Title - Things Behind The Sun (4/?) Author - Lady Disdain E-mail - The_Lady_Disdain@mailcity.com Rating - G Category - Description - Story Summary - The repercussions of claiming your having your partner's (who was just abducted by aliens) baby. Spoilers - seventh season finale (Requiem) ---------------------------- Disclaimer: I do not own these characters, Fox does and I'm just borrowing them. I most certainly do not own Nick Drake(RIP) and his lyrics. Author's notes: I realize that most people who read these stories do not even think of sending feedback but you can not begin to understand how important feedback is in the construction of a work. Also I've decided to change this into a many-part story. (Time Has Told Me is the first installment, A Place In The Cloud being the second and Way To Blue the third) I also apologize if there are any inaccuracies concerning the events of the seventh season finale, I'm sorry I didn't tape it and this coming from memory...*grimace* please tell me if I'm way off. If you haven't noticed this story is *not* a vignette like all of the other installments. I guess you could read this as a stand-alone but its so much nicer if you read all of the other ones too. ----------------------------- Thy Summer's Play, Part 4 "Little fly, Thy summer's play My thoughtless hand Has brushed away. Am not I A fly like thee? Or art not thou A man like me? For I dance And drink and sing Till some blind hand Shall brush my wing." - William Blake "Little Fly" ----------------------------- Things Behind The Sun by Lady Disdain <The_Lady_Disdain@mailcity.com> "Please beware of them that stare They'll only smile to see you while Your time away And once you've seen what they have been To win the earth just won't seem worth Your night or your day Who'll hear what I say Look around you find the ground Is not so far from where you are Don't Do wise For down below they never grow They're always tired on charms are hired From out of their eyes" - Nick Drake "Things Behind The Sun" The board director closed the file with a sigh as she brushed a stray blonde hair away from her pale face. A most unfortunate case, she had once held high expectations for Dana Scully. Agent Scully's original aberration from the expected career path was...forgivable. At a young age a woman could make such a mistake. There were more than just a handful of women in the FBI that wouldn't mind being Agent Mulder's "partner". But this, this was most certainly *not* understandable. The case was this, Agent Mulder is missing and Agent Scully is claiming that she is having Agent Mulder's child. The catch is Agent Scully is also claiming rather fervently that there was no improper conduct between herself and her partner. The board director began the feel a migraine coming on. She turned to the Agent Wicks and sternly told the young man to bring Agent Scully in. ***************************************************** Agent Scully sat on the bench outside the boardroom door with her head in her hands and her stomach full of butterflies, it was not the first time she had been under administrative fire. But before she was not alone and it was not like this. This time it was not the validity of her work in The X-Files that they were questioning, it was her own ethics. The rational part of her brain said "Why not? You're going to go in there and try to explain how you're having your partner's baby *but* you didn't have sex with him. Doesn't that just kind of go against everything they taught you at medical school?" Before the other half of her could reply, a kid who looked just out of his teens stuck his head out of the door, smile and said softly, "Agent Scully? The board is ready to see you now." ***************************************************** As the young woman walked into the room the director sat a little straighter in her chair, this was not going to be easy. Agent Scully walked into the room with her head held high and an air of calm and poise about her. The older woman took a deep breath and asked her first question, "Agent Scully do you have an idea why you have been called before this board?" Agent Scully straightened her shoulders and hoped they couldn't see her knees shaking, she should have known they were going to do this, they were going to make her say it. "I believe that I have been called before you today because of some circumstances which I can neither deny nor fully explain. These circumstances are causing my ethics to come into question." The director locked eyes with Agent Scully and pursed her lips, "Good Agent Scully, I'm glad you understand. We are hoping you can shed some light onto this report. The other board members and I are having trouble..." the director paused for a moment to find the right word, "...comprehending it." "May I please have permission to speak freely for a moment?" Scully asked. "You may." Scully crossed her arms behind her back and slowly took a step forward, "In the seven years I have spent with the division called The X-Files I have seen many cases that neither my scientific knowledge nor my medical training can explain, the report which you all have in your hands also falls in this category. A few weeks ago it was thought that my cancer