Title - Thy Summer's Play - Epilogue Author - Lady Disdain E-mail - The_Lady_Disdain@mailcity.com Rating - G Category - Description - Story, mytharc Summary - Spoilers - Everything up and through the 7th season Disclaimer: I do not own these characters, Fox does and I'm just borrowing them. I most certainly do not own Nine Inch Nails. I am in no way making any money off of this. ----------------------------- Thy Summer's Play, Epilogue "Little fly, Thy summer's play My thoughtless hand Has brushed away. Am not I A fly like thee? Or art not thou A man like me? For I dance And drink and sing Till some blind hand Shall brush my wing." - William Blake "Little Fly" ----------------------------- The Fragile by Lady Disdain <The_Lady_Disdain@mailcity.com> "as black as the night can get everything is safer now there's always a way to forget once you learn to find a way how in the blur of serenity where did everything get lost? The flowers of naivete Buried in a layer of frost the smell of sunshine i remember sometimes" - Nine Inch Nails "I'm Looking Forward To Joining You, Finally" Her eyes snapped open. Light was pouring in from the window. She was in a hotel room lying on the coral comforter. She bolted upright, her cell phone was on the dresser. She dialed 555-1121. "Mulder." "It's me, Mulder. Where are you?" "I'm in what appears to be a Day's Inn." "Me too. Go out into the hall." She opened the door and sure enough Mulder was there, standing in the hall. For a split second they stood and stared at one another but then their arms found their way around each other. Scully looked up into Mulder's face, "Let's find Skinner." Hand in hand they walked out the door. ***************************************************** Skinner shook his head, "Agents as much as I'd like to believe your story, the facts still remain. Ten years ago the X-Files shut down not because of alien abduction and an unexpected pregnancy. There was some sort of rift in your relationship. Mulder, you went back to VCS to profile. Scully, you started your own practice. Two weeks ago I got a call from the two of you saying you wanted to reopen the X-Files and I was happy to do so. That's all that I can tell you." Scully cleared her throat; "We never went back to Oregon?" "You never went back." Skinner swallowed, "You should know that there was a...rumor that went through the office, Agent Scully. They said that an old flame of yours died and you decided that you had made a mistake. And that you also convinced Agent Mulder that so had he." Scully bit her lip; "You never met my daughter?" "No. You were never even pregnant to my knowledge." Agent Scully took something out from her pocket and laid it on Skinner desk. "We'll be in for work on Monday, Sir." With that she and Mulder left. Skinner slowly picked up the silver necklace; it shined in the sunbeams coming in from the window behind him. With his fingernail he pried open the heartshaped locket and stared at what he found. Inside on the right there was a picture of the Madonna on the left there was a picture of a young girl. She was maybe four or five, she had long brown hair and her mother's eyes and her father's pouty lips... ***************************************************** Mulder sat on the leather couch and accepted the tea Scully offered. Both of their old apartments just happened to be vacant. With their feet propped on the coffee table they watched the rain softly hit the windowpane. He took another sip of the tea and reached for Scully's hand squeezing it softly. "Tell me about our daughter, Scully." ***************************************************** They lay on Mulder's Navaho blanket staring up at the night sky and into the wide expanse of space. A though struck Scully, "Mulder, did I ever tell you I was an amateur astronomer when I was kid?" Mulder turned his head and smiled at Scully, it didn't surprise him, "No, I don't think you have." Scully rested her head on Mulder's shoulder; "Can you find the constellation Leo?" "Yeah, isn't it right there?" Mulder pointed to the southern sky. "That's it. Now look at Leo's tail, that's the star Denebola its part of the Virgo Triangle." Scully pointed, "To the far left of Denebola is Arcturus and the very bright star between the two is Spica, Virgo's knee. Do you know the legend of Virgo?" "Tell me, Scully." "Astraea, the goddess of justice also known as the Maiden or Virgo, moved from town to town in a time of unrest. She was hoping to find peace but everywhere she went she saw only suffering. So Astraea went to live in the heavens and with her she carried a stalk of wheat. With one hand she holds the stalks of wheat and with the other she waves. On the way up some of the wheat broke and scattered grains across the sky. The grains of wheat became stars. Legend says that only people who love peace and justice can see the stars of Virgo. Look Mulder, the star of her waving hand is especially bright tonight. Mulder?" Scully lifted her head up to look in Mulder's eyes and found that they were filling with tears, "What's wrong?" she said softly. Mulder took a deep breath, "Nothing its just...Nurse Owens told me that Starchildren could convert into pure energy and back again, that's how I was able to meet my sister...What if Samantha before the explosion..." They both looked up into the waving hand of Virgo as it shined and twinkled at them. Scully said softly, "I guess we'll always know where she is, Mulder." As Mulder reached his arms around her and hugged her tight. And from that point on whenever Mulder looked up at the constellation Virgo he swore he could smell sunshine and wildflowers. "the smell of sunshine i remember sometimes i've done all i can do could i please come with you? Sweet smell of sunshine I remember sometimes" - Nine Inch Nails "I'm Looking Forward To Joining You, Finally" ----------------------------- Author's Notes: I just love the legend of Virgo and couldn't resist putting it in here *somewhere* and so this Epilogue was born. So what did you kiddos think? Was this series as much fun to read as it was for me to write? Send feedback to: The_Lady_Disdain@mailcity.com Author's Random Rant: I think the shit really hit the fan this season. The good episodes were few and far between which is why I'm playing catch up on the whole mythology thing. You should note that this story is *not* categorized as an MSR and there's a reason for that. (Sorry for raining on all you shipper's parade. Its just not my style.) My idea is that after this they go back to work on the X-Files, sometimes they get along, sometimes they don't, maybe they have a physical relationship, maybe they don't but one thing is certain, they'll get as close to happily ever after as any of us can. ;-) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLICK HERE AND START SAVING ON LONG DISTANCE BILLS TODAY! http://click.egroups.com/1/4125/4/_/599222/_/962506740/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------- The X-Files Creative Mailing List Archived at http://www.xemplary.com To subscribe, go to http://www.onelist.com/subscribe/xfc-atxc To unsubscribe, write xfc-atxc-unsubscribe@onelist.com Check out the XFC Feedback list http://www.onelist.com/subscribe/xfc-fdbk ---------------------------------- Imported to ATXC courtesy of NewsGuy news service http://newsguy.com