ribs.

Jasia smirks.

Stryngarr searches around for a moment.

Kaitlen says, "roltons get it right"

Kylin says, "What are you missing here, Lentuar? You have no throne."

Kaitlen nods to Krystic.

You grin at Krystic.

Kylin says, "The throne is mine."

Kylin says, "And Lauren sits next to it, you really should brush up on your common knowledge."

Geiddian says, "oh, and we're sorry about tearing down you shant... er mansion. Eminent domain and all. We needed it to build a new sewer. "

Krystic grins at Geiddian.

Kaitlen clasps her arms around her knees and rocks back and forth.

Disalusion snickers.

You fidget.

You hear the voice of Lentuar say, "I have warned you all. Beware my warning."

You gaze in wonder at your surroundings.

Kaitlen gazes in wonder at her surroundings.

Gutter asks, "Is this all he does is threaten?"

Krystic says, "we shall see"

Kaitlen nods to Gutter.

Krystic nods to Gutter.

Krystic says, "perty much"

Kaitlen says, "he all talks"

You ask, "Do we ever listen to warnings?"

Gutter shakes his head.

Hapki says, "I heed thy warning voice in the shadowss."

Kaitlen says, "no"

Kylin yawns.

Geiddian says, "We'll be glad to erect a statue in your honor. Just as soon as we find enough pigeons"

Stryngarr asks, "ya know what ya kin do wit yer warnin right?"

Krystic says, "like a small thrak"

You hear the voice of Lentuar say, "And as a token of my words, someone will die."

Krystic says, "always yippin at ya"

Disalusion just tried to pull Geiddian towards him!

Jasia furrows her brow.

Krystic says, "hrm"

Disalusion exclaims, "Oh pick me!"

A pained expression crosses Nyvea's face.

Disalusion raises his hand.

Disalusion raises his hand.

Kaitlen begins chuckling at Disalusion.

Krystic points at Disalusion.

Nyvea shrieks!

Disalusion exclaims, "Oh!"

Elthors just arrived.

Kylin glances at Disalusion.

Hapki says, "Not I! I heed thy warning."

Nyvea cowers away from Disalusion!

Gunfer chuckles.

Kaitlen points at Disalusion.

Elthors lets out a cheer!

Nyvea moves to stand behind Hapki.

Elthors just hugged Disalusion.

Kaitlen says, "we vote disalusion"

Kaitlen nods.

Kylin says, "I cannot believe I call you my brother, you pathetic amoeba."

Disalusion strikes a heroic pose.

Jasia renews her songs.

(Nyvea hides behind Hapki who is taller)

Geiddian says, "I will not sing stupid songs for the old cleric again. You die, you stay dead"

Kylin rolls his eyes.

Geiddian pokes Disalusion in the ribs.

Nyvea gulps.

Hapki exclaims, "No no!"

Krystic chuckles.

Hapki says, "Protect me"

Hapki grins at Nyvea.

Hapki stands up.

Nyvea strides over to stand before Hapki.

Kaitlen stands up.

(Nyvea pulls Jaycen in front of her)

Kaitlen stretches.

Hapki beams happily at Nyvea!

Nyvea just tried to pull Jaycen towards her!

Gunfer fidgets.

Jasia shifts her weight.

Disalusion says, "Lentaur culdn't smak me anaway.."

Jaycen chuckles.

Disalusion snickers.

Nyvea fidgets.

Krystic says, "hes prolly gonna try and git Sleepy"

Kaitlen peers quizzically at Disalusion.

Meagan says, "well, that was most strange."

Disalusion says, "Eh 'itz like a gerl..kinda like Krystic.."

Kylin says, "Lentuar, how about a duel? If I had a glove, I would slap you with it."

Kaitlen says, "ya a giantman"

Jaycen says, "or Helga"

Krystic raises an eyebrow in Disalusion's direction.

Jaycen cringes.

Nyvea put a drake halberd in her hunter green daypack.

You remove an imflass halberd from in your murrey velvet cloak.

Nyvea wrings her hands.

Disalusion says, "One word.."

Krystic waggles his fingers mystically at Disalusion. How nice.

You lean on your halberd.

Disalusion nods to Krystic.

