Title - Thy Summer's Play - Even So Far Away (Part 8 of ?) Author - Lady Disdain E-mail - The_Lady_Disdain@mailcity.com Rating - G Category - Description - Story Summary - Mulder's destiny becomes clear. Spoilers - seventh season finale (Requiem) ---------------------------- Apology:I'm so sorry, I forgot to send this part out before sending out part 9. forgive me. :-) Disclaimer: I do not own these characters, Fox does and I'm just borrowing them. I most certainly do not own Nick Drake and his lyrics. ARCHIVING - Yes I do realize I must be driving the Gossamer people bonkers but I have finally found the title to gather all of my other stories under. I apologize to for any inconvenience; I'll try to think these things through next time. Author's notes: I realize that most people who read these stories do not even think of sending feedback but you can not begin to understand how important feedback is in the construction of a work. Also I am *trying* to answer some mythology questions and I apologize if I falter. ATTENTION: I'd also like to let people know ~**THIS IS A MANY PART STORY!**~ (Time Has Told Me is the first installment, A Place In The Cloud being the second and Way To Blue the third, Things Behind the Sun the forth, Home the fifth, Time Of No Reply the sixth, and Discovery Of Innocence the seventh) Due to me being insane these stories are not under the bridge title of "Thy Summer's Play" at ephemeral but with any luck they will be under that title at gossamer. ----------------------------- Thy Summer's Play, Part 8 "Little fly, Thy summer's play My thoughtless hand Has brushed away. Am not I A fly like thee? Or art not thou A man like me? For I dance And drink and sing Till some blind hand Shall brush my wing." - William Blake "Little Fly" ----------------------------- Even So Far Away by Lady Disdain <The_Lady_Disdain@mailcity.com> "staring at the sea will she come? is there hope for me after all is said and done anything at any price all of this for you all the spoils of a wasted life all of this for you all the world has closed her eye tired faith all worn and thin for all that we could have done and all that could have been" - Nine Inch Nails "The Great Below" Mulder stood by his desk and looked out the window of his apartment. Of course it wasn't really his apartment, just the alien's replica and instead of a view of the streets below he saw the stars. He wasn't sure how long he had been asleep; time seemed to pass differently here. He turned as he heard the door open. Nurse Owens was standing there. She smiled kindly and told him that the other children were being briefed in the auditorium now but he was a special case and she had been asked to talk with him. Mulder smiled as he wondered how many times in his life he had been considered a special case. He sat down at his desk and she on his couch. The Nurse crossed her legs and folded her hands in her lap. She a deep breath before she began, "We're not actually sure when the first contact with your government was made but the Morte's message was clear, help us or no one survives. They told your government a lie. They said your people would only become slaves when they colonize. You learned a couple years ago how untrue that was. They want to wipe out your race and use your peoples bodies to gestate. But the government did not know that at the time and accepted the conditions, one human for every alien fetus. The aliens wanted to perfect their virus. The government wanted to create hybrids immune to the virus." She looked directly at Mulder, "The Mortes soon found out about our Star Children and demanded that the government catalogue the population to seek out the children. Your father did not want to that to go on and argued with the Morte. So the Morte demanded one family member from each member of the Syndicate as punishment. Imagine the Mortes surprise when they found out one of their helpers from earth had a Star Child." Nurse Owens sighed and looked apologetically at Mulder, "They did do tests on your sister and cloned her. They were trying to find out how we made her so that they could identify and make a specific virus to kill all the Star Children. The Morte returned her and she was kept in the custody of the Spenders. Soon the Morte wanted Samantha back; they wanted to do more tests. They had found an anomaly in her not normally found in Star Children. The tests would probably have killed her. So she became a Child Of The Starlight and was converted into pure energy." She smiled enigmatically at Mulder, "But you see that's the magic of our children...they can convert back." Mulder opened his mouth to speak but the Nurse silenced him, "Not now Mulder, you must know of everything else first. The Morte suspected that you too were a Star Child and they knew that because of your sister you would come to them on you own. And you did. They found the anomaly in you and in a greater amount. Your genes would produce a child who could undo the Morte and all of their plans. The Morte were patient, they waited a year or so and then ordered your government to take your partner. They somehow sensed that she would bear the chosen child." Nurse Owens paused and watched her words take effect. Mulder now knew better than to try to speak but his mind swarmed with questions. Scully? Bearing the "chosen child"? His child? She continued, "They harvested her ova and made Emily out of the ova and your sperm. The Morte thought that if they created a child between the two of you it could only be the chosen child. They tested the poor girl to death. They thought that Emily's death would be the end to the resistance. Just to make sure they gave your partner cancer and rid her infertile." There were tears in the Nurses eyes, "I was sent to make sure she didn't die; that she saw the hope but did not understand it." The woman stopped and asked for a drink of water. In a daze Mulder got up and went into the kitchen and got it for her. She thanked him and took a long sip. Nurse Owens recrossed her legs and put the glass down and smiled sympathetically at Mulder, this wasn't going to be easy, "When you left Mulder, Scully was pregnant." She saw the look of awe and disbelief cross Mulder's face and continued, "Now she's about four months along with a little baby girl named Samantha. She will give birth at about three am, New Years Day. It's your child, Mulder. In eight years and five months young Samantha and her mother will join us. By that time your daughter will have all of her powers. She will be a true Child Of The Stars. And together with the help of you and Scully," The Nurse paused trying to find a better way to say it but found none, "as cliche as it sounds, she will save the world." Mulder sat frozen in the chair. He didn't hear Nurse Owens get up. He didn't hear her put her glass in the sink. He didn't hear her shut the door. But very slowly he turned around in the chair and looked out the window. The ship had rotated while Nurse Owens had been talking to him and he could now see the earth. He could see the white of the clouds, the blue of the sea, and the green of the ground. Mulder slowly closed his eyes and listened. He heard it, it was very faint but he could hear it. The dual heartbeat of a mother and daughter. "ocean pulls me close and whispers in my ear the destiny i've chose all becoming clear i can still feel you even so far away" - Nine Inch Nails "The Great Below" ----------------------------- Send feedback to The_Lady_Disdain@mailcity.com Thanks :-) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SALESFORCE.COM MAKES SOFTWARE OBSOLETE Secure, online sales force automation with 5 users FREE for 1 year! http://click.egroups.com/1/2658/4/_/599222/_/961615635/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------- The X-Files Creative Mailing List Archived at http://www.xemplary.com To subscribe, go to http://www.onelist.com/subscribe/xfc-atxc To unsubscribe, write xfc-atxc-unsubscribe@onelist.com Check out the XFC Feedback list http://www.onelist.com/subscribe/xfc-fdbk ---------------------------------- Imported to ATXC courtesy of NewsGuy news service http://newsguy.com