Title - Thy Summer's Play - The Fragile (Part 9 of ?) Author - Lady Disdain E-mail - The_Lady_Disdain@mailcity.com Rating - G Category - Description - Story, mytharc Summary - The time is near... Spoilers - seventh season finale (Requiem) ---------------------------- Disclaimer: I do not own these characters, Fox does and I'm just borrowing them. I most certainly do not own Nine Inch Nails. I am in no way making any money off of this. Author's notes: I realize that most people who read these stories do not even think of sending feedback but you can not begin to understand how important feedback is in the construction of a work. Also I am *trying* to answer some mythology questions and I apologize if I falter. I'm new to this fanfic thing. ATTENTION: I'd also like to let people know ~**THIS IS A MANY PART STORY!**~ (Time Has Told Me is the first installment, A Place In The Cloud being the second and Way To Blue the third, Things Behind the Sun the forth, Home the fifth, Time Of No Reply the sixth, and Discovery Of Innocence the seventh) Due to me being insane these stories are not under the bridge title of "Thy Summer's Play" at ephemeral but with any luck they will be under that title at gossamer. ----------------------------- Thy Summer's Play, Part 9 "Little fly, Thy summer's play My thoughtless hand Has brushed away. Am not I A fly like thee? Or art not thou A man like me? For I dance And drink and sing Till some blind hand Shall brush my wing." - William Blake "Little Fly" ----------------------------- The Fragile by Lady Disdain <The_Lady_Disdain@mailcity.com> "she shines in a world full of ugliness she matters when everything is meaningless fragile she doesn't see her beauty she tries to get away sometimes it's just that nothing seems worth saving i can't watch her slip away i won't let you fall apart" - Nine Inch Nails "The Fragile" Mrs. Slevin shook her head as she put her red grading pen down. Samantha Scully was a very smart girl. At the age of seven she had already skipped a grade. In fact the principal had told Mrs. Slevin if Samantha's grades kept on skyrocketing they would have her tested and then send Samantha to a gifted school. The third grade teacher looked down at the paper with a red 92 marked on the top. It was if Samantha had peaked at age seven. Julie knew the child reasonably well and that Samantha could easily solve these problems. There was no way Samantha could not know that 9 X 12 = 108. Yet Samantha put the answer down as 97. "Maybe the poor girl just doesn't want to stand out and have to leave the school." Julie thought. But that was impossible, Samantha had no way of knowing about the plans to move her up... ***************************************************** Scully sat curled on the couch and listened to the light rain softly landing on the living room windows with a green blanket pulled over her. She had not been looking into the book in her lap for a few minutes now. The book was her father's old worn copy of "Moby Dick". Scully had read a passage which spoke to her. The passage was, "Ignorance is the parent of fear," Scully was scared for her child. She didn't understand the forces that gave Samantha her powers. She couldn't even begin to comprehend the reasons for Samantha possessing these powers. She knew they were running out of time. Something was going to happen and soon. The fact that Scully didn't know what scared her more than any monster she ever chased. As she stared across the room at her child. Samantha was wrapped up in a blanket sitting on the loveseat. The little girl had an odd reading choice for a third grader, Carl Sagan's "Contact". Samantha would read anything and everything that was put before her. It looked as though the child was determined to garner as much knowledge as possible by the age of eight. Because she was. Samantha was a quiet reserved child, other children in her place would be shouting to the heavens or anyone who would listen all that they knew. Yet Samantha kept it all in. Samantha didn't want to draw attention to herself because she would be gone before people could remember...Scully shuddered at that thought. All of a sudden Samantha got up and walked into the kitchen, her socked feet skidding alittle along the wood floor. Any other mother might assume that their child was getting a drink of water or a snack but Scully knew better. The phone had time to ring only once before Samantha answered it, "Hi Grandma." Maggie Scully always assumed that Samantha just looked at the caller id and happened to be by the phone. She stubbornly refused to think otherwise... ***************************************************** As Samantha sat huddled under the covers of her bed with her flashlight in hand she stared at the last sentence of chapter fourteen of "Contact". Palmer Joss had just asked Ellie his final question, "What is there in the precepts of science that keeps a scientist from doing evil?" Samantha fingered her necklace, a heart shaped locket with a picture of the Madonna in it which her mother had given it to her for her fifth bithrday. Samantha bit her lip in concentration. She supposed that there would have to be