Title - The Rebel Angels, Part 2 of ? Author - Lady Disdain E-mail - The_Lady_Disdain@mailcity.com Rating - G Summary - "You could say that by chance or fate I remembered what happened and what I what I watched that morning. I prefer fate." Distribution - Gos, Eph, are okay. For others just ask first. Spoilers - None Disclaimer - Mulder and Scully and their ensemble cast are owned by Fox. Characters of my own invention are owned by me. (Wow that even makes sense, I think.) Dedication - To Father Mike for telling that I not only have nothing to offer to the Catholic religion but that women are not priests because women perform not equal but separate roles. Because you know, its not like these rules were written by misogynistic men thousands of years ago or anything...I'll see you in hell. ----------------------------- The Rebel Angels, Part 2 of ? by Lady Disdain <The_Lady_Disdain@mailcity.com> "The heavens were opened and a blinding light of exceptional brilliance flowed through my entire brain." That was St. Hildegard Von Bigen trying to explain her sudden understanding of the texts of her religion. Its also exactly how I felt when I saw the news report on the St. Louis outbreak. I just knew it was the alien illness that my rebel angels were trying to save people from. I was meant to help them, to aid them in their fight. I think I reacted to my discovery of my destiny rather unusually. I didn't sit and think about it, I went upstairs and packed. The next morning I never got off the highway on my way to work. I just kept on driving. I had no idea how I was going to find these people. I just headed southeast knowing that things would take care of themselves. After all I prefer fate rather than chance. I pulled off the highway in Pittsburgh to get something to eat. At the Mours diner the whole restaurant ate in silence as they watched the latest report on the outbreak on CNN. Nothing scares people more than something that cannot be understood. At the time no one truly knew what the sickness was or why St. Louis was the center of the breakout. No one except except my two rebel angels. I was an hour outside of D.C. when I realized I was almost out of gas. I pulled my Honda into the BP station and filled up. The cashier had a look on her face that showed utter boredom, she made little effort to smile when I entered. I walked past the bullet-proof glass to get a soda and stopped in my tracks. There he was. A rebel angel in a black t-shirt and jeans picking up a bottle of ice tea. I could see his face through the reflection on the glass on the refrigerator door. His face was lined and creased with worry. The reflection of his eyes met mine. I slowly took another step towards him as we silently stared at one another. I stood on my tip toes to whisper in his ear. "I know your cause and I want to help." ---------------------------- Send feedback to: The_Lady_Disdain@mailcity.com :-) More stuff at http://angelfire.lycos.com/myband/theladysfic ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0% Introductory APR! Instant Approval! Aria Visa - get yours today. http://click.egroups.com/1/7102/4/_/599222/_/964139703/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------- The X-Files Creative Mailing List Archived at http://www.xemplary.com To subscribe, go to http://www.onelist.com/subscribe/xfc-atxc To unsubscribe, write xfc-atxc-unsubscribe@onelist.com Check out the XFC Feedback list http://www.onelist.com/subscribe/xfc-fdbk ---------------------------------- Imported to ATXC courtesy of NewsGuy news service http://newsguy.com