Disalusion mutters turkey.

Geiddian rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Kaitlen snickers.

Krystic says, "killers"

Krystic nods to Disalusion.

Kaitlen says, "turkeys"

Krystic waves his hand in a dismissive gesture.

Kaitlen giggles.

Hapki searches around for a moment.

Kylin says, "Your delusions of grandeur have significantly enhanced my mood. You are rather comical."

Nyvea says, "you know...."

Krystic says, "ya dont know the half of it"

Kaitlen says, "that cast bolts too right"

Kaitlen nods.

Krystic says, "scarier than Lentuar thats fer sure"

Krystic says, "big bolts"

Krystic nods to Kaitlen.

Elthors wrinkles his nose.

Elthors sticks out his tongue.

Gutter says, "You talkin to yerself Kylin? Cuz he ain't here."

Disalusion glances at Krystic.

Kylin asks, "What next? Disalusion using words with more than two syllables?"

Kaitlen says, "someone keep the rum away from krystic"

Elthors just nudged Gutter.

Disalusion mutters freak.

Stryngarr says, "he aint even here now"

Geiddian says, "the lost kitten is scarier than Lentuar"

Kylin says, "Fell my beating half-heart."

Elthors begins chortling at Gutter.

Disalusion exclaims, "Eh! Go stab yerself!"

Meagan asks, "is he a he or a she?"

Disalusion scoffs at Kylin.

Gutter says, "It."

Krystic says, "I feel like Ive been warned"

Jasia says, "Of all the men to be courted by."

Stryngarr asks, "who cares?"

Krystic gazes in wonder at his surroundings.

Jasia rolls her eyes.

Meagan says, "it."

(Nyvea whispers loudly to Hapki who is hiding behind her, "I think that he might try to kill us when we don't expect it! I'm gonna hide in yer cloak!)

Stryngarr says, "bloody nutcase anyway"

Krystic grins at Jasia.

Krystic cackles!

Jasia says, "A blue dog."

Jasia mutters under her breath.

Hapki smiles at Nyvea.

Geiddian asks, "he left, didn't he?"

Elthors sits down.

Krystic says, "seems it"

Hapki says, "I will protect you."

Krystic nods to Geiddian.

Geiddian says, "gods, nothing like an invisible craven"

Disalusion just went north.

Geiddian snorts.

Nyvea rubs her chin thoughtfully.

Kaitlen says, "typical male"

Hapki asks, "But who will protect me?"

Krystic says, "he really does just blather alot"

Kaitlen says, "shoots his mouth off than leaves like a big chicken"

Nyvea exclaims, "hmm..guess I can't have no cloak!"

Geiddian says, "almost as much as me"

Elthors smiles at you.

Geiddian winks at Krystic.

Elthors says, "goods to see ya alive"

Krystic begins chuckling at Geiddian.

Kylin appears to lose some internal strength.

Elthors just nudged you.

Kylin yawns.

Krystic says, "almost"

Hapki places his hand on his reinforced shield.

Krystic appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Kylin becomes unbalanced for a second, then recovers.

Krystic winks.

Elthors taps Gutter lightly on his shoulder.

Krystic searches around for a moment.

You glance at Elthors.

You stick out your tongue.

Gutter nods to Elthors.

Jasia gives Krystic a little prod between the shoulder blades.

Elthors grins.

Geiddian says, "well"

Gutter nods to Elthors.

Stryngarr says, "shoots his mouth off and leaves ya all flustered and cacklin like a buncha hens"

Geiddian ponders.

Stryngarr snickers.

Geiddian says, "all spelled up and no place to go"

Kaitlen nods to Geiddian.

Krystic waves his hand in a dismissive gesture.

Kylin says, "That was Lentuar? "

Jasia snorts at Krystic.

Kaitlen says, "lets go beat up sheru"

Kylin says, "I am not impressed."

Disalusion just arrived.

Krystic shrugs.

Krystic says, "I guess so"

Kaitlen says, "course i cant find the door"

Krystic chuckles.

Geiddian says, "okay"

Geiddian says, "I have a tendency to get bound and silenced by the initiates"

Geiddian winks at Kaitlen.

Kaitlen rubs Geiddian gently.

