Title - Thy Summer's Play - A Place In The Cloud - Part 2 of ? Author - Lady Disdain E-mail - The_Lady_Disdain@mailcity.com Rating - G Category - Archive - Please don't send this to Gossamer, they already have it. Anywhere else is fine, just tell me about it first. Description - Vignette Summary - I'm at my best when I'm at my weirdest and I must admit, this is pretty weird. Scully reflects in her hospital room about the events at the motel. Spoilers - seventh season finale Disclaimer: I do not own these characters, Fox does and I'm just borrowing them. I also do not own Nick Drake's lyrics. ATTENTION: This is a many part story and should be listed as such: Thy Summer's Play - Time Has Told Me - Part 1 of ?, Thy Summer's Play - A Place In The Cloud - Part 2 of ?, etc. I apologize to all of the archivists I must be driving crazy. :-) --------------------------------- Thy Summer's Play, Part 2 "Little fly, Thy summer's play My thoughtless hand Has brushed away. Am not I A fly like thee? Or art not thou A man like me? For I dance And drink and sing Till some blind hand Shall brush my wing." - William Blake "Little Fly" ----------------------------------------------- "A Place In The Cloud" by Lady Disdain <The_Lady_Disdai@mailcity.com> "Strange face, with your eyes So pale and sincere. Underneath you know well You have nothing to fear. For the dreams that came to you when so young Told of a life Where spring is sprung You would seem so frail In the cold of the night When the armies of emotion Go out to fight But while the earth sinks to its grave You sail to the sky On the crest of a wave" - Nick Drake "Cello Song" As I sit here in this hospital bed I tell Walter Skinner the impossible, that I am pregnant. With a questioning look on his face he asks, "What is your relationship with Mulder?" I lie and tell him we are just friends. Mulder and I have a deeper relationship than just friends, we got even closer that night in the motel room. But Skinner looks relieved at the sound of my false reply and then asks who the father is. I tell him, "Mulder." Walter shakes his head as he walks out the door. I know he is not disgusted with me, just merely confused. He is the Assistant Director after all, not an investigator of The X- Files. Skinner came to my room today to tell me what I already know, that they have taken Mulder. But unlike all the other times my partner has gone missing, I make no frantic calls to his cell phone. I let him go. I know that he wants to go as much as they want to take him. That realization is what made me so shaken that night. It is what caused me to knock on his motel room door. While I slept next to Mulder that night a voice came to me and told me not to be afraid. It was at that point that I realized the voice belonged to Melissa. She said his abduction would be peaceful and not full of the terror and pain like mine. Melissa told me they would not hurt him because he is partly one of them. "Mulder is both a child of the stars and the earth." She said. "The earth has had him for nearly forty years, it is time for the stars to claim him." She told me that I would not be left alone here, I would miraculously conceive and bear Mulder's daughter and name her Samantha. Our daughter would be the Truth, the endpoint of the search. After the voice left me I felt more at peace than I ever have in my life. It was then that I began to hear Mulder's thoughts as he lay next to me. He is thinking about how he much he loves me. He questions my faith which based on the immaculate conception. He laments on how he couldn't protect me from being abducted. I cry in my sleep for him, for the fact that the earth can no longer be the home of this sweet man that I love so dearly. I cry because this will be my last time in his arms for a long while. Later when he tells me to leave Oregon for my own safety, I go with a silent protest in my heart even though I know it is what is right. I feel it when they take him, the feeling is so strong that I pass out. Now I lay in my hospital bed with a perturbed Skinner outside my door and Mulder in the clouds. I know that someday he will return to take Samantha and me with him. The people of this earth will not be able to accept me as her mother or her that matter. She too, is a child of the stars. So I close my eyes and rest my head on the pillow and concentrate, I want to send a message to Mulder up there. I tell him, "I believe." "So forget this cruel world Where I belong I'll just sit and wait And sing my song. And if one day you should see me in the crowd Lend a hand and lift me To your place in the cloud." - Nick Drake "Cello Song" ---------------------------------------------- Send feedback to The_Lady_Disdain@mailcity.com Thanks :-) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Life's too short to send boring email. 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