a scientist's code of ethics somewhere. After all doctors had their oath, why not scientists? But if there was no code then humanity would have to solely rely on the scientist's own morals and ethics. What if the scientist had no sense of morals? Why,the whole world would be at their mercy! Samantha shuddered inwardly at that thought before she turned off the flashlight. She wrapped the comforter tightly around her small frame as she laid down. But she did not sleep. Instead the young girl stared out her bedroom window and into the stars as she thought of extreme possibilities... ***************************************************** Mulder slowly paced the alien's replica of his apartment, they promised that today he would see her. His days seemed to be only full of explanations rather than experiences. But today he would see her. He turned as he heard his aparement door open. He immediately recognized Rose's small frame, she gestured for him to follow her into the hall. As they walked down the hallway of what appeared to be a Ramada inn, Rose took a deep breath before she began, "Mulder, there's something we need to tell you before you see her..." Mulder hung his head, he should have known, every time he thought he was close to finding her there would be the invitable string attachted... Rose tucked a stray blonde hair away, "By the time we got to her, well, the physcological damage was done..." She stopped by door number 20, "There's no way to tell how she'll react to you." He grimly murmured, "Only one way to find out." as Rose opened the door. The room was bright white and the walls and floor was padded. It looked exactly like phsyc ward they held him in when he was in the asylum. He almost overlooked her. She sat in the right corner of the room with her arms wrapped tightly around her knees as she slowly rocked back in forth. He stared at her for what felt like hours. When he finally summoned the courage to walk over to the right corner, every step seemed like a mile. She had her back turned to him and didn't seem to notice that door had been opened and someone had come in. He knelt down next to her and put his hand on her shoulder lightly brushing her long brown hair. She whirled around nearly knocking him over, her wild brown eyes searching his face. Slowly a light creeped upon her pale face as she began to remember. The recognition registered on her lined face as she pulled her arms around him. He cried tears of joy as he said her name, "Samantha." Suddenly she pulled away and Mulder held his breath when he realized she was trying to speak, slowly she hoarsely said, "This...is not...the end, Fox...Only...the beginning...You must...let her go...she has...to go..." And before his eyes the light drained from her face, her bright eyes went dull and her arms were once again wrapped around her legs. She had served her purpose and the job was done. Her brother sat on the floor and cried next to her unresponsive rocking frame. ***************************************************** Dana Scully smiled at her nephew as ran by her, noise maker clutched tightly in his grubby little fist. The wonders of orange soda at work. Samantha was curled in her grandmother's lap as they watched the countdown in Bill's basement. Scully couldn't have refused Bill's invitation to his New Year's Eve party. What could she have said, "Sorry Bill, I'll have to pass because I have this inexplicable feeling that my daughter and I are going to visit her father along with some aliens." Everyone cheered and twirled their noise makers when the ball dropped. Champagne glasses clinked as the Scully family and friends celebrated the coming of the year 2009. Samantha whispered something in Maggie's Scully and straightened her party dress as she stood up. Samantha slowly wandered over to the corner where her mother was standing and put a cold hand on Scully's arm. Samantha looked up into her mothers eyes, her own mirror image blues eyes widening as she softly spoke, "Mom, its time." "she reads the minds of all the people as they pass her by hoping someone can see if i could fix myself i'd - but it's too late for me i won't let you fall apart we'll find the perfect place to go where we can run and hide i'll build a wall and we can keep them on the other side ....but they keep waiting ....and picking.. it's something i have to do i was there, too before everything else i was like you" - Nine Inch Nails "The Fragile" ----------------------------- It's my birthday (seriously it is) and the best present ever would be feedback. :-) The_Lady_Disdain@mailcity.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Make new friends, find the old at Classmates.com: http://click.egroups.com/1/5530/3/_/599222/_/961534140/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------- The X-Files Creative Mailing List Archived at http://www.xemplary.com To subscribe, go to http://www.onelist.com/subscribe/xfc-atxc To unsubscribe, write xfc-atxc-unsubscribe@onelist.com Check out the XFC Feedback list http://www.onelist.com/subscribe/xfc-fdbk ---------------------------------- Imported to ATXC courtesy of NewsGuy news service http://newsguy.com