Gutter says, "Sounds kinky."

Kaitlen says, "that not good"

Geiddian pokes Gutter in the ribs.

Krystic says, "he's used ta it"

Krystic nods to Kaitlen.

[Wehnimer's, Outside Gate] Citizens, merchants and assorted dregs of society jostle against you before the great wooden gates of Wehnimer's Landing. Harried guards and militiamen try to keep the chaos to a minimum, but it is hard to keep track of those entering, let alone leaving, this large trading post. A dirt path encircling the wooden palisade of the town leads east and southwest. Nailed prominently to the wooden wall beside the gate is a sign you really should read. You also see a wayside inn. Obvious paths: north, east, northwest, southwest.

You hear the faint thoughts of You echo in your mind: "Just in case, standing guard at the gate. I am bored anyway ;)"

You hear the faint thoughts of Nyvea echo in your mind: "Oh no! Rainne do be careful! Watch out for wild turkeys!"

You hear the faint thoughts of You echo in your mind: "Thanks, I'll be good"

You survey the area.

(I started patrolling between gates here….)

[Wehnimer's, Outside Gate] Citizens, merchants and assorted dregs of society jostle against you before the great wooden gates of Wehnimer's Landing. Harried guards and militiamen try to keep the chaos to a minimum, but it is hard to keep track of those entering, let alone leaving, this large trading post. A dirt path encircling the wooden palisade of the town leads east and southwest. Nailed prominently to the wooden wall beside the gate is a sign you really should read. You also see a wayside inn. Obvious paths: north, east, northwest, southwest.

You hear the faint thoughts of You echo in your mind: "So far, he hasnt kept his word... thankfully."

You hear the faint thoughts of Jasia echo in your mind: "I wouldnt hold my breath."

You hear the faint thoughts of Lentuar echo in your mind: "Now who shall die first.. decisions decisions."

You hear the faint thoughts of You echo in your mind: "Heh, that must be a fun decision"

You hear the faint thoughts of Kaitlen echo in your mind: "you?"

You hear the faint thoughts of Nyvea echo in your mind: "We volunteer Kylin seeing as he's claiming this as his town!"

You hear the faint thoughts of Kaitlen echo in your mind: “and anyway I thought we voted for disalusion"

You hear the faint thoughts of Elthors echo in your mind: "come get me..."

You hear the faint thoughts of Kylin echo in your mind: "Bring it."

You hear the faint thoughts of Geiddian echo in your mind: "You know, I've never seen Lentuar. Could it be a horrible disfigurement? Something really freakish. Maybe he has no nose!"

You hear the faint thoughts of Jaycen echo in your mind: "we know he has lips"

You hear the faint thoughts of Nyvea echo in your mind: "Or what if he has three ears!"

You focus your mind on Krystic and think: "You covering the west gate?"

You hear the faint thoughts of Kaitlen echo in your mind: "and a big mouth that rattles on and on"

You hear the faint thoughts of Nyvea echo in your mind: "That's true he does speak a lot...maybe he has a really ugly eye that stares at you to death"

You hear the faint thoughts of Krystic touch your mind: "yeah, ive ran inta him right out here before"

You hear the faint thoughts of Elthors echo in your mind: "let em come get me I always up for a dying..."

You don't find anything of interest here. Roundtime: 10 sec.

You hear the faint thoughts of Jaycen echo in your mind: "or big smelly feet... that would kill the entire city anyway"

Krystic just arrived.

Krystic just went southwest.

You survey the area.

Krystic just arrived.

Krystic says, "hrm"

Krystic just went southwest.

You scratch your head.

Krystic just arrived.

Krystic went through the wooden gates.

You hear the faint thoughts of You echo in your mind: "Gates are still clear."

You hear the faint thoughts of Kylin echo in your mind: "Such pesting banter Lentuar."

You hear the faint thoughts of You echo in your mind: "Travel is safe, so far."

You hear the faint thoughts of You echo in your mind: "Wait! There is a rolton!"

You hear the faint thoughts of Kaitlen echo in your mind: "and it will continue to be safe, he does this all the time shoots his mouth off"

You swing an imflass halberd at a rolton! AS: +19 vs DS: +4 with AvD: +30 + d100 roll: +20 = +65 A clean miss.

