Title - Swimming Lessons Author - Lady Disdain E-mail - The_Lady_Disdain@mailcity.com Rating - G Spoilers - Requiem (I think I'm noticing a trend here...) Category - Post-Requiem Summary - Some lessons are for life... Disclaimer - I do not own these characters, Fox does and I'm just borrowing them. Seriously. I am. :) Author's Notes - This story is dedicated to all of my little swimmers <big breath> - Joel, Bobby, Anna, Paige, Vincent, Bennet, Lizzy, Nicole, Julia, Brendan, Mareena, Camille, and Christian. You all will probably never read this but you guys inspired this. :) ----------------------------- Swimming Lessons by Lady Disdain <The_Lady_Disdain@mailcity.com> The sunlight slowly streamed through the opaque curtains, dancing lightly on her comforter. Slowly Scully eased her eyes open, the grogginess clinging to her mind as morning dew drops clings to grass. When the mist finally cleared Scully took a deep painful breath. Today was the day. ***************************************************** Thirty Years Earlier -as recorded in a home movie- ***************************************************** A little red headed girl sat on the ledge of the deep end of the pool. The camera slowly went in and out of focus on her pale face showing the determined look in her eyes. She didn't want to get in. Out of the corner of the grainy view a young woman emerged. She rested on the ledge and talked to the girl. The teacher motioned towards the pool. The child thought for a moment and then nodded in agreement. The girl slowly stood up on the edge while the instructor treaded water. The instructor held her arms out slowly motioning for the girl to jump in. Suddenly the child had second thoughts and looked around the pool, her eyes resting on the camera. The camera slowly bobbed up and down as the person holding it nodded to the girl. The girl looked down at the water and then at the teacher. She took a deep breath and finally leaped into the air. The instructor caught the girl and splashed her in the water in one fluid motion. The child giggled in the teacher's arms as she bounced up and down. She then began to practice kicking and moving her arms. Eventually the child began to swim by herself, the teacher ready to grab her if she were to go under. Slowly the teacher swam farther away as the child grew more and more confident. The video cut to a recording of later time. The pool was empty except for a little red headed girl swimming alone in the deep end... ***************************************************** Scully clutched her brief case as she rode the elevator. She ignored all of the incredulous glances the other passengers gave her. She stepped off the car and began the long quiet walk down the hall. She stopped at the door and sighed. Scully bit her lip and pushed the door open. The office had an empty silence. Slowly she put her briefcase on her desk as she sat down and began the day's work... The End ----------------------------- Note: I had a clear vision of the home video in my mind's eye and had difficulty converting it to words. Unfortunately I'm too poor to hire actors and rent a pool to get it exactly how I want it... Oh well. This'll hafta do. :) Make me do a happy little dance and send feedback to The_Lady_Disdain@mailcity.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Want insight into hot IPOs, investing strategies and stocks to watch? Red Herring FREE newsletters provide strategic analysis for investors. http://click.egroups.com/1/5176/4/_/599222/_/962246492/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------- The X-Files Creative Mailing List Archived at http://www.xemplary.com To subscribe, go to http://www.onelist.com/subscribe/xfc-atxc To unsubscribe, write xfc-atxc-unsubscribe@onelist.com Check out the XFC Feedback list http://www.onelist.com/subscribe/xfc-fdbk ---------------------------------- Imported to ATXC courtesy of NewsGuy news service http://newsguy.com