Title - Thy Summer's Play - Time Has Told Me - Part 1 of 10 Author - Lady Disdain E-mail - The_Lady_Disdain@mailcity.com Rating - G Category - Requiem fic Description - Vignette Summary - Mulder reflects on Scully while holding her. Spoilers - Requiem Disclaimer - I do not own these characters, Fox does and I'm just borrowing them. I also do not own Nick Drake's lyrics. Author's notes - Please give me feedback I would *really* appreciate it. Yes, I do realize that this header stuff is actually longer than the fic. *shrug* It was my first try at fanfic, what can I say? ----------------------------- Thy Summer's Play, Part 1 of 10 "Little fly, Thy summer's play My thoughtless hand Has brushed away. Am not I A fly like thee? Or art not thou A man like me? For I dance And drink and sing Till some blind hand Shall brush my wing." - William Blake "Little Fly" ----------------------------- Time Has Told Me by Lady Disdain <The_Lady_Disdain@mailcity.com> "Time has told me You're a rare rare find A troubled cure For a troubled mind And time has told me Not to ask for more Someday our ocean Will find its shore" - Nick Drake "Time Has Told Me" I wanted to tell her so many things tonight but the words just didn't come. I wanted to tell her that I love her. That she has been saving me since the day I met her. The day before she first set foot in the basement I was seriously considering ending it all. Now I don't ever want to stop, I want to find the truth with her and only her. She's sacrificed so much, I told her that tonight and I know she will sacrifice more. I know my words can only begin to repair the wounds that have been inflicted on her but it is a start. I shift a little in the bed because my arm is falling asleep under her. Immediately after taking it away my arm feels cold and almost lonely. So I wrap it back around. While doing so I get a glimpse of her pale beautiful face. Around her neck I can see the gold chain of her necklace, the necklace that I wore when she was gone for those months. I admire her faith although I do not understand it. I do not understand a religion based on the impossible, a child born to a virgin mother. I look at the necklace and I realize that it rests exactly on the scare from her implant. I wince at the thought of all the pain that must have gone along with the scar. I can not begin to imagine the horrible terror she must have felt while they were doing their tests on her. I wasn't able to protect her then just as I wasn't able to protect Samantha so many years ago. I hold Scully a little tighter and as I do this I see there is a single perfect tear below her eye. I kiss the tear away and then settle in the bed with my arms around Scully. I let the darkness of the night carry me away. "Your tears they tell me There's really no way Of ending your troubles With things you can say And time will tell you To stay by my side To keep on trying 'til there's no more to hide" - Nick Drake "Time Has Told Me" ------------------------- Send Feedback To The_Lady_Disdain@mailcity.com Thanks :-) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Explore the popular High-End Room - Go To Where The Smart People Shop-uBid.com http://click.egroups.com/1/6141/4/_/599222/_/962729450/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------- The X-Files Creative Mailing List Archived at http://www.xemplary.com To subscribe, go to http://www.onelist.com/subscribe/xfc-atxc To unsubscribe, write xfc-atxc-unsubscribe@onelist.com Check out the XFC Feedback list http://www.onelist.com/subscribe/xfc-fdbk ---------------------------------- Imported to ATXC courtesy of NewsGuy news service http://newsguy.com