(Don’t ask, I was in defense.)

You hear the faint thoughts of Zixt echo in your mind: "mabye he's drunk"

[Wehnimer's, Outside Gate] Citizens, merchants and assorted dregs of society jostle against you before the great wooden gates of Wehnimer's Landing. Harried guards and militiamen try to keep the chaos to a minimum, but it is hard to keep track of those entering, let alone leaving, this large trading post. A dirt path encircling the wooden palisade of the town leads east and southwest. Nailed prominently to the wooden wall beside the gate is a sign you really should read. You also see a wayside inn. Obvious paths: north, east, northwest, southwest.

You don't find anything of interest here. Roundtime: 10 sec.

High Lord Kylin came through the wooden gates.

You survey the area.

Kylin gestures and utters a phrase of magic.

Kylin gestures. A sudden burst of bright light emanates from Kylin's hand!

High Lord Kylin went through the wooden gates.

Lentuar whispers, "You can always search.. but sometimes you cannot hide."

loo [Wehnimer's, Outside Gate] Citizens, merchants and assorted dregs of society jostle against you before the great wooden gates of Wehnimer's Landing. Harried guards and militiamen try to keep the chaos to a minimum, but it is hard to keep track of those entering, let alone leaving, this large trading post. A dirt path encircling the wooden palisade of the town leads east and southwest. Nailed prominently to the wooden wall beside the gate is a sign you really should read. You also see a wayside inn. Obvious paths: north, east, northwest, southwest.

You grimace.

A rolton trots in!

You make a horrendous warthog-like noise.

You hear the faint thoughts of Kylin echo in your mind: "I believe the fool is done pontificating."

You say, "I bite at hiding"

A rolton trots in!

Krystic just arrived.

Krystic says, "no sign"

You hear the faint thoughts of Jaycen echo in your mind: "Maybe his amulet broke"

Whisper kry He is here You whisper quietly to Krystic.

Krystic rubs his chin thoughtfully.

>whisper kry he whispered to me You whisper quietly to Krystic.

Krystic searches around for a moment.

Krystic nods to you.

You hear the faint thoughts of Kylin echo in your mind: "Do you find yourself to be funny? I don't find you to be funny in the least."

Krystic says, "hrm"

High Lord Kylin came through the wooden gates.

Krystic just went southwest.

You hear the faint thoughts of Gutter echo in your mind: "Me thinks there is more broke than just an amulet ta Lentuar. He ain't right in the head."

Kylin comes out of hiding.

High Lord Kylin just went southwest.

You don't find anything of interest here.

You hear the faint thoughts of Nyvea echo in your mind: "I think you're funny...funny lookin that is! All you rangers are!"

High Lord Kylin just arrived.

You survey the area.

High Lord Kylin just went north.

High Lord Kylin just arrived.

Kylin gestures and utters a phrase of magic.

Kylin gestures. A sudden burst of bright light emanates from Kylin's hand!

Krystic is revealed from hiding!

High Lord Kylin just went northwest.

High Lord Kylin just arrived.

You hear the faint thoughts of Kaitlen echo in your mind: "ut oh"

Kylin snickers.

Krystic grins.

You chuckle.

High Lord Kylin just went east.

Krystic mumbles something that you don't quite catch.

High Lord Kylin just arrived.

Lentuar whispers, "How amusing."

You blink.

You fidget.

Lady Kaitlen came through the wooden gates.

Krystic gives Kaitlen a firm punch and backs away from her.

You hear the voice of Kylin ask, "Is he whispering in your eat, Rainne?"

You fidget.

Krystic searches around for a moment.

You say, "I cant think of who else it is... unless its you"

You grimace.

You hear the voice of Kylin say, "Which it is not."

Krystic says, "aint me either"

Krystic searches around for a moment.

Kaitlen says, "for what"

Kylin comes out of hiding.

Kylin gestures and utters a phrase of magic.

Kylin gestures. A sudden burst of bright light emanates from Kylin's hand!

Kylin gestures and utters a phrase of magic.

Kylin gestures. Nothing seems to happen.

Krystic's group just went north.

