Title - Thy Summer's Play - Home - Part 5 of ? Author - Lady Disdain E-mail - The_Lady_Disdain@mailcity.com Rating - G Category - Archive - If this goes to gossamer automatically, fine, they already have it, but for anywhere else just ask me first. Description - Vignette Summary - I'm at my best when I'm at my weirdest and I must admit, this is pretty weird. What happens to Mulder after the blue takes him. Spoilers - seventh season finale Disclaimer: I do not own these characters, Fox does and I'm just borrowing them. I also do not own Nine Inch Nails. (but it would be pretty cool if I did!) ATTENTION: This is a many part story and should be listed as such: Thy Summer's Play - Time Has Told Me - Part 1 of ?, Thy Summer's Play - A Place In The Cloud - Part 2 of ?, etc. I apologize to all of the archivists I must be driving crazy. :-) --------------------------------- Thy Summer's Play, Part 5 "Little fly, Thy summer's play My thoughtless hand Has brushed away. Am not I A fly like thee? Or art not thou A man like me? For I dance And drink and sing Till some blind hand Shall brush my wing." - William Blake "Little Fly" --------------------------------- Home by Lady Disdain <The_Lady_Disdain@mailcity.com> "Angels need an assumed body, not for themselves, but on our account." - Thomas Aquinas "And when the day arrives I'll become the sky And I'll become the sea" - Nine Inch Nails "La Mer" When the blue light takes Mulder he is still. He cannot move, just like when they took Samantha. But this time fear does not chill him. Instead the warmth of happiness resonates throughout his body, belonging. Mulder begins to feel his feet lift off the ground as he loses conscious. ***************************************************** White. The room is so white it makes his eyes hurt. In a far-off corner there is a mechanical beeping. Dark splotches begin to appear in his vision. The memory of the white room in the insane asylum sends his body tense. A hand reaches out and lightly rests on his shoulder. A soothing voice says, "Relax, Mulder, the answers will come." And then he eyes give in to the white and the darkness and close slowly. ***************************************************** Mulder woke up wearing his favorite clothes, a black T-shirt and jeans with his worn boots. He is in a living room sitting on a green couch that is behind a light brown coffee table and to the left of a blue armchair. There are white flowers in a vase on the table and a ceiling fan above. It is the kind of cozy living room that he would expect a shaken wife to walk into the room with his ice tea at hand, ready to answer his questions about her missing husband. Instead a short round middle-aged man walks in from the doorway. He stops suddenly on his way to the armchair because he has just realized that Mulder is awake. "Well it sure takes a lot to keep you down!" He says with a smile as he sits down. "All the better. I guess I've got some explaining to do." Mulder begins to speak but he can't seem to get his thoughts to convert to sentences properly. He manages to blurt out hoarsely "...you look...I feel...seen you..." The man puts his slightly pudgy index finger up, "I was getting to that. It seems that your kind, for all of the time spent imagining what we look like, have a hard time actually conversing and interacting with us in our regular form. So to counter-act your astoundment, we shift into people you see everyday, yet never commit to memory. Right now I'm in the form of Frank P. Roseth who is usually in front of you in the check out line at the super- market. He never tries to sneek in more than twelve items in the express lane, very efficient shopper. The same as for why we are in this living room, Frank's living room I might add. Your people just can't relax in the normal surroundings of our ship. I don't know why, I think they are *very* comfortable. Oh well, to each his own I guess." "Frank" finished with a shrug. For some reason these words make an insane sort of sense in Mulder's mind. He tries to speak again, "white...Frank...what tests...doing." He finishes with his hands raised with his palms up towards the ceiling, he gives up. Frank sat back in his chair; "You are a very smart man, Mulder. In the white room, as you were trying to describe it, we were taking care of any previous, existing, and future medical problems. The knee which has never been the same since you landed on it funny in that spring pick-up basketball game? Fixed. You'll notice that you no longer have any scars from the *many* times you have been shot. We fixed your left shoulder so it won't dislocate anymore. And we got rid of the early stages of lung cancer left over from your early smoking days, among other things. All in all you should feel better than you ever have in your life. Your mind will uncloud itself and your voice will return in a few minutes, those are the only side effects. This is the standard treatment for any of our returning children although the others who came with you needed some assistance in the mental department. You most certainly did not. You have already reached your highest capacity for learning and are maintaining it quite well. We want to give you every advantage possible before you embark on this odyssey of sorts. Come follow me. Although I may have answered some of your questions, I know you have many more questions that I alone cannot answer." As Frank rises from the chair, Mulder gets up and follows him through the doorway. ***************************************************** They enter a dark auditorium and Frank shows Mulder to his seat. The house lights come on and Mulder looks around the room. He sees the same faces he saw in the blue. But they look different, relaxed somehow, at peace. Mulder begins to wonder if they are thinking the same thing about him. He can't wonder for long before the house lights dims the stage lights come on and a woman steps up on the stage. "If you are wondering why this room looks so familiar," She begins, "It is because you all saw a production of Peter Pan in here when you were younger and for some of you that was not so long ago." The woman paused. Mulder instantly remembers. He was eight and Samantha was four, the local high school was putting a production of Peter Pan and they begged their mom to take them. It was magical, he and Samantha were both awed at the children flying across the auditorium to a place far far away. On the way home, in between fighting, they agreed that they both wanted to live in Never Land forever. The short blonde haired woman began to speak again, "The easiest way to explain things is to start from the beginning. On the far edge of this universe there were twin stars with twin planets. It seems as though this universe favors this form of intelligent life, human. So these two planets co-existed for eons, their inhabitants blissfully unaware of each other. Eventually contact was made and we lived in peaceful harmony. Together we evolved." The woman paused and turned into her original form, a short little gray alien. Quickly she returned back into the blonde haired woman she was imitating and resumed her speech. "The habitants of the sister planet we will call Morte for reasons which will become obvious became restless. They had visited your planet early on and didn't find much. They left a few colonists to keep guard and to help if they were to return later. Soon they became restless again. The restlessness quickly turned into bitterness and then anger. They were not happy with ruling only their own planet. There were several attempts to take over our planet, Vite, all failed. So they moved on, unfortunately, to your planet again. We Vitians have come to help your people. If they take over and populate your planet they will soon be able to overpower us. This is where the children of the stars come into play. Since the late 1950's we have been making hybrids." The woman gestured toward the audience. "You. You were created as such, genetically you are still half of your mother and half your father. But half of your essence, your being, is us. We have found that you children generally feel as though you don't belong on Earth. You tend to shut others out, a few of you have let an occasional non-hybrid in but more or less you are loners. A few of you have some of our powers of intuition. We are very proud of all of you children and now your help is in demand. We need your knowledge of your Earth, your people. Together we can destroy the Mortians who want to destroy your race. Tomorrow we will introduce you to the other hybrids and begin discussion of tactics. For now all of you need rest. Your guide will take you to your room." Frank was suddenly standing next to Mulder with a smile he said "Come on Mulder you need rest." Mulder had no idea how tired he really was until he tried to walk. The past day (or was it days? Mulder wasn't sure) and it's events had taken their toll on him. He sleepily let Frank guide him to his room which looked exactly like his living room right down to his couch. Mulder laid down on the couch and before sleep took him he realized something. He thought, "I am neither on Earth nor on Vite. I am in between. I am home." "And the sea will come to kiss me For I am going Home Nothing can stop me now" - Nine Inch Nails "La Mer" ----------------------------- Comments, ideas, or creative criticism should be sent to The_Lady_Disdain@mailcity.com Thanks :-) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ eGroups members: $60 in FREE calls! Join beMANY! 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