had ridden me barren, that I could never have child. But now, somehow I am pregnant. I can not explain how this is possible just as much as I can not explain how I know the baby is my partners. Because this is my claim, you and your superiors are concerned that I have had an improper relationship with my partner, a very popular rumor I might add but a rumor nonetheless." The director propped an elbow on the desk and rested a hand under her cheek, "Agent Scully, I see you are not going to be forthcoming with these matters so we will have to proceed with questioning you." She turned to the older man sitting next to her, "A.D. Clarkson you may commence questioning." The white hared man shifted in his chair, "Agent Scully, how would you describe your relationship with your partner?" "I would say we have a very close and understanding relationship." "Friends?" "More than that sir. Although Agent Mulder cannot be here to testify to this, I would say we are best- friends." "Agent Scully, has your partner ever made any sexual advances toward you?" Suddenly there was a flash of memories in Scully's mind, Eddie Van Blunt nearly kissing her, the near kiss in the Mulder's hallway, laying together in the motel room... "No sir, Agent Mulder has never made any advances toward me. He cannot attest to this but I think we love each other very much but we both know not to cross that line." Agent Clarkson said with a sneer "Its very nice, Agent Scully, that you are defending your partner since he could not be present today. I must ask, have you ever kissed your partner?" "Yes sir but not romantically just a New Year's Eve kiss." "I want you to think about this next question and carefully consider your answer, Agent Scully. Did you ever have improper relations with your partner?" Scully stood there and thought of all of the times they held each other in their arms, one or both crying about something. She crossed her arms and said, "No Sir." A.D Clarkson's face began to get red and his brow furrowed. "Agent Scully, I am not going to sit here and baby you any longer. You can most certainly may not come before this board claiming that you are pregnant with your partner's baby and say that your are very close to your partner but your never had sex with him. Agent Scully, babies are not just made without the knowledge of the parents!" Scully, thinking about little Emily, tried hard to hold back the tears. "Agent Scully, I want you to answer this question truthfully. Did you ever have sex with your partner?" She took in a deep breath and raised her voice a little louder than she should have, "Have you ever been so close to a person, have you ever *loved* them *so* much that a physical relationship with them would be a step *down*?" By the end of that sentence Scully's voice was shaking, the entire boardroom was silent. The board director leaned over the desk and into her mike as she stared coldly at the agent, "The board sees that you will not be forthcoming on these matters. As a last resort, Agent Scully, when you child is born it will undergo DNA testing. *That* should settle these matters. Understood?" Agent Scully shook her head, "No m'am, I'd like to know how you have possession of Agent Mulder's DNA." The director crossed her arms and rested them on the table and looked straight at Scully, "I suggest you not question our resources, Agent Scully, we have our ways. Until Agent Mulder comes back from *where-ever* he has gone, I am assigning you a new partner." The young agent sitting in the corner smiled and nodded in Scully's direction, "Agent Wicks you may introduce yourself later. Agent Scully, FBI policy states that you may take maternity leave as soon as you and your doctor deem it necessary. With some luck, Agent Scully, you will not have to appear in front of this board until after the testing of your child. Agent Scully, Agent Wicks, you may return to your work now." ***************************************************** Scully walked out the door as Agent Wicks held it open for her. After shutting the door behind him he turned to her and smiled. "Hi, I'm Agent Wicks, I'll be your new partner." Scully sized up the man, no, boy as she shook his hand. He could be no more than three inches taller than herself. His black hair was cut close to his head making the agent look even younger. There was not even a single line on his face. She somehow mustered a weak smile back at him. "Please to meet you, let me show to my office." Scully did not bother to correct herself and say 'our office'. Wicks smiled again, he was always smiling, "Great! Let me go get my stuff, wait right here." So once again Scully sat on the bench outside the boardroom, but this time her head was not in her hands, it was looking up at the ceiling. She was thinking, "Mulder, give me strength." "And open wide the hymns you hide You find renown while people frown At things that you say But say what you'll say About the farmers and the fun And the things behind the sun And the people round your head Who say everything's been said And the movement in your brain Sends you out into the rain" - Nick Drake "Things Behind The Sun" ----------------------------- Send feedback to The_Lady_Disdain@mailcity.com Thanks :-)