Krystic's group just arrived.

Krystic rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Lentuar comes out of hiding.

Twigs snap in the distance.

Kaitlen scratches her head.

Kaitlen says, "erp"

Krystic mumbles something that you don't quite catch.

You hear the voice of Kylin say, "Mush, rogue."

Krystic searches around for a moment.

Krystic just went southwest.

Kaitlen says, "mush"

Kaitlen giggles.

Krystic just arrived.

Jaycen's group came through the wooden gates.

Nyvea gulps.

You ask, "You all have this gate down?"

Kaitlen shrieks!

Krystic says, "Lentuar was just here"

Elthors cackles!

Kaitlen nods to Krystic.

Krystic just went east.

You fidget.

Krystic just arrived.

Krystic just went north.

Elthors says, "eww"

Krystic just arrived.

loo >[Wehnimer's, Outside Gate] Citizens, merchants and assorted dregs of society jostle against you before the great wooden gates of Wehnimer's Landing. Harried guards and militiamen try to keep the chaos to a minimum, but it is hard to keep track of those entering, let alone leaving, this large trading post. A dirt path encircling the wooden palisade of the town leads east and southwest. Nailed prominently to the wooden wall beside the gate is a sign you really should read. You also see the Jaycen disk and a wayside inn. Also here: Krystic, Nyvea, Elthors, Jaycen, Lady Kaitlen Obvious paths: north, east, northwest, southwest.

Krystic searches around for a moment.

Jaycen chuckles.

Kaitlen babbles something unintelligible.

Krystic just went southwest.

Jaycen says, "steal the spell from me Kait"

You say, "Looks like you have this one covered, I am switching to the west one."

Krystic just arrived.

Kaitlen says, "he a big wimp anyway always hiding"

Jaycen says, "then cast it"

Jaycen nods to Kaitlen.

Rustling comes from the nearby bushes.

Kaitlen gestures and utters a phrase of magic.

Kaitlen gestures at Jaycen. CS: +206 - TD: +157 + CvA: +11 + d100: +79 - -5 == +144 Warding failed! As Kaitlen concentrates and begins chanting, a luminescent aura lashes out to encircle Jaycen.

Jaycen gasps in agony as the aura completely envelops him. The aura grows brighter then disappears in a brilliant flash. Kaitlen seems to glow with power.

Kaitlen gestures at Jaycen. A sudden burst of bright light emanates from Kaitlen's hand! Kylin is revealed from hiding!

Kylin gestures and utters a phrase of magic.

Kylin gestures. Nothing happens.

Krystic chuckles.

Kaitlen peers quizzically at Jaycen.

[Wehnimer's, Exterior] The muted sounds of loud bartering from within Wehnimer's Landing, and the lonely calls of a pair of mated fenvaoks high up in the air vie for your attention as you march along the outer western edge of the town. You also see a large wooden gate and a town guard. Obvious paths: north, south.

Krystic just arrived.

Krystic says, "hrm"

Krystic just went north.

You hear the faint thoughts of You echo in your mind: "West gate- clear... except for the pesky rolton invasion."

>loo [Wehnimer's, Exterior] The muted sounds of loud bartering from within Wehnimer's Landing, and the lonely calls of a pair of mated fenvaoks high up in the air vie for your attention as you march along the outer western edge of the town. You also see a rolton, a rolton, a kobold, a large wooden gate and a town guard. Obvious paths: north, south.

(Insert a few battles between me and the kobold, and some rolton bites..)

AS: +10 vs DS: +252 with AvD: +33 + d100 roll: +34 = -175 A clean miss.

You hear someone chuckling.

You stare at nothing in particular.

You hear the voice of Lentuar whisper “You swing like a little girl with a sword.”

You say, "Well, i am a lil girl, and this isnt a sword"

You nod.

You tap an imflass halberd.

You ask, "Why are you following me?"

You grimace.

You hear the voice of Lentuar ask, "Perhaps I have selected you to die?"

You chuckle.

You say, "I die at least twice a day, aint nuttin new to me"

Krystic just arrived.

Lady Kaitlen just arrived.

(Krystic and Kaitlen displays some fast multi-striking on some poor kobolds.)

You grin.

