Title - The Dollar Bill Trick Author - Lady Disdain E-mail - The_Lady_Disdain@mailcity.com Rating - G Summary - Spoilers - Requiem Distribution - Gos, Eph, are okay. For others just ask first. Disclaimer - Mulder and Scully and their ensemble cast are owned by Fox. Randomness - I'm reading the most amazing book, "How To Think About Weird Things: Critical Thinking for a New Age" it totally gives you an idea of where the skeptics are coming from. I highly recommend it. -Thanks to Jen for beta- ----------------------------- The Dollar Bill Trick by Lady Disdain <The_Lady_Disdain@mailcity.com> "The truth may not be helpful, but the concealment of it cannot be." - Melvin Konner She stared at the blank expense report with utter disdain. Of course over the years she had gotten used to filling out the reports for the X-Files but now... Now her work was filled with a sense of urgency. There was one and only one case and it hungrily devoured all of her time and energy like a fire starved for oxygen. She could feel herself weakening, gasping for air but refused to show it. Because now it was truly the survival of the fittest. All her supervisor, John Doggert, needed to shut the X-Files down was one show of her frailty and she hated him for it. She understood Skinner's decision; rather than make Doggert an obvious replacement for Mulder he made Doggert her superior. The choice was understandable but not forgivable. Doggert looked at her with the eyes of a member of the 'boys club'. He saw a woman who had thrown away her career and blindly followed an idiot around the world. In his eyes Scully was a ditched woman. And she was supposed to answer to him. In her fury she gripped the papers tighter, her nails making creases in the margin. "Dana." Her head jerked up and the sound of her name. Doggert was standing in the doorway, her eyes narrowed at him, despite his seniority he insisted on calling her by her first name. She sat up straighter and folded her hands on her desk. "Yes, sir?" That last word came out as a mockery of its original meaning. He took two more steps in the lion cage; his head slightly cocked as he chose his words carefully. "I wanted to talk to you about investigating other--" Doggert was interrupted by the shrill of her cell phone; she motioned for him to wait a moment while she took the call. "Scully." "Agent Scully, its Byers. There have been some developments. You need to get down here, now." Byer's normally clear voice shook. Her eyes got wide, "Is this about Mulder?" Byers hesitated, "...just come over." And then he hung up on her. She put her cell back in her pocket and began to gather up her things to head to Lone Gunmen HQ. "...I'm sorry Doggert--" He interrupted her, "John." She glared at him, "Doggert, I have to go." "But Dana, I need to talk you about--" "Sorry, something's come up." She was already putting on her coat. "But..." And she left her supervisor standing alone in her office, a ditched man. ***************************************************** "Hey Scully, you have a dollar?" "Frohike..." She growled at him as she put down her purse, her heels softly clicking on the concrete floor. Byers had answered the door and told her it would be a couple minutes. "No seriously, this is cool." Langly piped up. After her look he added, "You'll still be able use it." "Fine." She took out a dollar and laid it on the table. "Now," Frohike instructed, "turn it over so the pyramid side is face up. Here's a pen. Draw an upside down triangle on top of the pyramid. Ok, now read off the letters the points of your new star touch." She strained her eyes to look at the tiny letters. "M...A...S...O...N, FROHIKE!" She rolled her eyes and playfully punched him in the arm. She laughed at the smug looks on Langly and Frohike's faces. It felt good to laugh. Byers walked in and frowned, "The dollar trick?" Scully smiled and nodded. "Thought so, they've been waiting a week to show that to someone..." He shrugged and then continued." Agent Scully, I'm sorry for the delay, there was a problem with the circutry of the--" He paused at the arch of her eyebrow, "Anyway, come this way." All four of them walked into the back room where Byers had setup, of all things, a projector. Scully sat down at one of the computer terminals and listened. "Since about February this year there have been reports of--" Click. The wall now showed a picture of clouded sky. "chemtrails from military aircraft." Click. Another picture of the sky. "Don't all airplanes leave a contrail in their wake?" Scully asked. "Yes, but ground reports from people with telescopes and binoculars say that these trails are coming from booms on the aircraft and were happening at too low at an altitude to be the traditional jet trails." Byers replied. "And that's why it's taken so long for us to find out about this. The people reporting this were amateurs. And we were kinda busy with looking for..." Frohike let his voice trail off. Click. This time the photo had the definite grid pattern. "Its been theorized that Americans are being used as guinea pigs for some sort of bio-experiment, an effort to 'thin the herd', or to vaccine the public against bio-warfare." Langly added. "We didn't put everything together until we found where these reports were coming from." Scully knew the answer but in an act of disbelief asked where. "Houston." Even though she was sitting her knees went weak and she felt her stomach lurch. She saw all too clearly the final order of the doomed syndicate. The black oil mixed with chemicals to make it disappear into the air as it was released. All over the country the very act of breathing would invite in an alien virus which would lie dormant until... By some evil twist of fate there was actually a window in the back room. She stared up above the industrial buildings and into the blue sky as tears streamed down her face. She needed him here. She felt Byers awkwardly put his arm her. She looked up and smiled at him as she wiped the tears from her eyes. ***************************************************** "No." Her voice was unwavering, this was final. "But Dana, I don't understand. It's been three months and you've turned up nothing. Nothing. Everything you've investigated has been a dead end. Its time to take other cases." "No, Doggert, its not." She wasn't just being stubborn she was right. "Why?" "Because this case is the only one that matters." And it was. ***************************************************** Somewhere in the desert of Texas a helicopter lands next to a waiting airplane. Out of the copter steps a tall dark man and blonde haired woman. The soldier on the ground salutes and the man rolls his eyes. "What's the news on the operation?" "Everything has gone smoothly. All sprays have been successful." The pilot barked back. "Very good." The Krycek paused for a moment. "I think its time that we take this to a national level." "Yes sir. It will be done." And with that Krycek and Marita left. As they were buckling themselves into the seats of the helicopter Marita spoke, "I still don't understand. Ok, so we do this and the whole world is vaccinated. Great, so people aren't going to die from the, " She swallowed at the painful memory. "virus. How are we going to survive the inevitable war?" The helicopter began to lift off the ground. Krycek's only reply was, "You'll find out." ---------------------------- Author's Notes - Both the dollar bill trick and the strange chemtrails in Houston *are* real. You can find more information about them at: http://www.NeoSoft.com/~cshramek/ Send feedback to: The_Lady_Disdain@mailcity.com :-) More stuff at http://angelfire.lycos.com/myband/theladysfic