Title - Morning Of A War Author - Lady Disdain E-mail - The_Lady_Disdain@mailcity.com Rating - G Category - Colonization fic Summary - "This is the story of a woman on the morning of a war." - Red Hot Chilepeppers, "Easily" Spoilers - None Disclaimer - I do not own these characters, Fox does and I'm just borrowing them. Really I am. ;-) Note - Most (hey I'm working on it) of my stories may be found at https://www.angelfire.com/myband/theladysfic ----------------------------- Morning Of A War by Lady Disdain <The_Lady_Disdain@mailcity.com> "This is the story of a woman on the morning of a war Remind me if you will exactly what we're fighting for" - Red Hot Chilepeppers, "Easily" "This fourth of July I elected to sit on my deck and look up beyond the suburbia and watch the fireworks show of a faraway park. At the rate things are going the fireflies giving them a run for their morning. The inane chatter of my neighbors washes over me. I listen to one mother telling her husband not let her son near the fireworks. This strikes me as odd because the little bastard had been setting off stink-bombs on my front stoop all afternoon. So much for safety. A frightened rabbit scampers across the lawn and into her hole. I rest my forearms on the railing as I watch my neighbors throw away hundreds of dollars all to see something explode in the sky. I of course, have elected to take the higher road and merely watch with an aversion to the whole ordeal. (Translation: I'm a free lance writer and I have no money.) "Celebrate the freedom of our county by blowing something up." I smile an aristocratic smile as I think that. Are we still at that primal stage where fire and destruction are absolutely fascinating? I prefer not to answer that question because after all, I'm sitting here watching it." It's been a year since I wrote than in my journal. This year I'm more like the frightened rabbit than anything else. The rat-a-tat noise outside isn't coming from firecrackers and I haven't seen my neighbors in a month or so. The sky is painted an amazing color but not because of all of the smoke or smog. It's something more sinister at work. I watch TV to try to figure out what's going on. All of the big-star reporters and news anchors quit months ago so it's the second string people giving me my muddled news. I can see why these people weren't on the air before its either they have a huge nose, their voice squeaks, or their just plain weird. But there they are, giving their first, last, and greatest report from the warfront. The news anchors may come and go but two people always remain the same. They always walk close together yet not touching as if they don't want to admit their dependence on one another. The reporters eat it up. The anchors give the couple constant praise and are always trying to interview one of them. If the reporter is lucky enough to get a thirty second sound bite from one of them its played over and over again for weeks. These two are going to save us. By us I mean the human race. They came on the scene professing a cure, a weapon, a means to retaliate. Sure their resumes are a bit...unusual but now is not the time for people who follow the standard procedure. The man *very* attractive, he doesn't fit the typical hero stereotype: tan, blonde hair, blue eyes but as I said before now isn't the time for normal. I admire him so much. There are lines all of his poor face, his eyes are sunken in, it looks as if he's Atlas and carrying the whole world on his shoulders probably because he is. Well, with the help of that woman. Apparently she's known him forever. In the sound bites she says she'll always be at his side. If I were in her place I'd never ever leave him. She's beautiful and has her own following. But together, who could resist them? Their young, their attractive, their going to save us, their *the* news as far anyone's concerned. Their names even belong together. I love to let their names roll off my tongue. It's just so right. Alex Krycek and Marita Covarrubias. ------------------------- hehe that was fun! Happy 4th of July Everyone! Note: I'm sorry if I just seriously pissed you off. It happens. IMHO when (not if *when*) Mulder and Scully save the world it'll be done quietly. Not with a bang but a wimper. Send Feedback To The_Lady_Disdain@mailcity.com Thanks :-) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Free Conference Calling with Firetalk! Host your next egroup meeting live on Firetalk. 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