Krystic stares off into space.

Kaitlen struts about.

Krystic gazes up into the heavens.

Krystic just went north.

Kaitlen giggles.

You say, "Have you found him? I think he is following me."

You grimace.

Kaitlen says, "he jealous of me power"

You fidget.

Kaitlen says, "nope"

You don't find anything of interest here.

You fidget.

Kaitlen rubs you gently.

Kaitlen gestures at you. A dim aura surrounds you.

Kaitlen gestures at you. You suddenly feel a lot more powerful. You are surrounded by a white light.

Kaitlen gestures at you. You suddenly feel more powerful.

You beam at Kaitlen.

Kaitlen smiles at you.

Kaitlen says, "be careful hon"

(Thanks, Kaitlen!!)

[Town Square, Small Park] A small, shady park fills an old vacant lot behind a row of buildings, the bustling sounds of the square filtering through the passage to the north to animate the area despite its appearance of peace and serenity. A weatherworn grey marble statue of a stocky human in pioneer's clothing overlooks the park, his stone hat encrusted by the gifts of decades of passing birds and his right hand half-upraised as if it once held some now-missing object. You also see a dented gold coffer, a raffle table with some stuff on it and a carved granite trash can. Also here: Sharnessa who is seated, Trazz who is seated, Gutter, Hapki who is seated, Lady Jasia Obvious paths: north, south, west.

You sit down.

You fidget.

Lentuar whispers, "and here I thought they'd never leave."

You fidget.

You hear someone snicker.

You stand back up.

Lord Geiddian just arrived.

You exclaim, "He's here!"

Geiddian sits down.

You tremble.

Sharnessa blinks at you.

Trazz asks, "Who's here?"

You say, "The voice"

You tremble.

Trazz says, "I don't hear anything."

Geiddian asks, "Hairlip? Again?"

Krystic just arrived.

You slowly and deliberately empty your filled lungs.

Sharnessa asks, "what voice?"

Krystic asks, "he still whispering ta ya?"

Krystic cocks his head at you.

You say, "He never said his name"

You nod to Krystic.

Krystic nods.

Jasia scowls.

You say, "I hear him in my head"

Krystic groans.

You tremble.

Jasia gives Krystic a firm punch and backs away from him.

Krystic just went north.

Trazz asks, "Well what does he sound like?"

Geiddian says, "he sounds sort of"

Geiddian ponders.

Geiddian says, "inbred"

You say, "Kinda deep, ....whispery"

Geiddian nods.

You say, "Hard to say"

You fidget.

Trazz rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Jasia gazes up into the heavens.

Trazz asks, "And what does he say?"

You tremble.

Geiddian says, "don't let him worry you"

Geiddian smiles at you.

You flail your arms about.

You say, "Thats easy to say"

Geiddian says, "a summer wind has less hot air in it"

[Town Square, SW] This corner of the square seems somewhat subdued. Townsfolk pass through on their way to the shops, the bazaar, or the main well at the center of the square. Others hurry past, anxious to get home or go on about their business. You also see a polished wooden wagon and a cobblestone walkway leading up to a wrought-iron gate. Obvious paths: north, south, east, west, northeast.

Your injuries hinder your attempt to hide. You fail to slip into hiding.

You grimace.

You hear the faint thoughts of You echo in your mind: "Gosh! I am getting paranoid!"

You hear someone mutter something about youwillbetheone.

You hear someone mutter theonetodie.

Lady Kaitlen just arrived.

Kaitlen just gave you a smooch.

Lady Kaitlen just went north.

(Famous smooch-n-run technique)

[Wehnimer's, Outside Gate] Citizens, merchants and assorted dregs of society jostle against you before the great wooden gates of Wehnimer's Landing. Harried guards and militiamen try to keep the chaos to a minimum, but it is hard to keep track of those entering, let alone leaving, this large trading post. A dirt path encircling the wooden palisade of the town leads east and southwest. Nailed prominently to the wooden wall beside the gate is a sign you really should read. You also see a wayside inn. Also here: High Lord Kylin, Lady Kaitlen Obvious paths: north, east, northwest, southwest.

You fidget.

Kylin nods.

You tighten your grip on your imflass halberd.

You hear the voice of Kylin ask, "Does it speak to you still, Rainne?"

You nod.

You nod.

You tremble.

Kaitlen rubs you gently.

Kaitlen says, "maybe he has a thing for bards"

You grimace.

You say, "I am one of the youngest bards here, why me? I have no power or influence over anything."

Kaitlen says, "ya cute"

Kaitlen winks at you.

You stare at nothing in particular.

You say, "I hate being called cute."

You grin.

Kaitlen giggles.

You hear the voice of Lentuar ask, "Why?"

Kaitlen says, "erp"

You exclaim, "Cause I am not cute!"

Kaitlen says, "see i told ya"

You scowl.

Kaitlen nods to you.

You say, "Cute is ribbons, bows, or pink kobolds."

Kaitlen smiles.

Kaitlen asks, "would ya rather he called ya purty?"

You ask, "How bout Rainne?"

Kaitlen says, "i mean think about who we talking about"

Kaitlen giggles.

Krystic just arrived.

Krystic asks, "anything?"

Kaitlen says, "yep"

Kaitlen says, "was just here"

Kaitlen says, "he likes her"

Krystic chuckles.

Kaitlen points at you.

You hear the voice of Lentuar say, "Well, since everyone is at their peek defensive status, I will recall my men. But I shall return again very soon."

High Lord Kylin just arrived.

Kylin gestures. Kylin's group seems to blend into the surroundings better.

High Lord Kylin went through the wooden gates.

Kaitlen says, "have a things for bards i think"

Krystic says, "uh huh"

You beam!

Trumpets begin to blare in the distance.

Kaitlen says, "that work"

Krystic searches around for a moment.

You say, "That doesnt sound like a recall"

You grimace.

Kaitlen says, "maybe they walking away"

Marching can be heard from the far south growing faint as each moment passes.

You hear the voice of Lentuar say, "And take care of my cute Rainne for me, lest nothing befall her."

Kylin gestures at you. CS: +431 - TD: +146 + CvA: +18 + d100: +63 - -5 == +371 Warding failed! You are stunned.

Krystic says, "Ill take gooood care of her"

Krystic winks.

Kylin asks, "What now?"

Krystic says, "dont worry"

Krystic says, "oooof"

Kaitlen stands in front of you.

You are still stunned.

Krystic says, "I guess nothing"

Kaitlen gestures at you. You are able to move again. You are no longer stunned.

Krystic grins at Kylin.

Kaitlen babbles something unintelligible.

You glance at Kylin.

You bite Kylin!

You take a deep breath, and look around with renewed vigor. It is good to be alive, and an adventurer in this land.

Kylin hauls off and slaps you up'side your head!

You hunch your shoulders and snarl menacingly at Kylin!

Kylin exclaims, "DONT EVER TOUCH ME AGAIN!"

Krystic says, "owww"

Kaitlen says, "erp"

You exclaim, "No wagglin!"

Kylin roars!

You exclaim, "I think a nip was well deserved!"

You hunch your shoulders and snarl menacingly at Kylin!

Kylin says, "Come out and be DISEMBOWLED."

Kylin inhales sharply, hissing through his teeth.

Kylin inhales sharply, hissing through his teeth.

Krystic chuckles.

Kaitlen says, "that sounds painful"

Krystic says, "he aint comin out"

Krystic waves his hand in a dismissive gesture.

You hear the voice of Lentuar say, "Actually, this is quite amusing."

Kaitlen says, "he a big turkey"

Kylin grits his teeth.

You bury your face in your hands.

Kaitlen says, "that likes bards"

Krystic gazes up into the heavens.

You hear the voice of Kylin say, "You will pay."

Krystic says, "bardesses I would hope"

Krystic stares off into space.

You hear the voice of Kylin say, "You will pay dealy."

You hear the voice of Kylin say, "Dearly."

Kaitlen waggles her fingers mystically at Krystic. How nice.

Kaitlen says, "ya never know"

Krystic nods to Kaitlen.

Krystic says, "true"

Krystic flashes a wide grin.

You hear the voice of Kylin say, "Your heart will lay beating on my altar."

You hear the voice of Kylin say, "That is a promise."